
Accidental Flirting

Young Jae never expected Min Jun to own Howlers. He blinked at his boyfriend, a little baffled.

"Because someone does not like to know anything about me. I was respecting that." Min Jun pulled Young Jae's leg teasingly.

Young Jae would have thought his boyfriend was upset with him if the playful smile and teasing glint in his eyes had not been present.

"I…. Mmmm…" Young Jae blinked, looking for an excuse to change the topic of conversation. And he quickly thought of a topic to divert from the topic. 

"I thought you were Baby Doll's bodyguard. So I misunderstood it." Young Jae asked his boyfriend.

"I am her bodyguard." Min Jun laughed as he was indeed Baby Doll's bodyguard.

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