
Phoenix Phire

Nicholas Phire was sentenced to life in prison without any possibility of parole. Because of the mercy of a lonely prison guard, a new world is presented to him. Nix finds himself in the Virtual World of Colonial with a hundred-year assignment as Lifestyle player in the Gladis Hub. Will Nix stay in the remote village located on the polar Ice Cap? Or does adventure await for the man whose life was supposed to be over? For now, I am releasing daily chapters of 1500-2000 words. Follow us on discord! https://discord.gg/tCJXKTxCAU New Instagram channel opened @bocazador

BotwaCazador · Games
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Sand Killers

The old mage glared suspiciously at the Dhassi group lingering near the Gemini Temple portal. He ran a hand through his thick white hair while considering if he should make them leave.

"Whatever you are about to do, stop now." Semmi glanced up from the dagger game she had been playing with Wind. "If that group is in the Temple, then they are cleared to be here."

Wind hid a smile and put his blades away. "I dunno, Pon. Those Su'Dhassi look shifty to me. Let's push them a bit to make sure they aren't up to something."

Pon nodded in agreement and strode toward the group.

Semmi punched Wind in the arm. "The hell are you doing? Never agree with anything he says!"

Wind shrugged helplessly. "Just a bit of fun... Relax Sem."

Pon's wrinkled face was the picture of innocence when he approached the group while whistling a soft tune.

/Alpha: Wind: Is that the 'Yellow Rose of Texas?'

/Alpha: Semmi: Yep. He whistles that when we're making beer.