
Pillar of Heaven

A fractured world, where magic and prophecy are commonplace and gods battle for the right to rule over all others. This is the story of one man's fight to change fate before tragedy strikes.

Soledad_Panther · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Chance Encounter (1)

It had been nine days since Issar left South Harbor, he'd started his journey by ship but would have to complete the rest on land. Despite covering over half of the distance to his destination the remainder of the trip would take well over double the time he'd already been traveling.

Issar was currently in the port city of Naram waiting for an escort caravan, it was nearly impossible for average people to travel long distances over land without escort knights since the risk of bandits, drakes, or any other danger was simply too high. Issar had found the cheapest caravan to the Arcane Citadel as possible but it still cost well over half his total funds.

Well worst case scenario I have to sell this sword, Issar thought as he looked at the blade on his hip.

He would have sold it already if not for the fact that it would have given away his identity as the Lakanis estate intruder, but now that he was hundreds of miles away from the crime he wouldn't need to worry anymore. Other than the sword the only belongings Issar had were the guard's leather armor and boots, a woolen coat, a water canteen, and a steel dagger.

After what felt like an eternity the rest of the caravan had assembled, Issar counted about a dozen civilians, three horse-pulled wagons, and eight escort knights each riding atop a horse. Among the civilians, there seemed to be two merchant groups and about five individual travelers like Issar.

"Alright if everyone is here then we'll set off now," shouted one of the knights who seemed to be the captain, "let's keep it four people to a wagon."

Stepping into the wagon Issar analyzed his fellow passengers, on his right was a young man around twenty, possibly a lower caste noble based on his silk clothes. On the other side were a beautiful young woman and a large middle-aged man with a shaven head. They seemed to be traveling together since they both had matching cloaks.

"Hi I'm Jabari," spoke the young man, "A pleasure to travel with you all."

"Likewise Jabari," the woman replied, "I'm Mell, and this is my attendant Ittan." she gestured to her silent companion.

Jabari was a bit shorter than Issar with curly hair and sun-tanned skin, he had the sharp features typical of someone from the Masar empire. Mell on the other hand was a bit lighter than was typical of Masari women, her hair as well was a dark brown rather than the normal black. 

"I'm Issar, glad to meet y'all," he spoke.

"And where are you both heading to?" Mell asked.

"The Arcane Citadel," Jabari replied.

"Same here" added Issar.

Upon hearing their responses the hooded man, Ittan, seemed to show interest in the conversation for the first time shooting them both a glance.

"Well, It seems Fate planned our meeting since we're all heading to the same place. Are you both applying for apprenticeship as well?"

"Yeah," Issar nodded but Jabari shook his head, "I'm already an apprentice, however, I had to return to Naram for my brother's investiture ceremony."

So he's not just a noble but also a fairly high caste, Issar noted.

"I see your brother must be lord Saras Maiyan," Mell said, "However correct me if I'm wrong but your family is of the warrior caste rather than the mage caste no?"

Jabari nodded in agreement, "You're right my family are warriors however my mother is from the Makili family. May I ask what family you come from, my lady?"

Mell gave an awkward smile, "Just a minor lordship in the southwest, house Aram, I hope to earn an alchemy apprenticeship. What about you Issar?"

"Well," he started then hesitated, "I guess my father's house is Katasi though I don't use the name much."

"Katasi, as in Amari Katasi? Your father is a chancellor at the Arcane Tower?" Jabari asked, clearly not expecting Issar to have such a background, even the composed Mell and Ittan seemed taken aback.

Well I can't blame them, I have the appearance and personality of a slum rat. Who'd think I have such a big name behind me?

"Yeah that's him," Issar confirmed, "Haven't seen him in ages though."

"Family can be like that at times," Ittan stated, opting to speak for the first time.

After that Issar fell out of the conversation, not comfortable with the noble jargon of investiture and inheritance that Jabari and Mell were conversing about.

The heir to a minor lordship? Yeah right.

Issar was clever enough to recognize that there was more to the odd duo than met the eye.

Will this encounter be a blessing or a curse? he wondered.

The next few days of the journey were relatively peaceful, they made good time covering well over ten miles a day. Issar fell into a comfortable rhythm, conversing with Mell and Jabari during the day and assisting with camp setup once it grew dark.

Issar found himself glad to have company, even if they were nobles.

"Halt!" shouted Eranis, the captain of the knights. "We'll be moving through hills from this point forward, that means bone drakes, razor wings, and Iron hides. They don't attack large groups, so make sure not to wander off on your own."

Issar wasn't unfamiliar with drakes, the miniature dragons were common enough along coastlines or areas without human settlements. He still remembered the time he and Nakaris had to scale a tree to avoid one.

"Are drakes dangerous?" Mell asked turning to her attendant.

"As long as we don't encounter a Kingdrake we will be fi... " Ittan paused.

"Ittan? Is something the matter?" asked Mell confusion clouding her delicate eyes.

Suddenly the same searing pain Issar felt in the woods returned, the only difference now was that the pain was concentrated in his stomach.

"Hey, you alright Issar?" Jabari asked.

Do I fucking look alright? Issar thought as he writhed in his seat.

"It's an ambush, somebody powerful at that, stay near me Mell," spoke Ittan as he stood, unsheathing a sinister-looking curved sword.

"hey wait, what's going on?" Jabari began to stand.

Right at that moment a vicious roar shook the air.

"What is that!" Mell shouted as she covered her ears.

"Kingdrake!" Ittan shouted, "Get down!"

Before Issar could even process what was happening the wagon exploded, a flurry of scales and flame revealed itself as Issar caught sight of the monstrous Kingdrake. Despite having four legs it stood at least twice as tall as an average man, its head and body crowned with stone-like spikes. Its scales were a dull green which contrasted the deep yellow of its reptilian pupils.

Jabari was the first to go, he remained paralyzed in fear as the drake's jaw closed in, snapping his frail body bones and all. 

"Jabari!" Mell screamed tears welling in her eyes, "Oh my god he's dead."

"My Lady compose yourself!" Ittan shouted, "I'll distract it, go find one of the escort knights and have them take you away."

Issar was still struggling to pick himself up due to the pain when a brilliant light burst from Ittan's sword. 

Blade Aura, Issar thought, He's a Master.

The large man shot toward the drake with an inhuman speed, he maneuvered past the beast's swiping claw and slashed at its soft underbelly drawing blood and a roar from it.

Spinning back around, the swordmaster gave the Kingdrake no time to breathe as he jumped onto its back and tried to impale the monster. 

I need to get away, Issar thought, this isn't a fight for humans.

Issar turned and started running, he hadn't noticed before but the other wagons were all destroyed, bodies laid strewn about. In the near distance, Issar could see Mell running towards a post that had two horses tied to it. The captain, Eranis, was furiously trying to untie the ropes.

Despite her head start, Issar and Mell reached the captain at the same time. 

"Here!" the captain shouted, shoving the reins of one of the horses into Issar's hands, "You ride with me, my lady," 

Mell nodded as she mounted the horse behind Eranis. Issar had never ridden a horse before but now was as good a time as any to learn. Clutching the reigns he watched Eranis and tried to mimic his actions to start the horse. 

"Hyah!" Issar shouted as the powerful steed burst into motion.

In the background, he could still hear Ittan facing down the mighty Kingdrake.

Definitely not a battle for humans, Issar thought as he rode into the distance.