
Phoenix Phire

Nicholas Phire was sentenced to life in prison without any possibility of parole. Because of the mercy of a lonely prison guard, a new world is presented to him. Nix finds himself in the Virtual World of Colonial with a hundred-year assignment as Lifestyle player in the Gladis Hub. Will Nix stay in the remote village located on the polar Ice Cap? Or does adventure await for the man whose life was supposed to be over? For now, I am releasing daily chapters of 1500-2000 words. Follow us on discord! https://discord.gg/tCJXKTxCAU New Instagram channel opened @bocazador

BotwaCazador · Games
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Remis Camp

Nix stepped into his command tent, his eyes glancing at the black Orion curled up on his bedroll. "Rule number one, if you're tagging along, keep off my bed."

Del moved to a nearby cushion and sat with her back toward him.

/Alpha: Chiba: Is that the Ain'Dhassi you saved in Ever Flame?

/Alpha: Nix: Yep.

/Alpha: Wind: You said Sinfaya's people are leading the rebellion? What was his name?

/Alpha: Nix: Cathor. We'll find him as soon as I get a report from Darsi.

Raine Xai has joined Inferno.

Pon's old face split into a wide grin when he read the message. "Looks like Fajii had that talk with Tura Raine."

"Shut up, bastard." Nix accessed his inventory and pulled out the Eidelgal armor. It was tinted green and had base stats superior to his Nether King Armor, but he hadn't bothered to mod it since he wasn't planning on using it.

"New armor boss?" Wind smiled slyly, "or is that a betrothal gift from the Xai Clan?"