
The Strongest and...

My name? you want my name? fine, i'll tell you, its Jack, yeah a typical name i know, but i feel it fits me.

I'm an american body builder and fighter, i used to be in the military but i quit, i didn't really wanna kill people with guns, i want it to be legal and with my own 2 hands. thats why i joined the MMA champion ship fights, but i couldn't kill anyone sadly...

Oh did i forget? sorry, i'm also the strongest human to ever live! sounds cool right? well...when you want to always fight someone on equal or stronger terms than you, then life gets boring.

Well you probably don't want to listen to me ramble, anyways i'm saying this because im currently inside a void, i can't see anything...

You're probably wondering, "Why are you in a void?" well... i died, you can already see that, but how you ask? well its a long story... not really i just like saying that.

So i was walking down the street where people were building a large sky scraper, i paid no mind to it and kept walking while people were staring at me, i mean i am famous, i once beat the previous strongest human to a pulp with minimal injury's.

How strong am i you say? well, i'm by no means on human standards... i can curl a weight thats about 1000 pounds, yep... and its just a little difficult, i can bench press about 6000 pounds, but thats only about 10 times up and down. and yes, i went toe to toe with louis cyr, the previous strongest human to ever live and won.

Louis cyr was a strong man, left me a few bruises but nothing i couldnt walk off. So i was walking under the building of the new sky scraper, until i heard screams all around me and everyone ran away, i was confused and looked up, a large steel beam was heading towards my direction, i could roughly estimate how much it weighed, it was about 300 pounds at most, coupled with its speed would probably crush most humans, but im different, i get into a position most suitable for catching large objects and braced myself, i flexed my muscles and my clothes ripped apart because they couldn't handle the amount of muscles i had.

The large beam crashed down and i caught it, it broke through my hands and landed on my chest, and face. my chest was shattered and my face was caved in, i was barley alive but i knew i wouldnt make it, so as i was breathed my last breath before i could no longer inhale, i exhaled and closed my eyes, never to see the world i was in ever again...

the strongest human to ever live dies by a steel beam he severely underestimated, it was about 1,500, coupled with the height it dropped would make the impact about 8,000 pounds... maybe im not sure, but that would kill anyone else other than him immediately, but he would die too. so yeah, good chapter?

RAAAHHHHHcreators' thoughts