

In a world where gender defines destiny, Alpha Officer Sakurai Haruki struggles to redeem his tarnished reputation after a tragic case leaves him suspended. As omegas vanish under mysterious circumstances, Haruki is thrust into a dangerous investigation where alliances blur and betrayals lurk. When a prominent omega disappears, Haruki attempts to redeem himself by investigating the case. Haruki's encounter with a young alpha master, Aramaki Takeshi, sparks an uneasy alliance that spirals from a simple investigation to uncovering the truth behind the trafficking and drug epidemic plaguing their city. Amidst shootouts, betrayals, and a mysterious figure manipulating from the shadows, Haruki must confront his inner demons and protect those he holds dear. Add the rising tension between him and Takeshi, a corrupt officer's vendetta and a dangerous power struggle within the mafia ranks and you have a recipe for disaster. In a race against time, Haruki and Takeshi must get to the bottom of a conspiracy fueled by greed, power, and a possible drug overload. With each dangerous encounter, they inch closer to the truth while risking everything they hold dear in a world where loyalty is a luxury and survival demands sacrifice.

QuillMistress · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Let’s Get Started!

Once he pulled up back at the precinct parking lot, the pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place. The Velvet Lounge wasn't just any club—it was a notorious hotspot for drug activity.

Hurrying to his squad's office, Haruki barged in, "I found it!" he shouted.

Aya squealed, nearly dropping her plate of cheesecake. Rekka jumped up, his red eyes and the drool on his face saying he had been asleep behind his computer. Once again, Ryoji and Takahiro were out. 

Kenji looked up from his desk, his brow furrowing with concern. "What did you find, Haruki?" he asked, motioning for him to take a seat.

"Sorry about that chief," he apologized as she made his way to the chair. "Actually, I found some intel we could make use of," he said.

"Already? You just left the office," Rekka pointed out, eyes on Aya's plate.

—the rumours surrounding the involvement of the Aramaki family, the Kurozawa Group, and the Aoki Family in the drug trade, as well as the connection to the Velvet Lounge.

Kenji listened intently, his expression growing increasingly grave as Haruki spoke. "This is troubling," he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "But we can't act solely on rumours and hearsay. We need concrete evidence if we're going to make any arrests."

"But Hebi never lies when he's given money," Haruki insisted, his voice firm. "I'm certain there's truth to what he told me."

Kenji sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I understand your frustration, Haruki, but we have to tread carefully. We can't afford to make any mistakes, especially given the sensitivity of this case."

Haruki nodded, his conviction unwavering. "I understand the risks, Chief, but as I said, Hebi never lies when he's given money," he replied firmly. "And given the recent spike in drug activity, I think it's worth investigating."

"I think we should give it a try," Aya said, passing her plate to Rekka who took it eagerly.

Haruki nodded, thinking about the gravity of the situation. "What do you suggest we do, Chief?"

The door opened and Takahiro stepped in with a sigh. "what was the issue?" Rekka asked, licking icing off his cheek.

"Urgh, just some tanuki in the attic. Had to call animal control to take care of the situation," he grumbled, then paused when he saw Haruki seated infront of chief Kenji.

"You're back?" He asked, "don't tell me you already found something," his lips twitched.

"He did! Our Sakurai-San is amazing," Aya praised, eating another slice of cake.

'Where did she hide all of these snacks, and more importantly where did all of them go?' Haruki thought, amused.

"Please seat Takahiro," Kenji said gently, then turned to Haruki, "repeat everything so you can bring him up to speed," he nodded.

After the quick briefing, Takahiro frowned as he thought things through, "I think we should look into the mafia first, see what it is they're up to," he finally said.

"We would need concrete evidence to go into yakuza territory like that," Rekka said, eating from Aya's new snack, he had moved from his seat to Haruki's so he could be beside her.

Haruki shook his head at the two of them. "If we want to get permission for that, we need something to show indeed," Kenji sighed, then glanced around at the assembled team members, each of them waiting anxiously for his instructions.

"We need to gather more intel," he said finally. "Haruki, I want you and Takahiro to investigate around the Velvet Lounge, do not go in or engage anyone. See if you can gather any more information about the drug activity in the area."

Haruki rose from his seat, Takahiro sighed, muttering about how he had just gotten back to the office but followed suit. 


Haruki wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans, while Takahiro sported a button-up shirt and slacks, they had both decided to change their clothes to blend in with the crowd.

As they drove, Takahiro glanced at Haruki with a serious expression. "Remember, Haruki, you're still on probation. We need to be cautious and not attract any unnecessary attention," he reminded him, eyes on the road.

Haruki nodded, his jaw set. "I know, Taka-San. I'll be careful," he assured him, his eyes also focused on the road ahead.

After driving around for a while, they finally decided to park in a designated spot near the club, they sat in the car and made a plan. "Alright, Sakurai-kun, here's what we'll do," Takahiro began, "We'll split up and gather as much information as we can from the locals. Meet back here in two hours and we'll compare notes."

Haruki nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the prospect of uncovering valuable intel. "Got it, Taka-san. Let's do this."

Exiting the car, they blended into the bustling streets, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of suspicious activity.

As they began their investigation, Haruki approached a group of young men loitering outside the club. They were dressed in flashy attire, their laughter mingling with the pulsating beats emanating from the venue.

"Hey, guys," Haruki greeted them casually. "Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

One of the men, sporting a stylish haircut and expensive-looking clothes, raised an eyebrow. "Depends on what you're asking, buddy."

Haruki smiled disarmingly. "Just wondering if you've heard anything about any suspicious activity around the club down the street. You know, anything out of the ordinary?"

The men exchanged glances before the tattooed guy shrugged. "Can't say we have, man. But if we hear anything, we'll be sure to let you know."

Haruki thanked them and moved on. He sighed, rubbing his hand on his face. 'This was going to be a long night," he thought walking away.

Takahiro approached a young woman sitting outside a cafe, sipping on a latte. "Excuse me, miss, have you noticed anything suspicious happening around here lately?" he inquired, his tone gentle.

The woman glanced up, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Hmm, well, I did see some shady characters hanging around the alley behind the club last night, it kinda makes me uncomfortable sometimes," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern.

Takahiro nodded, jotting down notes in his notebook. "Thank you for your help, miss. We'll look into it," he said sincerely, offering her a small smile before moving on.

This time, Haruki approached a group of young women chatting animatedly on a nearby bench. Haruki took the lead, flashing them a charming smile. "Excuse me, ladies. Mind if we ask you a quick question?"

The women glanced up, their curiosity piqued. "Sure, what's up?" one of them replied.

Haruki leaned in slightly, lowering his voice and leaking his scent slightly, he didn't usually make use of his scent to manipulate situations but he was kinda desperate for answers.

As expected, the women blushed slightly, shifting in their seats as they sat under his look. "We're new in town and looking for a good place to have some fun tonight. Heard anything about this club everyone's talking about?"

The women exchanged glances before one of them spoke up. "Oh, you mean The Velvet Lounge? Yeah, it's a pretty happening spot. But be careful, things can get a little wild there."

"Wild? What sort of wild are we talking?" Haruki pretended to be surprised. The girls looked at each other, as though thinking if they should tell him. He increased his scent again, watching their bodies relax.

"Ah, is it something that can't be said?" He feigned curiously, "sorry if I'm too pushy," he rubbed the back of his head as he bowed.

"Oh no!" One of the ladies waved him off, "no it's not you, just that we've been hearing about some people disappearing from the club lately," she said.

Haruki tried to keep a straight face, "disappearing? Wow! And no one saw them leaving?" He asked, sitting beside them.

"Yeah! That's what makes it creepy!" Another lady added. "They just up and walk into the alley way over there," she pointed. Haruki followed her hand to stare at the dark left corner the omega in the report had disappeared into.

'I might have to look into that,' he thought with a frown.

Meanwhile, Takahiro approached an elderly woman selling flowers on the corner.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Those are some lovely flowers, you really take care of them," he said, smiling at her.

The elderly lady beamed with pride, "that's right! We grow these babies at home and make sure they're well taken care of," she looked up at him.

"I see, I could see their colours from across the street and had to come closer," he said looking at the flowers with interest.

"We are the best in business around here, been here for the past 20 years," she boasted, puffing out her chest. Takahiro could smell her pleased omega scent leaking subtlety.

"That's a very long time, you definitely are a craftsman," he squatted to look at a bonsai tree.

"We are, are you looking to get something for someone?" She asked, rubbing her hands on her apron.

"Yes actually, I'd like a bouquet of daisies and sunflowers." He said, smiling up at her.

"Oh?! For an acquaintance?" She asked, bustling into the store.

"Yes ma'am," he said, standing up slowly. She chatted about her family and the business while she picked the flowers and arranged them gently. Sensing her relaxed mode, he decided to ask the question that brought him over.

"Have you noticed anything unusual around here lately?"

Woman paused, confused. Then she smiled kindly "Oh, dearie, I'm just a humble flower seller. I don't pay much attention to what goes on after dark."

Takahiro nodded, noting that she had mentioned after dark when he didn't say anything about the time. "Fair enough. Thanks anyway."

He waited till she packed up the flowers and paid, thanking her once again before making to leave.

The lady suddenly grabbed his hand, which made him turn to her. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, trying not to tense up.

"Yes well, actually," she looked around worriedly, "I was told that a lot of gang members have been visiting the Velvet Lounge recently."

Takahiro thought about what Haruki had mentioned, the yakuza being involved in this might be true.

"I see, thank you for the flowers ma'am, I will be sure to visit again," he smiled, waving at her as he exited the store.

On the other side,Haruki approached a young man leaning against a lamppost, smoking a cigarette.

"Hey, do you know anything about the club down the street?" Haruki asked, going straight to the point.

The man blew out a plume of smoke, eyeing Haruki warily "Why do you wanna know?"

Haruki leaned against the wall, hands in his pocket as he tried to look casual. "Just curious. Heard it's a popular spot."

The man shrugged "Yeah, it's busy most nights. Lots of shady characters hangin' around though."

Haruki blinked, "Shady characters? Like who?"

"Why are you asking questions? Are you with the police?" The man asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nope, like I said, I need to know the good spots around here. I'm new actually," Haruki deflected calmly.

The man hesitated, looking around like he was expecting someone to come out. "You know, just people you don't wanna mess with. Keep your head down if you're smart."

"I see," Haruki hummed, "thanks dude," he waved the man off as he walked away.

The man watched him disappear around the corner before talking out his phone to make a call.

Meanwhile, Takahiro found himself outside a nearby tea shop, where a group of older gentlemen sat at an outdoor table, sipping their drinks and playing shoji amongst themselves.

"Evening, gentlemen," Takahiro greeted with a polite nod, his tone respectful yet approachable. "Mind if I join you for a moment?"

The men looked up, their expressions curious but welcoming. "Of course, son. Pull up a chair," one of them said, gesturing to an empty seat.

Takahiro took a seat, engaging the men in casual conversation about the neighborhood. As they talked, Takahiro subtly steered the conversation towards the club, asking if they had noticed any unusual activity in the area.

One of the men, a grizzled retiree with a twinkle in his eye, leaned in as he played a move on the board. "Well, now that you mention it, there have been some strange characters hanging around lately. Young punks causing trouble, you know how it is."

"Have a snack my boy, you're an alpha and yet you're so thin," one said, gesturing towards the plates of mochi on the side.

"I couldn't," Takahiro began, but was quickly cut off by the man. "Are you married yet?" He asked.

"No sir," Takahiro shook his head, wondering where the conversation was going.

"Eh? No wonder you're so skinny," the man frowned. "How old are you? How come you haven't been matched?" The man asked, surprised.

The others also looked up from their game, clearly curious. "I have been matched, she just isn't ready for marriage so we decided to wait," Takahiro said, amused by the looks on their faces.

"That strange, usually by this age she should be looking into getting a family. Even if you're compatible, age plays a factor in child birth you know?" One of the men hummed thoughtfully.

"You're the alpha, sometimes you need to put your foot down or your house won't be in order," another one commented, all the others agreed with nods and murmurs.

"I will keep this in mind, thank you for your kind advise," Takahiro bowed his head politely, wondering how an investigation turned into a marital advise session.

"Good that you understand, don't change the topic and take one of these," the old man said, holding out the plate of mochi for him.

"Thank you" he bowed politely as he took one.

Takahiro hummed, watching them play.

"That reminds me, my son was talking about that club in the area, you know the noisy one," Takahiro sat up, it seemed as though they were back on track.

"They're all noisy, Sakonji," one of the men shook his head.

"Well you know that I mean, that place is suspicious," The man now identified as Sakonji said.

"Yeah! That Velvet place is suspicious , I know bad characters when I see one and that place is full of it," another one of the men said, making his move on the board.

"I can tell you're new around here boy, be careful who you speak to around here. Things are not as they might seem," another one added.

Takahiro nodded, making a mental note of all the information. "Thanks for the advise. I'll keep an eye out for them."

"Bah, don't be so formal," Sakonji waved him off.

"I must be on my way," Takahiro said, looking at the time, "thank you once again," he bowed and hurried off with their greetings behind him.

Haruki made his way back to the car, a bit frustrated since all he got where things they already suspected.

Nothing new or concrete.

He found a homeless man seated on the roadside. His eyes widened as an idea came to him. Who else would know that streets better than those who live on it.

He quickly made his way over and scrunched up his nose as the smell hit him. "Hey? You still alive?" He asked, standing out of arms reach.

The man shifted and groaned, blinking up groggily at him. "Huh? Whatchu want?" He slurred, slumped on his side.

Haruki frowned, was he drunk or drugged?

"Hey, you ok?" Haruki asked again.

"Huh? Wha? Sure!" The man jerked, eyes roving about. Then he saw Haruki standing infront of him.

"What is it? What do you want ?" He asked, dragging his dirty luggage close to him.

"I wanted to know if you had some information for me," Haruki said, dropping some coins in the man's cup.

"Information? What sort of information?" The man asked, grabbing the cup to count the coins.

"Information about the club down the block and the drug being circulated," Haruki said, not mincing words.

He could see the small vials of heatwave around the man so he had to know about the drugs.

"Uh, umm, I don't know what you're talking about," the man slurred.

"I see, them I'm guessing you don't want this?" Haruki asked, holding up some bills.

The man's eyes widened and he lunged for the money but Haruki simply stepped out of reach.

"Umm, ok, ok. I know something," the man rambled, scratching at his head harshly.

"The drugs get sold around the club a lot and in the VIP rooms too, or so I've heard." The man began.

"Ok? So how do we know who's selling them?" Haruki asked, looking in the direction of the club.

The sun had set so the club is in full swing. He could hear the beats of the club from around the block.

'I wonder why people haven't reported a noise case,' Haruki thought.

"Umm, I-I," he looked around frantically, then leaned closer, " the men from Aramaki and Kurosawa have made the place their base. They should be the ones," he said.

Haruki sighed, that was information they already knew. Plus no one would take the word of a homeless drug addict.

He gave the man some money and walked back to the car. Takahiro was already waiting for him.

"Hey" he called as he jogged over. "You're here early, did you find any thing?" He asked as he stopped infront of the older man. Takahiro shook his head, unfolding his arms as he stood to open the door.

"Nothing we don't already know," Takahiro sighed. "Get in, let's trade information," he said calmly.

They shared their bites with each other, looking to find something worth checking out. But there was nothing concrete.

Haruki frowned, feeling frustrated by the lack of solid leads. "Guess we'll just have to keep an eye on the club for now."

They both settled into the car and watched from across the street as they ate the provided by the granny.

'This was going to be a long night.'

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