
Shattered Trust

After consulting with the party planner, they found themselves in a secluded council room. The room boasted a U-shaped table, with Astra seated on one side and Silas positioned across from her.

Silas cast a glance at the guards stationed along the wall behind Astra before turning his gaze back to her. Despite the distance between them, he knew he needed to take this step by step.

Silas inquired, "How have you been since you left?"

In retrospect, he felt remorseful for his initial reaction. He couldn't deny his frustration, though. It was the first time Astra had ever refused to heed his advice, a significant turning point.

Back when he had urged her to apologize, even in the face of Violet's tearful pleas, Astra had remained steadfast in her refusal.

Seeing the events unfold now, he comprehended her perspective. However, at that moment, he had felt like Astra was tearing apart their newly-formed family.

The words Violet had echoed from Astra's sentiments had been jarring, igniting his anger. With Astra absent for a week, he had been uncertain about her attendance at her own birthday celebration, let alone her whereabouts.

Astra posed her own question, "How do you think I've been, Silas?"

Astra addressing him by his name caught Silas off guard. It took him a few moments to absorb this before he responded, "You can call me 'father,' Astra. I understand your anger, but I will always be your father, unchanging."

Astra couldn't contain her laughter, reminiscing about his words in the original timeline. When she had passed away, her father had been devastated.

The grief had persisted for a week, after which he had gradually returned to his old self. Two weeks later, during Violet's grand birthday celebration in the ballroom, Silas had called for a moment of silence.

He expressed his previous confusion about why the gods had taken his wife and daughter, then added that with Sophia and Violet now by his side, he had come to realize their significance in his life.

He declared that Sophia and Violet were always destined to be his lifelong companions. Silas continued, praising Violet as his finest daughter, revealing that he had formally adopted her and named her the new heir of Orion Arch.

Following Astra's passing, her 35% shares inherited from her maternal side had gone to her father, the closest living relative.

On Violet's birthday, as a gesture of his sincerity, Silas handed over those shares to her, emphasizing his commitment to his words.

Furthermore, when Astra faced difficulties at work due to sabotage and repeatedly failed, Silas had dismissed her claims of foul play.

Silas had lavished praises upon Violet because the idiot twins had opted for her design for their upcoming hotel chain.

Although they preferred Astra's concept, they intentionally chose Violet's to undermine her standing before the board of directors.

For this reason, Astra was determined to assert complete control over the company, sparing herself from answering to a board of directors.

Astra's laughter resonated as she uttered, "The day you arrived home with Sophia and Violet and unilaterally declared your marriage, you ceased to be a father to me."

Unbeknownst to Astra, her father had been dating Sophia. Not only had he married without her consent, but Astra had also been absent from the ceremony, leaving only Violet present.

This event clearly indicated his lack of regard for her opinions. Silas was taken aback by Astra's revelation. He responded, "I assumed you would want me to rediscover happiness."

Astra's laughter returned, her tone dripping with cynicism. "Do not say 'again.' It implies that you were content with Mother and me. I am well aware now that such was never the case."

Silas stared at her, eyes wide, attempting to convey his sincerity. "I was indeed happy. I loved your mother, and my love for you surpasses that for anyone else."

Astra's gaze turned icy, her warning clear. "Stop lying, or our conversation concludes."

Silas was taken aback, stunned that his daughter harbored such misconceptions. She doubted his affection for his late wife and questioned his happiness with their family.

Such an idea was preposterous. While he had initially cared for Sophia before entering into a marriage arrangement, he eventually fell deeply in love with his wife.

The memory of Sophia was relegated to the past. In the wake of his wife's passing, Silas chanced upon Sophia, who provided solace during his time of mourning.

Old emotions resurfaced, prompting Silas to believe that fate was guiding him towards happiness again.

He was overjoyed that Sophia reciprocated his feelings and displayed no reservations about their swift marriage and cohabitation.

"I swear, Astra, I am being truthful. I recognize now that events moved too fast for you, and I should have been more transparent," Silas proclaimed earnestly.

Astra's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt as she declared, "You began dating her and wed her in secret. She entered our home, and while I was at work, you allowed her to obliterate every trace of my mother's presence. When I uncovered the ancestral birthday necklace, a relic cherished for a millennium, and Sophia commanded its destruction, I turned to you for support. Yet, you remained silent. If this isn't enough evidence of your heinous character and your abandonment of fatherly responsibilities, you instantly aligned with Violet and Sophia, denying me the chance to explain. You violently thrust me against the wall and struck me. I was absent for a week, absent from both home and the office, yet you displayed no concern or effort to reach out. Silas, your words hold no power to convince me of your love for me or for my cherished mother. Even if such love did exist, your actions have tarnished its value, displayed through your continuous disrespect for her memory."

Silas found himself rendered speechless by Astra's powerful words. As she listed his actions, they indeed appeared egregious, even though it had never been his intention.

His decision to relocate his late wife's possessions from their shared bedroom arose from the realization that Sophia found it painful to encounter them.

With Astra's emotional displays being rare since her mother's passing, Silas wrongly assumed she was coping well.

As he struggled to find the right words, Astra's voice resumed its piercing tone. "You've grown accustomed to my silence despite how you mistreat me. Justifying your deplorable actions was never a necessity for you. But that time is over."

Swallowing hard, Silas attempted to explain, his voice laden with uncertainty. "Astra, I believed you wouldn't mind if I moved your mother's belongings. Seeing that you hadn't shown much emotion or grief since her death, I thought you were handling it."

Astra's gaze turned darker, and she questioned, her voice a low, dangerous growl, "What did you just say?"

Silas, sensing the depth of Astra's reaction, chose not to repeat himself. He realized that her anger ran far more profound than he had initially comprehended.

He had thought her distress stemmed only from recent events, but this pain was rooted in something far more profound.

Astra's fury erupted, her voice a furious roar, "When Mother lay on her deathbed, she extracted a promise from me, a vow to remain strong for you, believing you would be shattered. I upheld that promise, with my thoughts solely focused on your well-being. But you, you did the same. Your actions were entirely self-centered!"

Silas was struck by the weight of his daughter's revelations, realizing the extent of his mistakes and the pain he had unwittingly inflicted upon her.

Astra's hands quivered, her voice laced with tearful anguish as she spoke, "Even when Grandmother voiced her concerns, insisting that Sophia sought to eradicate every remnant of Mother from our home, I staunchly defended her innocence. I severed ties with Grandmother because of you, relinquishing the only person who truly cared for me. The family portrait that once graced the hallway, capturing our unity, was supplanted by one featuring you, Sophia, and Violet. You didn't just obliterate any trace of my mother's existence, but now, it seems you're attempting the same erasure with me."

Wiping away the glistening tears that stained her cheeks, Astra lowered her gaze, her pain palpable. Silas met her gaze, his own eyes welled with tears.

Astra was his beloved daughter, his affection for her unmeasurable, yet his actions had distorted this truth, casting doubt upon his love.

Reality stung; Astra's skepticism about his love was grounded in valid reasons. Silas found it difficult to maintain eye contact, his internal turmoil evident.

The loss of his wife had already left a void; he couldn't bear the thought of losing his daughter as well. He needed to bridge the chasm and demonstrate that Astra held an unwavering place in his heart.

Silas raised his head, locking eyes with Astra as she continued, her words laced with a piercing bitterness, "I'm aware of your history with Sophia. The past you shared, the circumstances that led to your marriage with Mother. I can't help but wonder if you secretly celebrated her demise, finally freeing you to be with the one you truly desired. Don't underestimate me; I'm not naïve. Your allegiance will always sway toward Sophia's desires and necessities, leaving your own daughter in the shadows. Since Sophia harbors a profound affection for her daughter, it's hardly surprising that you bestow greater favor upon Violet than your own flesh and blood. It's merely a matter of time before Sophia nudges you toward adopting her."

As Astra's words pierced his heart, Silas felt a surge of fear gripping him. Astra's revelation of his past with Sophia intensified his distress.

The implication that she believed he had harbored ill intentions toward her mother's fate was a heavy burden to bear.

Silas rose from his seat, prompting an instinctive retreat from Astra, who edged away in fear.

He halted his movement, recognizing the protective stance of her guards as they inched closer. At this moment, Silas comprehended the depth of her terror.

Astra believed he aimed to dismiss and cause her harm, all to pave the way for Violet to take her place as his daughter.

With earnest determination, Silas dispelled her fears, his voice imbued with conviction, "I would never entertain such thoughts. You are my one and only daughter. While it's true that Sophia and I shared history, my affection shifted entirely to your mother. The bond I shared with both of you defined my life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Astra's response bore the weight of her skepticism, her voice carrying a blend of resignation and finality, "Your words hold little weight against your resounding actions. The sanctuary that once felt like home, I shall now distance myself from it. Our interactions shall be strictly confined to work matters. The role of 'father' no longer applies to you, Silas."

Before Silas could intervene, Astra departed with her guards in tow. Overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, he collapsed back into his chair, silent tears tracing their path down his cheeks.

He stared at the scene before him, a mix of shock and sorrow engulfing him. The prospect of losing his daughter was a haunting reality he couldn't fathom.

Summoning a deep breath, Silas endeavored to regain composure. He refused to let this divide deepen.

He recognized the gravity of his missteps, vowing to rectify the fractured relationship. The depth of his love for Astra couldn't remain obscured by his past errors. Determination surged within him, crystallizing his intent to prove his devotion.

With renewed resolve, Silas closed his eyes, permitting himself a moment of silent contemplation.

The path to redemption lay ahead, and he was prepared to traverse it, to demonstrate unequivocally that his daughter's well-being would now reign as his paramount concern.

A single tear clung to his lashes before he blinked it away, his gaze flickering with unwavering determination.

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