1 Gary Lin

Can you feel it? The heart that beats inside of you. It is steady, and prepares for your accession. Help it find you.

A transport train can be seen  riding down a rocky mountainside. The sun beat down upon the locomotive like a blazing inferno. Inside the whistling behemoth lay forgotten warriors forged by the heat of battle. Fighters, Soldiers, lovers, haters, and ones of all kinds.

The tracks are filled with gravel and regret for some who are guilty, and for some who are vengeful for their wrongful undoing. A warrior is made through the consequences of their own actions through life.

The actions that lead to their awakening is up to them. I've made my choices, time for you to make yours.

The eyes of a young man fling open with a sudden surprise. Fear and anger fill his gaze as a sudden outburst of motion abruptly erupts. He looks upon the scene before him and speaks.

"Where the hell am I? How did I even end up here"? The young man who is named Gary Lin was chained to a wall with metal chains and pins. As the train advances Gary hears the chains that restrict him rattle.

Flashes of the night before fill his mind. Loud gunshots, flesh Tearing, screaming, and shouting. Gary looks at his surroundings for any indication of a chance of escape.

"It seems like I'm in quite the predicament here doesn't it, well I'm an optimistic person so I'm just gonna infer there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this." Gary closes his eyes and sighs. As he does so he hears a voice in his head "Really you're going for optimism"?

"Who said that? Is there someone else here? If so, an explanation would be very appreciated. "No you idiot I'm in your brain" "Haha very funny, no seriously where are you and why am I here"? "If you don't believe me It will end very badly for you for the next thirty minutes" "That's an oddly specific time interval, that makes me mildly concerned for my wellbeing". "It makes me concerned too seeing as I'm in your fucking body"!

"Wait you are actually serious about that"? "Do you see anyone else in the room Gary"!? "Well,no but still- wait how do you know my name"? "I am inside of your brain"! "Oh yeah, that makes sense". "Now listen closely, I need you to break those chains that are holding us" "Are you insane that's solid steel, I'm not that strong"

"You weren't, but now you are. So pull the chains and I guarantee they will snap". "If you say so" In a swift motion Gary pulls on the metal chains and a loud snapping noise can be heard. Gary drops to the ground as the chains hit the floor. "Well I'll be damned, I am that strong" "Told you, now stop messing around we need to get out of here. But I can't talk to you for much longer, I've already given you to much guidance. You'll have to escape on your own."

"Wait you can't just leave me with these newfound abilities and just except me to know what to do"! Gary sat there for a moment awaiting a response, but nothing could be heard. "That son of a bitch." He looks around the until of the train, there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was filled with storage containers and a door could be seen directly adjacent from Gary's position.

"Finnaly a way out of this place" Gary began to walk toward the door and he reached his hand out at the doorknob. A indescribable feeling washed over him, almost as if the world itself was saying don't even think about it. He withdrew his hand from the door and stepped back. He looked at the crack at the bottom of the door and saw a shadow.

"What the fuck was that"? Gary whispered to himself. Gary inhaled deeply but quietly. "I've only been in a few fights in my life, but I won every time! I don't have much experience but I have these new abilities to lean on." Gary slowly approached the door. He grabs the knob and a long gunshot can be heard.

Gary sidesteps out the way and it's almost as if the world is slowed down. Gary watches as a bullet flies through the door and inches from his face. Gary slams the door open causing the person to stumble.

Gary dashes at the man wearing a camo suit and swings at him. The man steps back and fires his handgun. Gary sidesteps once again then pounces forward and grabs the hand the man is holding the gun in. The man fires the gun in surprise, but it has no effect as it hits the roof of the train unit.

Gary crushes the hand of the man causing him to yell in pain and drop the gun. He then proceeds to strike the man in the jaw with a left hook. As this happens the man's jaw shatters completely. Gary then let's go of the man's hand only to hit him with a uppercut to the jaw sending him flying up into the roof of the train unit and landing back on the ground unconscious.

Gary looks at his hands both in awe and regret. "Holy shit, that's terrifyingly amazing. I still need to get out of here, no matter what stands in my way." Gary runs to the end of the train unit and bursts through the door.

In the room there is three men wearing bulletproof vests and armed with handguns and knives. "Shit" Gary whispered to himself. Suddenly the same feeling he felt before occurs once again. Gary feels his brain calculating how to deal with this situation.

Side step, jump forward, right rook, dash forward, Uppercut, pounce left, right jab.

As if he was a programmed computer Gary did just that. He slides to the left avoiding a gunshot then leaps forwards and hooks one of them in the face sending them spiraling unconscious. He dashes forward avoiding another spray of bullets and uppercuts enemy number two sending him flying upwards. Wasting no time Gary jumps to the left and jabs the last foe in the throat rendering him unconscious.

Gary stands there for a small moment. Perplexes by what had occurred moments ago. "My brain feels like a super computer. This is amazing"

Gary picks up one of the handguns and a knife and puts them in his pockets. "Just extra safety measures".

Gary dashes to the door and flings it open. Inside is five men in fancy and flashy clothing sitting a table playing cards. All of them reach for their guns simultaneously, but Gary pulls out his first and points it at them.

"Don't even try it, now I need someone to tell me where the hell I am." All of them stay silent and stare at Gary. "No takers?" Suddenly the lights that fill the train flash red and a alarm sounds. Intruder alert, "You've got to be kidding me" Gary says exasperated.

Gary's senses flare as one of the men shoots at him. He dodges out the way and points his gun at the man. Only one thought filled his mind, am I about to kill this person? Until know he had only knocked people out. This is a life or death situation for the man at the other end of the gun.

Gary knew what he must do though. He pulled the trigger. The bullet fires from the gun and inside the barrel of the man's gun causing the gun to explode.

That was close, I don't want to be a murderer. The man screamed in pain at his bleeding hand and the men began to run to the next train car. Gary rushes and leaps over the table in hopes of catching one, but before he can someone steps in.

A person wearing full camo body armor with two glowing swords on his back along with an Dessert Eagle strapped to his side. He grabs Gary by the collar as he steps into the doorway and lifts him off of the ground.

"What the hell'! The person stared at Gary while he is in his grasp. "Who the hell are you"? Gary says while dangling in the air."I am a Haven elite ranking officer, and I have been dispatched to eliminate you" the person says in a deep and robotic voice.

The elite punches Gary in the gut sending him flying Through the door back into the room he was in before. Gary groans in pain "That fucking hurt". Gary stands up and anger fills his eyes as the elite aproches him.

Gary charges at the elite, but gets closed lined in the face and falls on the ground. The elite stomps the ground, but Gary rolls out the way. He flips back onto his feet only for a fist to meet his face sending him flying into a wall. The elite runs and pins Gary against the wall and begins to rapidly punch Gary in the face.

Blood flies out of his mouth and nose and bruises appear all around his face. Gary kicks the Elite sending him sliding back so he can escape. The elite and Gary exchange blows for thirty seconds. But the elite gains the upper hand and kicks him to the ground.

Gary rolls on the ground bleeding and wounded. The elite pulls out his sword and raises it above his head. When a familiar voice can be heard "Get up dumbass I don't want to die unlike you apparently"! The voice within him shouts. Gary gains a new look in his eyes and rolls out of the way of the sword and flips up back on his feet.

A red aura of energy surrounds Gary as his eyes sparkle the color of an exploding star. A determined look fills his face and he readies himself. "You want a fight, then come get some."

Gary dashes at the elite dodging a barrage of attacks. He moves in close before sending an uppercut into his jaw. The elite stumbles back, Gary wasted no time and sends a heavy hook into his liver. The elite slides to the the side in pain. Gary flips over the elite and grabs his sword.

He swings the sword at the fold of the elite knees causing him to buckle and fall down. Gary then sends a devastating jab into the elite's face causing him to collapse. Gary stands there lightly panting and victorious.

The man who's gun Gary had exploded looked at him with horror. "This can't be possible, you were a prototype, you should have glitched and defects. How the hell are you so powerful"!? Gary walks over to the man in silence filled with a cold rage

He grabs the man by the collar and says "What did you do to me, and why "? The man says "We made you better, we are trying to make the perfect human! Please just don't kill me I'll do anything!

Gary grits his teeth "I don't kill people, I'm not like you". Another man scoffs and says "You are far from what we want you to be, you are definitely not the Pinnacle".

Gary turns and looks at him "I don't care what I am, I just want no part of your bullshit any long than need be". Gary let's go of the man and stands up. "How do I get out of here without any more trouble." The man on the ground points up to a latch on the roof.

Gary looks up and says "perfect, finnaly a break from this shit" Gary jumps up and punches the latch out and lands on top of the train. He balances himself on the top of the train. He stares off at the scenery and his eyes widen.

He finds himself in the middle of a city in a above ground railroad. He sees around him flying cars, futuristic architecture, and many other things. "Just where the hell am I"? Gary sees a jet level itself above the train "uh oh" he says. Out of the jet drops ten more elites. Gary quickly takes a deep breath and jumps off the train.

He lands in the middle of an alleyway in a garbage bin. He crawls out and sighs. He finds a broken mirror leaned against a building. He sees himself for the first time since he got here. His white skin and low fade black hair. His chizled body in which he did not have before. He stands at 6"5 with above average facial features. All the bruises he had accumulated had healed and hate wounds he had regenerated.

Gary takes a deep breath and turns towards the exit of the alley. "Looks like I have a whole new world to explore. I got this" "Don't you mean, we have a whole new world to explore? " The voice within him says. Oh yeah, I mean we. We got this, this is till weird though".
