
Formally Acknowledging a Master (3)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Who told you there's no benefit to being my apprentice? Elixirs, status—I can give you whatever you want. Even if you want to walk roughshod over Qingyun School, I can guarantee that no one would dare to touch a single hair on your head."

Wu Yu smiled and swore solemnly.

Benefits? Wasn't that simple? He could provide her whatever she wanted and as long as he was around, not even the School Master's daughter would dare to touch her.

Mu Ruyue's eyes flickered. On this continent, having a backer added one more layer of security. From the tone of this old man, he should be doing quite well.

Above all, with the guidance of a master, she would definitely avoid many detours on her path of cultivation.

"All right, then I reluctantly agree."

Reluctantly agree?

Yi Xu almost fell over. Master Wu Yu wanted to take her as a disciple, but she still reluctantly agreed? She should know that being Master Wu Yu's disciple was a hundred times more noble than being the princess of a country.

How dare she be so infuriating?

But Master Wu Yu didn't care whether she was reluctant or not; obtaining Mu Ruyue's agreement was more important than anything.

"Girl, now that you've become my apprentice, can you tell me who you are?" Excitement glowed in Wu Yu's eyes.

Honestly speaking, which expert on this continent wouldn't want someone to carry on his mantle? But he has always had his eyes set on the top, and no genius had ever caught his attention.

Now that he had finally found a successor too, how could he not be excited?

White hands gently rose and Mu Ruyue lifted her cloak, unveiling her stunning face immediately. Although her face still looked young, it already bore a beauty that could topple a country and its people.

Elder Zhao sighed. This girl was indeed the peerless genius that he met that day.

"I am Mu Ruyue of the Mu Family and the worthless waste of Ziyue Country."


Yi Xu felt unsteady on his feet. He staggered and collapsed to the ground, his head hitting the edge of the table. Yet it was as if he felt no pain and instead stood in place foolishly.

Ziyue Country's… worthless waste?

Was she trying to scare them? If this girl was a worthless waste, who in this world could be considered a genius? Who would dare to call himself a genius?

"Mu Ruyue?" Elder Zhao was stunned and looked at that stunning face in disbelief. "You're Mu Ruyue? The woman that Master Tian Yuan's disciple, Ye Tianfeng, jilted? I overheard from Master Tian Yuan and Ye Tianfeng's conversation last time that Mu Ruyue was a waste and unworthy of him, and then he fell in love with Mu Ting'er of the Mu family. Although that Mu Ting'er was inferior to the female disciples of Qingyun School, she's still a genius in the secular world. But who would've thought…"

Who would've thought that the girl he despised and scorned was actually a peerless genius from time immemorial?

Elder Zhao smiled bitterly. Were some things doomed to happen? Would he regret it if one day he learned that the object of his broken engagement had such talent?

"Withdrew from the engagement with my apprentice?" Wu Yu grunted coldly and said with a gloomy face, "He really has great guts. How dare he back out from my apprentice's marriage? Does he really think he can do whatever he wants with Tian Yuan's backing? He thinks too highly of himself. My apprentice is a lot more noble than that kid."

Elder Zhao shook his head helplessly. He understood that Master Wu Yu was angry this time, but Master Tian Yuan and Ye Tianfeng were still in the dark that they had unknowingly offended this old man.

But again, they didn't know that Mu Ruyue was his disciple.

Wrong, Master Wu Yu hadn't even taken her as his disciple back then. If he had known what was to follow, Ye Tianfeng probably probably wouldn't have done such a thing even if he had a hundred guts.