

Stellie2002 · Teen
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The twelve year old girl sat in the police station waiting for her dad, who had been working alot lately. A young boy sat across from her looking quite bored and irritated. Her father emerged from his office along with a man she had never seen before, she ran to her father giving him a tight hug.

"Pineapple, I'm sorry i took so long. This is a friend of mine, Joel McLain." She looked up at the man, who smiled down sweetly at her.

"Hello, sir." She held out her hand and he gently took it shaking it lightly. He smiled at her beautiful green eyes.

"Well aren't you well mannered. Maybe you could give my son some pointers. Alex come here," he said whilst waving his son to come to him. The boy walked over to his dad, shyly coming to a halt next to him. He eyed the little girl with the pineapple shirt.

" Aloha, I'm Arizona Kahananui but everyone call me pineapple."

" I'm Alex. "




"Pineapple, are you coming to the game tonight?" Alex asked looking over the eighth grader doing her homework at the kitchen table. She tried ignoring him but gave up, as per usual.

"No, i heard the quarterback is a complete douche," she said it with a smirk trying to get a reaction out of him. Alex laughed at her, grabbing her books from underneath her hands.

"Well i heard he is handsome and has a huge crush on you." She only rolled her eyes at him getting up from the table to grab a glass of water. Alex rushed to her side grabbing the glass out of her hands and holding it above his head.

"That's hardly fair is it?" She asked looking at his towering figure crossing her arms over her chest trying to look mad, but failing miserably.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" His voice was slow and taunting.

"Tell me Al, have I ever missed a game?" Alex placed the glass on the table, before he could answer Arizona replied for him.

"I can answer that for you, no I haven't. Now will I ever? No. You nor Jo will let me miss it, plus all four of my brothers are playing so I'll be there either way."

The front door burst open, slamming against the wall an exact replica of Arizona came rushing in throwing her bag on the counter. Arizona and Alex turned their attention to the girl.

" Pineapple! You will not believe what Texas did. Oh hello Alex. So Texas tried to steal beer from the convenience store down the street but the cashier caught him and called the police, and it just so happens that dad answered the call at the station and now dad doesn't want him to play in the game today. " The girl rambled on in one long breath, Alex already knew to get her a glass of water because quite frankly this happened alot.

"Wow, Sydney don't you need to breathe?" Alex commented handing her the glass. Sydney took a huge gulp from the glass, but before anyone could reply the door slammed shut and they could hear arguing coming from the foyer. Arizona gave Alex a look and he knew it was time to leave.

Alex grabbed his stuff and Arizona followed behind him, they skill fully avoided the foyer and exited through the back door. She closed the door behind them smiling up at Alex. Alex slung his bag over his shoulder before taking Zoe's small hand in his.

"See you tonight, right pineapple?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Alex." Alex hugged her before walking over to his banged up old car. The car was mostly red but had lots of black paint stripes where Arizona had tried to cover up the scratches.

Before Alex could get into his car Zoe stopped him with her sweet words.

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss?" Alex turned to her a smile playing on his lips.

"I'm saving it for tonight after i won the game."

Alex climbed into his car rolling down the windows, backing out of the driveway. He stopped in the middle of the street poking his head out the window.

"I love Pineapple!" He yelled like always and Arizona just smiled her heart melting even more.


"You okay?" Keano asked placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. She looked up at him tears streaming down both their faces, her eyes drifted to the coffin in the ground and he shook her head. Keano pulled her into his chest whilst one of the officers approached them followed by the Governor of Hawaii. Keano let go of her making his way to his cousin leaving Arizona in the hands of Detective Scott Williams.

"Detective, Governor, thank you for coming." Her stance was formal whilst she talked to her boss.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay to cry." The governor pulled Arizona into her arms soothing her hair and rubbing her back. She pulled away from Arizona and looked at the Detective before them.

"Detective Williams please escort Miss Kahananui to her house Mister Mclain and i have something to discuss." Joel hugged Arizona and followed the governor to her car. The Detective led Arizona to his Camaro, he helped her into the car and she thanked him.

" Is this your house? " The detective asked opening the door for her.

" No, i live here with Joel he's like a second father to me. Would you like to come in for some coffee Detective?" Arizona asked unlocking the door placing her keys on the table and hanging her coat on the rack.

"That would be nice, thank you. And please call me Scott." She showed him to the kitchen turning on the kettle.

"Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee would be fine thanks."

She pulled of her shoes and grabbed two cups from the cupboard. She filled the cups with coffee and placed one down in front of the detective.

"I'm really sorry about your sister."