
1 - The News

The ringing of my phone shakes me awake from a very vivid dream. A dream that has been repeating since I turned 16, though I haven't had it in a while.

It's always the same, never changing. I'm lways in a purple dress, walking in the fields and someone keeps calling my name, though I couldn't tell where his voice was coming from. The fog is so thick and white, leaving me practically blind, trying to follow the sound of his voice, though I always try, stumbling through the alleys.

I always wake up right before I get closer and closer. Like a game of Marco Polo that can never end. What gets me is that everytime I have the dream, it's so realistic. I wake up with goosebumps all over from the cold of the surrounding fog in the dream, as if I was physically there.

Ring. Riiiing. 🎶🎶🎶


"Seriously? How the hell did you not tell me?!?" the voice of my best friend, Luc, pierces through the silence of the night.

"Shhh. Are you crazy? Its..." I squint at the clock on my dresser, "1 in the damn morning, Luc."

"Please! How in the hell did you not tell me about South Korea?"

Crap. How the hell did he know already?

"I can hear your thoughts you know." He sighs, "Your mom texted me earlier and I just got the chance to read it now. South Korea? Really A? Can you even live by yourself?"

What? "Excuse you, I've been living by myself for five years now and-,"

"Yeah," he interrupts, "not the same. I've always been a 15 minute walk from you. And your mom a 30 minute train ride away. How are you going to make it without us?"

Hmmph. "Okay, first of, I am totally a dependable, strong woman. Second, I have you guys, you're practically a phone call away."

"Yeah, and 18 hours away physically. Are you nuts?"

A take a deep breath, I know he's just worried. I've known Luc for practically my whole life, met him at middle school and he's been my best friend ever since. He's always been like my protective older brother, even though he is only older by 2 months. "I'll be fine. It's a great opportunity and the fact that I was chosen is really something to be proud of, I-"

"Oh, don't misinterpret, I am proud of you! I just..." His sigh can be heard loudly through the phone. I heard the worry. There was also a hint of sadness in there that made my heart hurt. I forced a smile, knowing he'll hear it in my voice. Luc always gets me. Always. And this isn't any different, "I'll be fine. I'm excited for this, Luc. Really!" A bit worried too but I don't want him to know that. All he needs is a little something, anything really, and he'll try his best to stop what he probably thinks is a crazy decision.

I am excited!

But I am also petrified.

Can I really make it? Will I be able to do what I was chosen to do successfully? In a country I honestly know nothing about safe for the few things I learned in Google this morning? I shake my head, No! I wouldn't let the doubts that Luc's worry brought out to take over.

I can do this! This is the new beginning I've been waiting for.

"Hey," I interrupt his rambling of all the dangerous things that could happen, he probably found a list of "Dangers of Single Women Traveling blog or something, because it sounds like a damn checklist he's currently reciting, "remember when we were 16 and I said I will reach somewhere? Someway, my new beginning will come for me?"

He takes a second, probably trying to find that moment in our memories since we have so many together, "The time you were spouting about Mikrosos or something like that?


I roll my eyes and correct him, "Mikrosmos, and yes, that time. Well, this is it. That time, It's come."

"Aria Montgomery! Those were ramblings of a damn teenager."

"To you, probably," I could feel my heartbeat increasing, "I meant them. I knew then that something was going to happen and I had to take it. I just didn't know when." I knew from an early age there was something, I was destined more than this mundane, everyday, existence. I worked my ass of in school for something. Anything. And I felt it. The minute I opened that letter. My English professor's recommendation letter containing another envelop that had a foreign address on it. I felt it.


But also a sense of fate.

And this was before I opened the envelop.

We were silent for a few minutes, each lost in what this meant for us and our relationship.

Finally, I had to break the silence. I wasn't used to it when it came to Luc and I, "I'll be fine, Luc. Plus, we can always video chat and text and stuff. The AirBNB that the company got for me has wifi. Plus, it's in a pretty safe neighborhood. You have nothing to worry about, promise."

I crossed my fingers, hoping against hope he doesn't hear the little waver I felt when I said that. I hated to worry Luc or my mom. They both are the only family I have and I hate to worry them.

Finally, he responds. "When is your flight?".

I close my eyes in relief, "On Saturday, at 1 PM from JFK."

"I'll take you. Tell Liv not to worry. And we better see each other every day leading to Saturday. I want to make sure you don't lose what little brain cells you have left between now and then."

I chuckle a little at that, "Yes, sir." Hearing his chuckle through the phone lifted the weight on my shoulders a little, knowing he found acceptance in this. He'll still worry, but I also know he knows this was a great chance for me.

"What am I to do with you, A?"

"Uhm, just never leave me?"

"There's more chance of hell freezing over than of that happening."

That made me smile, "Love you."

"Love you more, A. G'night."


I didn't breathe a sigh of relief until I heard the line click. Crisis averted.

At least for now.

Next chapter