
Pink Lotus

Wang Yu a young man with a past known to all but himself. stuck inside a Buddhist sect with a half-mad guardian. Watch as he grows strong slowly and uses his brain to survive in a world where death is a release. will Wang Yu keep himself sain or will he get tainted by the muddy waters of the world. Wait to find out as we watch Wang Yu strives to make his legend.

LustDaoist · Eastern
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3 Chs

I took this young zombie’s first time

With a large burst of cheerful energy, all the doll like women squealed in sequence. Freezing in place Wang Yu shivered as a chill went down his back.

After gathering himself, he forced a calm smile and waved at the little girl. She jumped up and hopped and skipped her way over. With a cheerful smile and said "hello!" With an enthusiastic wave.

"Hi... how are you? Are you looking for your parents? I can tell you where the head senior brother is." Said Wang Yu with an awkward look on his face. 'Why does this creepy kid act so wholesome. And who are her parents, why dress your child like a dying corpse. "Sniff!" 'OH MY GOD! She smells like the foot fungus of a bridge troll!'

Wincing he pinches his nose reflexively. Which made the young girl in bandages jump at his face. With a swipe of his robe Wang Yu temporarily covers her view of him.

Using that time wisely Wang Yu activates his space ring and quickly looks threw his inventory. Barely having any time for to hesitating he finds it! "Yes this is it!" Yells Wang Yu.

His yelling catches the young girl of guard and makes her jump back into a defensive stance, but something unusual happens. The normally calm and methodical Wang Yu impulsively jumps forward and with a firm thud he crashes into her.

With a flaying motion Wang Yu covers the girl in a light blue glowing powder and sighs in relief. "Now that I put the smell suppression powder on you, what's your name young zombie."

"Ling! like the sound of jade!"

"What a pretty name." Says Wang Yu with a benevolent smile on his face. Do you need help with anything. I have a few minutes of time before I have to leave with my seniors and juniors."

Long looked up at him with a weird look on her face. As her emotions kept changing. Then out of the blue she jumped up at Wang Yu and hugged him with her immense strength.

Seeing all this happen to him Wang Yu was in the verge of crying. As she hugged him some of the smell suppression powered rubbed off and the horrible smell attacked his nostrils once again. If that was it. It wouldn't be to big of a problem.

She also started to cry what looked like tears of joy from her expression but to Wang Yu it was like tears straight out of a nightmare. Instead of having pure and clear tears she covered him in what looked like dark green sewage. The liquid looked to have a kind of its own and drilled its way into into his pours Seeing this almost made him faint.

One of the things his mad teacher taught him was cleanliness but to a fault. He became a germaphobe. So he hated anything that caused him to be dirty. With out his control the liquid drilled its way into his dantian forming something he couldn't see or control.

Not willing to deal with this little girl any longer he took her to one of the senior sisters in the area. Looking around he choose senior sister Wai Ling. "Senior sister hello I'm Wang Yu I was selected for this mission but as I was getting familiar with the other sect mates I was asked for help by this young zombie girl. I would like to leave her in your hands."

Wai Ling looked at the young girl and frowned. Just leave her with me I'll deal with her but just as Wai Ling reached out her hand hold the girl. The young zombie went behind Wang Yu and said "I want to stay with you and only you I did already give you my first..."

Hearing this Wang Yu's mind went blank. What first. Can I eat it. And when did I take anything from you. Thinking back he remembered the liquid that just took over the center of his dantian. 'Does she mean that?'

Without even explaining himself he said something ambiguous too. "Do you mean that?" Hoping the young zombie still had some brain cells left he hinted at the object in his dantian.

The young zombie girl jumped up and down knowing he understood what she said. Clearing his throat, he once again talked to senior sister Wei Ling and shamelessly said "Ah...the times have changed I the always single Wang Yu am tide to a young zombie girl..." 'ah..I don't even know her name' motioning for her to come out from behind him he whispered "your name is.."

I already said my name is "Ling like the sound of jade." With a dark and musty smile.

"I Wang Yu am now off the market and now bound to Ling like the sound of jade." Said Wang Yu laughing out loud.

"Sorry for wasting you time senior sister as I took this young zombies first time I now have to take responsibility."

Wei Ling look at him like he was a disgusting abomination of a human. Who in their right mind would sleep with a decaying zombie that only lived on because of random principles. To be honest a lot wasn't know about natural zombies. We call them that because there are two types. Natural and reanimated zombies. The natural ones can be formed because of yin Qi, death Qi, and so on. There was even a record stating that a natural zombie was formed from light Qi.

Which is unprecedented because reanimated zombies can be killed only by light Qi that are impervious to all other types of Qi. You could even chop a zombie up and seal each price across the continent and it would still live on.

So when Wang Yu said he was giving her a free zombie she was happy but when she heard what he did to it. She was disgusted beyond belief. With a frown on her face she scoffed and turned around.

The young I mean Ling like the sound of jade called for the group of doll like women to follow her and Wang Yu.