
Modifying One's Body, Transforming Into A Dragon For The First Time

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

I've οbtained the Fire Dragon bloodline?

Meng Lei looked absolutely bewildered. Previously, when he had picked up the Fire Dragon Manual, he had even found it a white elephant. After all, he couldn't practice it, so what use was there to it, no matter how impressive it was?


He had still been frustrated the last second, and then he immediately picked up the Fire Dragon bloodline the next second? Wasn't this kinda ridiculous?

However! I may have picked it up, but it's not like they can force me to assimilate it if I don't want to, isn't it?

With that in mind, Meng Lei was just about to communicate with the system when a bunch of crimson flames unexpectedly appeared in his body. Then, they separated into countless sections and turned into innumerable tiny fire dragons. These fire dragons instantly darted into all his limbs and bones, fusing with every single inch of his blood and flesh!
