
Picking Up Useless Girls in Apocalypse

The apocalypse has hit hard. Humans found a new gate-like thing in Antarctica and went ahead to work hard and soul for two years to open it. Now due to those stupid scientists, we are facing the apocalypse. Hordes of demons and monsters came out of the door with a horrible purple mist. Now almost ninety percent of the population is wiped out. Demons and their nests occupy the earth now. If that wasn't the worst part, there's more. How many of us are left, we have to hard to survive. Everyone groups up together to survive. Each person does something important, so the group can go on longer until they can find shelter. Well, that's what normally happens. But in my case, something miserable happened. If this were not the apocalypse, I would enjoy my time but considering my life is at risk every single moment; I can't help but notice this as you can see the three of them walking behind me, carrying bags, getting all sweaty with their beautiful faces and their perfectly shaped bodies. They look tempting, right? If you think that, then you are not fit to survive the apocalypse. Let me tell you, my friend, those girls are absolutely useless in terms of anything that requires skills to survive. Unless it's carrying the weight, they can't do anything. And my bad luck, I can't get any better companions to survive this hell. Luckily I got the support of a system that lets me become stronger every time I kill a monster or demon. But my life isn't getting any easier, is it?

reldegart · Action
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22 Chs

Chapter 9

I changed from my usual clothes into the new ones that Dozer gave me. These fit me perfectly. Although I never wore tight jeans before, I didn't have any problem walking or even running with them. Being slim helps a lot. The T-shirt was also lovely, but I doubt this will last more than a few weeks outside. But the new jacket that he gave me became my favorite. Not leather, but still, it not only looked fabulous but had a lot of pockets, indeed a necessary thing. I moved about in front of the large mirror in Linda's room. Others were sitting in her bed. The bed was king-size; the girls all planned to sleep there together. I don't have any complaints. But the only problems are that Dana and Aria became very close with this girl Linda. I liked her too, but at the same time, my subconscious mind didn't like her all that much. Martha sent a message that she wanted to talk to me about something urgent, and she told me to go to her room after I got ready.

Linda will take me to her.

"Miss Linda, Let's go meet grandma Martha." I seemed like interrupted the girls, but they didn't seem to mind all that much. And who cares what they think.

"No need to call me, miss." Linda laughed. "Just call me Linda, like how you call Dana."

"No problem, now please show me the way."

Linda got down from the bed reluctantly, as I could see it. There are no friends here of her age, so she felt happy with Dana and Aria. Whatever is the cause, we will be leaving the following day. So, none of this truly matters.

I followed her out of the room, and we walked for a bit until we reached Grandma Martha's room. Normal as like Linda's room. I don't know what I was expecting, by the way.

"Come in, child." Grandma Martha said as she saw us. She pointed at a wooden stool, "Sit here."

I did as she asked. "You wanted to talk about something."

"Yes," She looked at Linda, "Linda, my dear, please close the door and stand outside. Let no one else come in."

Linda nodded her head looked at me once with worried eyes, and then left as she closed the door behind her. I wonder what was there to be concerned about.

"She is a nice girl, isn't she?" Grandma Martha looked at me and said.

"Yes, she is." A mistake I made by saying this. I didn't know back then.

"By the way, what kind of demon was it in the building that you stayed in last night? How strong was it?" Grandma Martha got a serious tone in her voice, and she didn't seem like she was joking. I got serious too. How the hell did she know about it. I didn't answer anything and looked at her with a deep frown. "Don't worry, dear. I do not want to harm you. As you can see, to survive here, we need to scout a lot. And John, the old man you met when coming here, saw you enter the building where that nasty demon lived."

I sighed, "It was called a Purple Demon. Strong, fast, and smart. He was able to communicate with me quite well. Unlike any other monsters, I have seen before."

"Yet, you managed to kill it. Right?"

"Yes, I did kill it at the end but with a rather high cost. If I weren't fast enough, Dana and Aria both would have died." I don't know why I was worrying about those useless girls, but I did for some reason. Maybe after being together for so many days, I have grown soft at them. I am becoming a fool.

"What happened to your body then? John said you were much chubbier than you are now." Grandma Martha said casually that people left and right got slim fitted every day.

"Before I say anything, I want to know why you are asking so many questions." I got a bit serious, I wasn't too rude, but I would have to disclose information about the system if I wanted to answer her questions correctly without lying. And I didn't want to lie to her. She seemed such a nice woman.

"Can you feel it?" She looked at her left. That was the way towards the center of the city. Did she mean about it? Maybe. "The lingering fear. As if you are going to be devoured right away. Your legs want you to run as fast as you can. Run from this city." My eyes almost went out of their socket after what she said. She meant it.

"Yes, I can feel it too." I said, "That is also another reason I don't want to stay with you guys any second more than I need to."

"I have a special gift after all this happened. I can see glimpses into the future, partially reading people's thoughts. But I cannot read yours. I cannot see what you are going to do. But after seeing you, I trust you." Grandma Martha closed her eyes for a few seconds as she said all this.

"What do you see about the future?" If it were before I got the system, I would have laughed out loud. But now, I had a broader vision of the world. Anything could happen.

"If we stay here, we will die within a month." Grandma Martha said. "We need to get away from this city. Daytime is safe enough to move, but where are we going to move? We need to secure a location before we move." She looked directly at my eye, "You can guess what I mean, right?"

I was lost in my thoughts. She wanted my help to secure another location out of this city so that they could move before whatever caused that fear attacks.

"What do you think is causing the fear?" I asked.

"I can guess; it's a demon." Grandma Martha said with a slight look of terror in her eyes, "But many thousand times stronger than the one you have fought in that building. It's a true source of terror, and it knows that we are here. I don't know why it's not attacking us yet."

Many thousand times stronger than the purple demon, I wonder. There is absolutely no way I will fight a demon like that. The best course of action is to avoid it altogether.

"If it is as strong as you say it is. We might not seem like a worthwhile target for it to attack."

"That could be, but the visions I see will come to be if we do not do something." Grandma Martha finally sat down on her bed after pacing in the room.

"What do you ask of me then?" I said.

"Although I just met you, I can trust you. I see no visions that show you harm us. Even if you are not helpful, you are not an enemy. All I want is for you to secure a place for us, right outside the city."

She looked at me with that same pity, but this time it wasn't meant for me.