
Comparable To A Fire Dragon, Two Types of Bloodlines

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Host: Meng Lei

Race: Human (Contains Fire Dragon bloodline and Fire Demon bloodline)

Wealth: 182,915 gold coins

Physical Body Constitution: Seventh-Grade Warrior (14,878/50,000)

Spirit: Sixth-Grade Magician (7,102/10,000)

Magic Power: Sixth-Grade Magician (6,919/10,000)

Spell(s): Some increase

Battle Aura Technique(s): Fire Dragon Manual

Battle Skills: Some increase

"My Physical Body Constitution was still 7,000-odd points previously, but it has reached as high as 14,878 points now! The increase is pretty dramatic!"

Meng Lei was greatly comforted as he stared at his personal stats. After the last three months of painstaking cultivation, all of his various attributes had increased by quite a few times!