
Pillow of Hearts: A tale between the warm hug and cold coffee

Moon Young Jae’s homophobic family considered him a disgrace and held his freedom in their clutch. Even with being obedient, he was not free from their abuse. Young Jae was almost blinded and crippled by his father when he stood up for himself for the first time. Left to bleed and die, luckily, he did have a family who wanted to save him. It was twin cousins, who were disowned long before him, who saved him. Sad and hopeless, Young Jae became curious when he met his cousins’ friend, who understood him better than anyone, even without words. Curiosity got the best of him, and he ended by handing his heart, love and soul over a plater as a price. Slowly, Young Jae fell in love with everything about and around Min Jun and eventually fell for the man. Calculative Wang Min Jun entered Young Jae’s life accidentally. He challenged Young Jae's belief with a warm smile and flipped Young Jae’s world upside down. Min Jun read Young Jae like an open book. He planned to get over the little crush he had on his seniors' cousin brother but failed miserably. Min Jun did not like the often-visited ‘frown’ between those beautiful eyebrows and even the always singing of ‘sigh’ through those sinful lips. Min Jun made it his mission to change it only to fall for everything about Young Jae. Wang Min Jun carried his share of baggage, but he was well-prepared to meet the demons from the past head-on. But Young Jae became a mess whenever his past demons decided to pay a visit. He realised he did not have to face anything alone as he has a wonderful boyfriend who cherishes everything about him. Both faced their past demons and trauma together. When a person betrayed by a family fell in love with a person who holds his family above everything, sparks flew, and hearts soared in happiness. Will their story has a harmonious bell, or would it be a sea of misery? Teaser: Files were shattered all over Min Jun’s bed, and his laptop was placed on the bedside table. It chimed once in a while, indicating a new email for him to check. The work was piling more and more as he was diligently finishing it. Young Jae walked into his boyfriend’s bedroom to witness his handsome lover working hard. "Jun Jun! Are you busy?" Even though Young Jae did not want to disturb his lover, he knew he needed some help to impress his boss. "Never for you, love. Tell you what you need?" Min Jun did not lift his head from the file he was going through, but the warmth in his voice reached Young Jae's heart without fail. "Do you have a minute to help me in reviewing my monthly internship report? I have to present to our boss tomorrow morning." Young Jae pouted as he asked. Min Ju looked at his adorable tokki and smiled mischievously. "You are brave, asking your superior to help you sneakily. I can't do it for free. I need a huge bribe to help you. What are you planning to offer?" "Be serious. You have too much work to do." Young Jae chided his shameless boyfriend, who never failed to seize every opportunity to make him moan and groan as he takes him to the pleasurable heaven. "Exactly. I have too much work to do. If I am taking my time to help you, I need something in return. Something so tempting that I don’t mind cramping lots of things later." Min Jun smiled like a devil he was as he grabbed Young Jae towards him. The little rabbit who fell into the cunning wolf's lap did not even get a chance to protest as he was devoured breathlessly. Young Jae forgot why he entered the wolf's lair altogether. Min Jun pushed the files away to make space for his little rabbit to lay down comfortably. Young Jae’s report was long forgotten as a treacherous hand started to caress him again under the shirt as a sinful sound filled the room. P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH BDSM. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s

vjey · LGBT+
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549 Chs

Drunk Dial

"Why did you leave me all alone here?" the question of drunk Henry made Min Jun let out a defeated sigh.

"I will be coming back to Germany soon, Henry. Remember? I am yet to finish my studies." Min Jun decided to speak to the drunk boy patiently. 

Young Jae understood English somewhat but not much. He started to learn English when he was in middle school. But it stopped when he got kicked out of Moon family. So His English was rusty, and Min Jun spoke with an accent which was hard for him to follow. He tried to make sense out of the words he understood here and there. The line 'coming back to Germany soon' put Young Jae under a dilemma.

"Even if... you come back, you don't… you… you don't... want me… You don't want me anymore… what di… did... I do? I... lobe... you… I… only… love you… why… hate me..." The drunk Henry asked whimpering.

Min Jun's guilt was no bounds at that moment. "I don't hate you, Henry. I care about you. I know it is painful, but I would never lead you on with fake promises and sweet words. I know it wouldn't change anything, but I am sorry." 

Young Jae found Min Jun's way of speaking English attractive.

"Mervin… Please… I… really wanna… see… you… now..." the slur in Henry's voice increased. 

Wang Min Jun's English name was Mervin Wang. Min Jun was helpless.

"I want to see you and talk to you too, Henry. I will come to Germany soon. First, tell me who you are drinking with…" Min Jun decided to make sure Henry Davies was safe before he engages the broken-hearted drunk man in his talk.

"No one… Ain't I... always... alone..." 

Min Jun felt like trash for putting the poor man through the pain.

"Are you in the usual club? Or somewhere else?" The desperation was evident at Min Jun's voice.

"Usey… Uu...Usual..." Henry struggled to answer properly as his words slurred.

Min Jun cursed out. The vulnerable drunk man in the BDSM club is an invitation to many doms. Many doms had their eyes on Henry Davies, the migrated British man who was an adorable little sub. No one ever came near Henry majorly because he already had a dom. A dom that packed a punch and wouldn't hesitate to get blood on his hands for his little sub.

Min Jun's never liked to share his sub, which did not make any sense for a few other doms. But Min Jun never shared partners, and he was not into exhibitionism or performing a scene in front of the audience. He always enjoyed watching scenes, but he would never put himself and his sub out like that. He believed that it was people's choice, and he has no right to judge others kink.

At this point, Min Jun could only hope that Henry was sane enough to get the right bracelet and not put himself in a vulnerable situation. 

"Which bracelet are you wearing Henry? Be my good boy and tell me that." Min Jun demanded Henry but still was too polite. The soft tone of the voice even pertained while Min Jun ordered.

Min Jun was standing near Young Jae, and Young Jae had no option but to hear the conversation. Eye being closed really heightened his sense of hearing. When Min Jun's tone grew softer, husky but at the same time demanding, it sent tingling all over Young Jae's body. The goosebumps were so pleasant. Young Jae wished he could listen to Min Jun talk like that all day long.

Henry breathed twice before answering his dom desiring to be his good boy.

"Black." Min Jun released a sigh. Thankfully Henry didn't put himself in a disadvantage even when he wanted to get sloshed.

White bracelet means looking for dom and available. Red bracelet means looking for fun but not a dom. Green signifies that one was looking for a dom. Blue suggest others can only talk whereas yellow conveys that the sub was up for a play. Black bracelet meant for refusals - refusal to be touched and refusal to speak to others unless the bracelet owner initiates the talk.

Nurse finished helping Young Jae from sponge bath and helped him with the robe. She left after send a polite smile over to Min Jun.

"Good boy! I was pleased to hear that you chose to wear a black bracelet." Min Jun praised Henry for attempting to be safe.

Young Jae shivered unconsciously as he heard the word 'good boy' in Min Jun's voice. He felt delightful for unknown reasons. 

"Do you see Matt anywhere, Henry?"

"No... sir..." Henry's word made Min Jun to only sigh in defeat.

"Give me a minute, Henry. I will put your call on hold and call Matt, and I will talk to you right away. Where are you seated in the club?"

"On the side of bar… left... no right... left... I don't know... But seco..second… floor" Henry tried to answer correctly, eagerly to please his dom who was so close to letting go of the bond a few weeks back. He was ready to do anything to keep his dom with him.

"My sweet boy. You are being good for me. Please wait for me to get back on the call with you… While waiting for me, get some warm water and drink it. No more alcohol. Okay..." Min Jun placed Henry's call on hold and called Mathias Krause.

The call was picked on 7th ring, almost when it gets automatically disconnected, making Min Jun understand his good friend's reluctance to pick the call.

"Hey, Matt! Buddy, I need help." Min Jun had always been someone who never hesitates to ask for help when needed, even if it was from someone who punched him on the face for something he didn't even do.

"Audacity of you to think I will help an ungrateful bastard like you!" Matt asked, unbothered. The tone of laziness sounded as if he was dismissing Min Jun's concern.