
Phoenix in MHA

Richard Lee is an half asian guy who died and met a ROB. He got his wishes and got reincarnated into My hero academia world. *Warnings* This is a slow paced novel. No harem He might be little OP. I don't own the cover pic.

Rolling_thunder_ · Action
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18 Chs

Chapter 16: Entrance exam 3

I looked at the huge robot that made an appearance. It started thrashing buildings just by moving and you could see a lot of panicked examinees are flying away from it. Some people even helped others escape. I saw this and decided to show off a little. It's very hard to not show off when you have cool powers that could awe others.

I was standing atop of a large building, I started running from the middle of the terrace and jumped with all my might. I reached a pretty good altitude. I then proceeded to transform myself into phoenix. This time it's the full transformation. Blue and yellow flames covered me from top to bottom. My legs changed to claws or more specifically talons with very sharp finger nails. My hands turned into fiery wings and face started to morph into a face of a fiery bird with incredibly sharp beak.

After the transformation there was a sagely aura to me that everyone could see. I let out a phoenix cry which attracted most of the people in the field and maybe many in the observation room. I stopped my fiery wings and dated towards the zero pointer.

* General POV*

Everyone who was looking at the phenomenon was shocked. Most of them initially thought it was another trap but when they saw the blue flaming bird form and rush towards the giant robot they felt relieved and amazed.

Random Guy A: what the hell is that? Is this a quirk?

Random girl A: wow that bird looks so pretty, would they let me pat it.

Random girl B: It is not a normal bird, it might be a transformation quirk. I don't know about its power but it looks awesome.

*Kenji POV*

I darted towards the zero pointer and spread my flames all over the body and made it cover me as a whole. I spread my flames into the wings to make it even bigger and hotter. I didn't use any kind of attack. I just flew right through the bot and it resulted in a gaping hole in it's torso. After I came out of other side I stood atop of the falling giants head and made a phoenix cry.

I observed the surrounding and made sure examinees are not stuck under any rubble caused by the fall of the zero pointer. I didn't transform back and observed everyone like they were prey. After the dust settled in and everyone was looking at me with awe and fear I slowly transformed back . The flames slowly receded and revealed a handsome teenager, that's me.


I slowly walked forward with a small smile on my face.

Kenji: Is everyone alright. If you are hurt please inform the candidate next to you. If any of your see any wounded please help them to safety.

Just as I finished my main character speech, The announce rang that the exam is over.

The examinees near me gathered around me and started to ask me questions like, 'what's your name?' ' what's your quirk' ' what's your phone number' 'do you have a girlfriend' ' how do you train your quirk' 'Are you into guys?'

Kenji: "Hey who was the one that asked the last question? Come out"

There was absolute silence, I didn't want to stay there anymore and walked away from there. Althought it fells good to show off but the attention afterwards is a bit tiring. You have to be absolutely shameless to enjoy these things and 'according to my family heritage I am very close to attaining that realm', this statement was by my dear mother and grandmother since they both married a shameless Yamamoto.

I walked away from the area and reached the gate where the students are gathered and they were discussing something about their exam or about the zero pointer Incident. We were all waiting for the bus to collect is and drop us near the entrance because the exam is finished.

While I was waiting for the bus I felt someone coming close to me. I turned back to see a brown haired beauty with blue eyes.

Brown haired beauty: Hello, I'm Itsuka kendo, thank you for the help during the zero pointer Incident. If not for you or might have been a little dangerous for me, as I would have been injured pretty bad.

Kenji: You are welcome. I'm Yamamoto Kenji.

Kendo: I hope we can meet in the future.

Kenji: Yeah sure.

She said goodbye and walked away from me. I looked at her while she was walking away and then remembered that she was the class monitor of 1-B. I seriously have memory issues, I should've talked about something. Oh well, we would have changed in future anyway.

I felt a malicious gaze on me, I turned to look there, where I saw a midget of 2 get with purple colour balls in top of his head. The second I saw him I recognised him. He was the most entertaining guy in class 1-A, Minoru Mineta.

And then a smirk formed on my face and mouthed ' Are you jealous?' The reaction he gave was hilarious. He made a face like I kidnapped his mom or something.

Kenji: Hahahaha.

I was laughing my a*s off. I saw Mineta who shouted seeing me laugh

Mineta: The next time I see you I'll take my revenge.

Then the buses came and we started boarding. Guess who sat next to me? It's our nightmare...drum roll pleas.. Mineta - the greatest pervert of MHA.

Kenji: Oi grape head, you said something about taking revenge the next time you saw me. When are you going to do that?.

Mineta was literally crying blood at this point. He must be frustrated that he couldn't escape. This was a funny episode. I hope he does select in the exam because he is lot more fun than most of the class A students.

After we reached the gate Mineta shouted at me by saying that he'll curse me with black magic and ran off. I leisurely walked to my new home in mustafu. On my way I bought my favourite ice cream to celebrate my successful entrance exam.

I went home and met my grandma, it seems she was cooking my favourite meal.

Grandma: Ken-chan how did you do your entrance exam? Do you have the chance to every UA?

Kenji: Grandma I think I did well. I have confidence that I would get very good marks and get placement. I even took down a 30 meter tall robot.

Grandma: Good job Ken-chan but hero's job is not only fighting villain but also saving people. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Kenji: Yes grandma, I understood the first time you told me. I saved a lot of people who were in trouble but not a lot of people appreciated my help.

Grandma: You should not expect appreciation when you help people you will be disappointed when a tough situation comes. Remember that your grandma always appreciates you and love you.

Kenji: I know grandma. Thank you. And I love you too.