
Phase Shift : Mirage Sessions

The State of Arcadia is commanded by the Empress, who has ruled with an iron hand for decades. Several institutions exist in this state. Among them, the Institute that trains students in the mastery of the "Astra", a new energy to achieve superhuman feats. Kira Leonhart joins this school along with a strange girl who fearlessly says she wants to become the next empress. Their paths are fated to cross.

Aleister_Leonhart · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 : Road to Onyx Island

Somewhere on a vast expanse of water a boat was sailing. It was advancing towards the unknown, with no real direction. On this boat were two suspicious individuals.

-" Row faster, peasant! We have a lot to do. "

-" Tyrant...I'm beginning to think that making you Empress is a very bad idea. "

-" Silence and advance. "

Kira fell silent and continued rowing. He was reduced to being the lackey of Seisa Alucard, the so-called future Empress.

-"Seisa. "

-"Hm? "

-"I think...we've been rowing for several hours. "

-"And so?"

-"Not that I mind, but...I think we're lost. "

-" Lost? "

Seisa looked around her from all sides.

-"Hm. You can't even see...the shore anymore. "

-"We might as well give up...We are condemned to die here. "Said Kira.

-"Silence. "

-"O Seisa, you who are so clever. Guide my path. "

-"Stop it, it's creepy. "

Seisa remained seated and did not panic. Pessimism had not invaded her. She was thinking.

- "It is true that we don't even know in which direction the island of Onyx is or the route of the boats. It's annoying. "

-"So, what do we do? "

-"Let's continue. "

Kira suddenly stopped rowing.

-" … "

-"Are you deaf? I told you we're going on. "

-"Look at this thing... "

Seisa followed Kira's gaze.

-"Uh...What the hell is that thing..."

A large wooden boat was nearby. It almost looked like a ship. It was very old and gloomy. It was very imposing compared to the small boat of Seisa and Kira.

-"This thing looks abandoned. "

-"It looks like the famous ghost ship. "Said Kira.

-"The ghost ship? "

-"Yeah. "

-"What's that? I've never heard of it.

-"It's a kind of legend. Around Arcadia, there would be an abandoned boat. And anyone unlucky enough to see it would disappear for good. That person is never seen again. At least, that's what I'd heard. But I had no idea that such a thing really existed. "

-"Some people disappear after they come across this, eh...".

There's something wrong with this thing. It looks extremely old and gloomy. Normally, a boat like this would have already sunk. Or it would have crashed somewhere on a rock or a shore. Of course, that's assuming that this boat is not really "ghost". Kira seems to be interested in this thing.

-"Seisa. Let's climb on it. We'll see what's on it. "

-"Seriously? "

-"Yep. But if you're scared, I can understand. "Said Kira, provocatively.

-"Uh. All right, let's go. But if anything goes wrong, you're the one to blame. "

Kira and Seisa carried their backpacks and climbed on the big boat after putting the boat next to them. Kira proved to be very agile, much more so than Seisa. Kira took the opportunity to make fun of Seisa while he climbed up -quickly-.

-"Gah. I told you to stop with the pork chops! "Said Kira, from high up.

-"I...I eat what I want! "Seisa shouted, a little embarrassed.

A few minutes later, Seisa and Kira were finally on the boat. There was nobody really there, and it smelled like old people. Kira preferred not to touch anything for the moment.

Seisa was inspecting the boat. During her inspection, she touched the floor and the wood of the mast. She checked its strength and appearance. After a while, she walked on a fragile area. The proof is that when her foot touched the planks in that area, it was as if the wood was going to break. So Seisa preferred to step back.

-"It's really an old tub. It's amazing to see this kind of boat here, especially at a time like ours. "Says Seisa, as a balance sheet.

-"Mh. You think it dates back to the pirate days? "

-"I don't know. "

-"Mh. Not funny. "

-"I don't think we can get anything out of it. We go back to our boat. "

Kira nodded and walked to the side of the boat, on the side where they had left the boat. Seisa followed him, while taking a last look at the entire wooden boat.

Suddenly, Kira stopped walking. Then he turned back toward Seisa.

-"What's up? Do you want my picture?"

-"I wipe my ass with your picture. Look at the boat instead! "

-"The boat? "

Seisa took a look to starboard, where the boat was supposed to be.

-"What boat are you... "

-" … "

-"Holy fucking shit. "

The boat was no longer where Kira and Seisa had left it. Seisa got angry with Kira.

-"It's your fault! You didn't tie it to the boat! "

-"What would I have tied it with? "

-"You were supposed to have a rope anyway! Don't you think of anything? "

-"How dare you? And anyway, you were the one in the back, weren't you? "

-" Lie! "

Footsteps were heard.

And almost instantly, Kira and Seisa were surrounded by men. There were about twenty of them. Despite this, Kira and Seisa had remained calm.

In addition to their numbers, there was another small problem.

They were all armed with rifles. None of them really inspired confidence. It seemed as if they would fire at the slightest wrong move.

-"You're coming with us, kids. "Says the biggest guy.

-"Certainly not." Seisa replied.

-"You better not resist, you brats. Hehe. It's been a while since we had prey. Too bad it's not two young girls! "added another.

Seisa clearly intended to come to blows. But Kira calmly advised her not to do anything with a wave of his hand.

-"If we fight here, we are sure to die. If only you, you would be violent enough to sink this boat by fighting against these idiots. So with me, we are sure to break this old thing in two right from the start. "

-" What do you suggest, then? That we just let ourselves go? "

-"Exactly. "Kira replied confidently.

-" Are you crazy?"

-" Stop it. They won't stay here forever. If it is, they will lead us to the island of Onyx. So shut up and wait. "Said Kira, softly.

So Seisa and Kira decided not to resist, and were tied up in no time at all by people from this mysterious gang. They were put right in the center of the boat right near the mast, so that they wouldn't try to fall into the sea. Seisa had agreed to let them go, but she continued to cast black glances at these people whom she still considered as adversaries.

Kira had noticed Seisa's hostile attitude towards them, but said nothing. It probably wouldn't have any impact on what was going on. According to Kira, no harm would come to him and Seisa at this time. It was almost as if their capture had been premeditated.

It had been several hours since Kira and Seisa had been captured.

-" Mh. It's been almost a year already. A year since I was [killed] by the Empress. "

-" Did you say something? "Asked Seisa who was tied up right next to him.

-" No, nothing. It sounds like I was talking out loud... "

Kira continued to scan the boat. Then he saw someone who caught his attention. This someone was sitting in his corner, almost ten meters away. When this person caught Kira's eye, he stood up and walked towards Kira and Seisa.

He was very singular. He was pale skinned and his hair was black. He was wearing a red kimono and had a sword at his waist. He looked like a samurai.

The strange figure came close to Kira, and leaned against the pole.

-" Akira. It's been a long time. "He says, inexpressive.

-" Don't call me that. And yeah, we hadn't seen each other for several years...Tokisada. "

-" What the hell are you doing tied up here? I dare to believe that you wouldn't have a problem getting untied."

-" Of course. But I prefer not to try anything for the moment. It might be beneficial for us to keep quiet. "

-" You? You mean, you and that girl? "

-" ...Yeah. "

-" Hun hun. »

-" What amuses you? "

-" Nothing."

Silence came immediately afterwards. Seisa had observed the small conversation, but had been silent. Maybe this Tokisada was an acquaintance of Kira.

A minute later, Kira asked Tokisada a question.

-" Tokisada. I would be surprised if a guy like you joined thieves like that. Do you have an idea ? "

-" You could say that. I will use them to go somewhere. "

-" Pfft. So you were in Arcadia? "

-" That's right. "

-"So, you're really going to end up... "

-"Right on. The scarlet demon will pay for her crimes..."

-" … "

-"And you, what do you hope to accomplish by staying there? "

-"I'm going to Onyx Island. "

-"Oh. Raiga's forces are swarming over there."

- "Raiga..."

Then Seisa saw something in the distance.

-"Look over there! "

Tokisada and Kira looked in the same direction as Seisa.

-"Here is the island. "Said Tokisada.

-" Hm."

A few minutes later, the strange boat docked on the shore of Onyx Island. The port must have been on the other side. Kira and Seisa were still tied up, waiting. Tokisada remained calm, having certainly understood what they had in mind.

-" Hey, you! Stay there very quietly! "Says the chief of the boat bandits.

-"..." (Tokisada)

-"... " (Seisa)

-"... " (Kira)

The thirty or so men who were on the boat began to descend. Meanwhile, Kira gave the signal to Tokisada.

-"Tokisada. Take the strings from Seisa. "

-" Seisa?"

-" Yep, that's me! "Says the concerned one.

Kira unties her ties by force just by moving her arms. It's as if being tied up all this time hadn't even been significant. Meanwhile, Tokisada untied Seisa's ties.

Afterwards, he grabbed his sword and took it out of its sheath. He and Kira moved forward.

However, they had attracted the attention of the pirates.

-"We told you not to move! "

-"You're going to get a small correction, you brats! "

Kira and Tokisada were anything but afraid. An oppressive aura emanated from them.

A score of men rushed at them first. It was Tokisada who acted. He used his sword to make a horizontal slice in the void in front of him. »

-" [Void Style: Sound Rift]," he says.

Suddenly a shrill sound resonated. And the twenty guys who had rushed at him were cut off by a brutal gust of wind. It was almost as if space itself had been twisted by Tokisada's sword.

But Kira didn't give the rest time to flee or react. He acted right after Tokisada.

-" [Void Style: Shockwave Strike] "

He simply punched the air. It didn't look like anything. But a second later, a powerful shock wave made the remaining bandits waltz off into the distance. The shock wave was so brutal that it had dug about 400 meters into the sand and earth.

There were no enemies left standing now. Seisa had just watched without intervening.

-" It's amazing to see you using this fighting style again, Kira. "Said Tokisada.

-" This is useful. If I had used my Astra, there would be nothing left of the perimeter for 4 kilometers. "

-" Hmpf. It's about time. I'm going to go. "

-" Are you taking a different route? "

-" Yes. I must go directly to Okeanos. A boat awaits me. But I think about it, what do you come to do here?"

-" Some preparations. My final destination is the Jade Empire. "

-" The Jade Empire...I see. Anyway, I'm going. "

-" See you later. "

With that, the so-called Tokisada left without looking back. Kira let him go and said nothing more.

Seisa got off the boat and approached Kira.

-"Is this guy a friend of yours? He's weird... "

-"You could say that. Let's not waste time. "

-"I wonder what you're hiding from me. "

-"If you don't hurry, I'll leave you here! "

-"Oi oi, in another tone, bastard. "