
A Lonely Soul

In a dark corner of that bar, a lonely soul sits quietly. Holding a glass while swirling it's contents but not drinking it at all. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice the woman that took the sit beside her and was watching her for the last 5 minutes.

"So tell me, what did you call me here for?" Neri asked while looking at her bestfriends helpless state.

After hearing the familiar voice, Anna raised her head and tears started to fill those almond eyes. "Neri, I'm screwed! I don't know what to do.... I'm pregnant!"

"What did you just say? Fuck Anna! Don't tell me you still continued seeing that man?"

"I love him. I thought he loved me, too. But after telling him that I'm pregnant that bastard started to change. He even said that this baby can be from another man. That I was a.... slut!" After saying those words, all of the pain that she was feeling bursted out like an open dam.

Neri cannot think of anything to say to her bestfriend and felt that the only thing she could do was to symphatize and let her release all the pain she's feeling right now.

After she calmed down, Anna asked her bestfriend again. "What should I do? My family cannot know about this pregnancy. I am still a student after all! What will happen to me and my future?

"Of course, you will keep the child. Don't even think of abortion. Let's think of something." Neri replied calmly but inside she feels like she was about to explode.

Seeing her bestfriend like this feels like having a million of needles piercing through her heart.

She cannot help but remember how everything started. How Anna met the jerk that was the reason of her missery right now.