
Phoenix Flight

The start of an Adventure... Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of the Mana go by a single title... They are called... The Arcane Knights! The world of Ava is home to numerous powerful magic guilds where wizards known as Arcane Knights, apply their magic for paid job requests taking on Quests and exploring dungeons. Davi Hawker, a Wizard from the Phoenix Flight guild, explores the Kingdom of Avalon in search of magical orbs that grant him the power of ten weapons he calls the Caliburs. He wishes to bring these orbs together in order to bring someone dear to him back from the dead. A story of Magic, Friends, Family, Love, and loads of Action. An Adventure begins here.

RainyLiquid2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Bending Magic Versus Time Magic

'The Rising...'

"I see..." Oliver nodded his head for a moment. "So these curses are still on him?"

"For the most part yeah. I don't know what that kids done but his arm is loaded with curses of weakness slowing him down, and stopping his body from being able to recover at a correct speed, as well as draining most of his mana and power. This curse is rare, I haven't seen it in a while. The person who gave it to him clearly wanted him to suffer. These kinds of Magic are often forbidden and used in getting information out of someone. The pain he must have been in before he blacked out must have been insane. Usually it goes away quickly but he has so many on him. It's as if hundreds were cast on him at once."

"Right..." Oliver nodded as thought back to the light show that happened when Davi drew the sword. He must have been hit with all of them at once. "Well. I think Davi was right when he called that woman a... I'm not gonna say that word." He shook his head as he set Jakey the Devil-Beast on the bed and nudged it slightly. "Still though. If it's just the curses that are the issue I might be able to help. Or at least Jakey will."

"What?" The Doctor frowned as he watched the Devil-Beast walk up to Davi. It opened its jaws and bit down on his shoulder. Not enough to break the skin but enough to make the unconscious boy groan. "Ahh I see. A Devil-Beast can eat certain types of Dark Magic, much like how a Dragon, can eat Elemental Magic."

"Yeah." Oliver nodded. "Hopefully Jakey can eat the curses."

"That's quite the strange beast you got there..." A low growl said from somewhere in the room. Oliver's eyes went wide as he looked around.

"Who's there-"

There was a flicker of Light as a Knight with one horn suddenly appeared.

"Eins at your service." The Knight said bringing a short sword up which he pointed at Oliver. "Bending Light..."

A beam of light fired out of the blade covering Oliver's right side of his stomach. He screamed out in pain as the light around him literally squeezed down around him making him yell and cry out as it pressed down on his gut.

"Is that a Devil-Beast?" Eins the one-horned Knight of Silver Ravens asked. He shook his head and turned away walking over to Davi. Oliver hit the ground and Jakey let out a low growl still chewing on Davi. "I see. So this is the pathetic brat who has such a forbidden magic... Magic that strong should rightfully belong to my Guild! With that kind of power, we could take over and be the strongest! Wait... Where is it? It was a Guitar right?"

"H... Ha... Haha..." Oliver set up slightly as he slowly reached for his staff. "Sh... Show.... Shows what you know." He gasped. He was in a lot of pain after being nearly crushed to death by light. "Even if you get your hands on that orb it's connected to Davi. As long as he is still breathing you can't use its power. He told me himself."

"I see." The Arcane Knight reached into his pocket pulling out a dagger. "Than I guess I'll have to remove him from the Equation."

"Y... You're gonna kill him!"

"Of course. It's for the greater good."

"You can't!" A horrified Oliver yelled. "The Arcane Knights are supposed to protect the public! You shouldn't even be fighting each other! You can't kill one of your own kind! Davi is a Wizard, and a future Guild member of Phoenix Flight!"

"Ha! Phoenix Flight has no right to call itself a Guild. One that takes in those with demonic powers, cursed humans, demi-humans, beast folk, Drake-Walkers, faries... I hear they even take in criminals. That Guild has no right to stand among us!" He announced.

Oliver gritted his teeth. "It's always the same..." He hissed out. His hand wrapped around his new staff as his body lit up with grey magic. "All I hear is people complaining about that Guild... Any time it does something wrong you latch onto it... The Shinning Sentinels nearly killed an entire Village... The Silver Ravens slashed off a cliff side, and nearly killed three people. You don't hear about that though do you! Because those Guilds aren't seen as bad. So what? They get off with a warning at best. Two wizards heroically fought two slave traders and freed at least twenty people that had been captured. But we don't hear about that. We hear about the boat they crashed into the shores." Oliver stood up as he raise his staff to Eins. "But I'm starting to get ticked off about only hearing the negatives! Phoenix Flight never gives up! As far as I'm concerned they're the only true Guild? Time Magic! Time Eclipse!"

A grey beam of light fired out of his staff slamming into the wall next to the man and aging it to a point of decay in a moment.

Eins's eyes were wide for a moment as he stared off at the ticked off Oliver. 'This kid. If he had wanted to he could have killed me with that but deliberately shot the wall. Time Magic... He's more dangerous than I thought he was...' Eins thought as he considered what to do next.

Eins dropped his knife as the light around him seemed to bend in twist. In an instant, he appeared behind Oliver wrapping his hands around the boy's throat.

"My mistake was allowing you to live. I should have killed you first-"

"Blue Twister."

A wave of blue aura crashed down like a wave and covered Oliver and Eins as the entire room exploded, and was washed away by the powerful wave of magic that flowed like water.

Eins let out a scream of pain and jumped out the window falling out of the hospital as his arm began to get sliced up. Oliver dropped to the floor covered in the blue aura but strangely they didn't seem to cut him and just passed right through him like water.

"Sorry Oliver." Davi stepped forward giving Oliver a small smile. Jakey was still nibbling on his shoulder as he sucked out the dark magic from Davi. "Leave this to me."

"Wait but then you can't beat him!" Oliver said alarmed. "You don't have your weapon, and your body is still healing. Jakey hasn't sucked all the curses out of you yet. If you pull him off now all that energy will hit you again and you'll black out again."

Davi let out a small hiss as he tried to think of a plan. "Well I can still fight with Blue Vein. By unleashing all my mana in burst attacks it can flow out like water and flood the area, and I can swim, but I doubt I can keep up like this though... Still we don't have much of a choice-"

"I'll fight him." Oliver nodded letting out a small gulp. "I can do this."

"Are you sure?" Davi asked. Before Oliver could answer though he collapsed forward on his knees as he breathed out in pain. Jakey kept eating away at the dark magic. "Y... You just need to hold him off for a little bit. As soon as Jakey is done eating away at the curses I'll be back in tip top shape and can fight at full power once more. This guy isn't to strong but he's tricky..."

"Right. Oliver nodded. He gripped his staff as he stepped out of the hole in the wall falling down to the streets below where the man had landed.

"Good luck..." Davi said as he moved over to the hole to watch the battle.

Eins set up as Oliver slowly approached him. "Hmm. Darn. After that attack, I was hoping you'd think that sneaky friend of yours finished me off." Eins muttered.

Oliver didn't say anything as he pointed the staff forward. "You're lucky Jakey is busy. Otherwise he'd beat you for sure."

"That Devil-Beast? After I beat you I'll be taking it."

"I won't let you!"

The grey magic exploded off of him in a huge grey blast aging everything around him but Eins merely held his hand out causing the grey magic to bend around his body and not harm him. "That won't work on me you sad fool. My magic is called Bending. I can bend nearly anything from light, to even other people's magic! I'm invincible. You won't touch me with attacks like that."

"I see. So that was how you were invisible earlier. You bent the light around you..."

"That time magic is interesting. Clearly, they aren't normal." Eins waved his hand blocking more of the grey waves of magic with ease. It was completely impossible to hit him with an attack.

Despite that though Oliver kept at it throwing more and more grey magic out.

"You can't hit me!" The man laughed flashing around the battle field. He slashed his short sword out sending bending waves of kinetic energy which cut into Oliver's shoulder as he either dodged the boys attacks, or bent them around him causing them to miss.

"How do you fight someone like that..." Davi hissed out. "It's so unfair! This guy is cheating."

Oliver spun his staff slashing it out as he shot a beam of that grey energy out. "Take this! Collateral Damage attack!" He used the magic slicing off the top of all the nearby building aging them and causing their tops to fall off.

"What!" The man hissed jumping out of the way as several tops began to fall all around.\

"What's wrong can't bend solid objects like those?" Oliver asked giving a small smirk. "If that bending magic was as good as you claim you could have just used it to bend our necks snapping our necks and killing us. But you can't can you? You may be able to bend things like magic, and Light, but physical objects are another story aren't they."

"So what. You missed with all those blocks of stone." The man yelled shooting forward as he stabbed his sword out. "You're through."

Oliver looked down as he stabbed his staff into the ground. "Rewind." There was a grey flash as all the buildings began to glow and the blocks began to raise off of the ground and put themselves back together rewinding the damage.

"What!?" Eins didn't have time to react as the glowing suddenly stopped once all the blocks were in the air, ending the rewind spell. As soon as it was over all the buildings began to fall again. "Ha I'll just avoid it again and-" Eins went to move only to suddenly trip. He stared down at his feet as his eyes went wide. The grass had grown and aged getting long enough to get wrapped around his feet and legs.

"I don't think you'll dodge it this time." Oliver said simply as the blocks collapsed onto the man. "Rewind!" They raised back up and once again Oliver ended the spell causing them to drop onto the man again. He rewinded again causing the same thing to happen as the buildings kept fixing then falling onto the man over and over again. "You're through!" He yelled as they dropped for the final time.

"Way to go Oliver." Davi yelled jumping out of the building and landing down at the bottom. Jakey let out a small groan as he popped off of Davi's shoulder having eaten all of the mana. "Whoa! I feel way better."

"I... I actually won." Oliver said blinking a few times. "I did it!"

"Way to go." Davi said slapping the boy on the back. "Now come on. That prick Athena ran off with my weapon!"