
Phases of the Moon

I'm in the process of rewriting this and then I will probably re-purpose this story since I technically can't delete the whole thing. Feel free to read it though!

Mystical_Mews · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Chapter Five

"The art of a proper distraction works every time."

"I know. My brother found you so distracting he couldn't keep up with his academics anymore." I stuck my tongue out at him when he said that.

"It's not my fault that I'm so amazing," I said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh sure. But that's enough practice for today."

"Are you afraid that I'll beat you again?"

"No. I'm afraid that you'll be too tired for tomorrow when you have to walk so much and I need my rest too if I'm going to go with you."

"Commander Hadyn told me you weren't going."

"I could use the money and you'll need someone capable of defending you going on the trip."

"Commander Hadyn is going, are you saying he's incompetent? Do you want me to tell him what you said about him and your fellow soldiers?"

"No. And if you do those bears will never get to see you 'cause you'll already be dead."

"You couldn't just kill me and expect no one to notice."

"I didn't say that it had to be me that killed you, although there would be quite a bit of joy to gain from it."

"Uh huh. Welp, good luck with that."

"Besides, I'm supposed to guard you. Your not only my herus your also basically my sister-in-law."

"I know," I said with a sad smile. I reached a hand out towards where he layed on the ground and he took it. Then he pulled me down with him. "Not what I was trying to do."

"Yeah I know you were trying to help me back up but now I have pulled you down so technically it's a draw and I am still unbeaten."

"You're a dirty cheat, you know that?"

He chuckled and said, "That might be true but it's not how I came so far in my career."

"Right," I said as I got up and rolled my eyes.

"If you're just going to tell me what a liar I am then you should just leave."

"It's my house."

"I would hardly call it a house."

"Well like you said I better get going I have things to do, people to see, and Kerstens to beat."

"I resent that last one."

"Of course you do," I said as I walked out of the training ring.


The wood beneath my hand was polished oak painted brown with red decorating it. I could feel that the paint was still good as new and well kept as I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Your Herus is at the door, I suggest you open it."

"I'll be right there Anana."

She opened the door and I walked right past her and sat down in a chair. I sunk right into the chair despite not weighing a lot.

"What did you want," she asked as her long, red hair swished across her back as she closed the door.

"I need to talk to you. You know I'm going away tomorrow right?"

"Yes, the news has been buzzing all across the castle."

"I also have no descendants or sisters to pass the responsibility onto. So I have decided that I must pass it onto you, being my sister-in-law." 'And that I won't be able to give it to Cordell.'

"Thank you Anana. I will try to be as good a Herus as you."

"Are you ready for it Mayura?"

"I think I am." Her brown eyes had said differently but I wasn't going to bother with meaningless arguments now.

"Good. I give you a little of the power so you can get used to it and when I die the power has someone to be led to."

I cupped my hands and felt some of my power drain from me. The power was draining out of my forearms and finger tips. It turned into an orb outside of the core. It was a beautiful iridescent color that's glow shined off my hands. It seemed to emit a beat, like that of a heartbeat. The beat was entrancing and looked like it was catching Mayura in it's trap. "Here, eat this."

She picked up the orb in her own cupped hands and put it in her mouth. Her eyes glowed as the power was trying to get out but was pulled back in by the small core inside anchoring it there. It coursed out of her skin and then went back into her skin in short bursts of light. It was the way the body adapted to the power in small bits at a time.

She looked like a living thunderbolt that came down from the sky. I supposed I looked like that once a long time ago when my mother was still here.

"How long will this last?"

"It can take anywhere from one hour to a week. But don't worry, you'll be fine. Call for me if you need anything." I said as I got up and left for my room.

Once I got there I fell into a deep sleep.


"Herus! Wake up!"

"Maci? What is it?"

"You leave today and I must get you prepared. Which hunting leathers would you like?"

"Whichever are most fashionable but also durable."

"Yes Herus."

I yawned and then got up to do my morning stretches. Then my heart sunk as everything from the past few days came flooding back to me.

I put on the leathers waiting for me. The top was black and the bottoms were brown. Boots were also waiting for me. There were secret pockets in each one. I loaded the pockets with various types of knives and packages of dried meat. And one pair of scissors.

I walked out of my room and towards Commander Hadyn's quarters.


He wasn't there. There was a guard nearby though.

"Soldier!" We saluted eachother briefly before I finished talking. "Where is Commander Hadyn?"

"He went to the Northern Barracks to fetch the recruits, Herus."

"Thank you." We saluted eachother again and then I headed towards the Northern Barracks.