

The narrative centers on Rin, a boy orphaned at a tender age after a tragic accident. He's soon adopted by a group of scientists who see him not as a child in need but as an ideal specimen to advance human potential. As Rin's abilities surpass all expectations, a growing unease spreads within the laboratory. Some believe that his unparalleled potential is a threat and argue that he should be neutralized.

Souljagger · Action
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11 Chs

The Shattered Remnants

Amid the ruins, Rin, just 9 years old, lay sprawled out. Blood saturated the ground beneath him, a macabre pool reflecting the desolation above. His right arm was brutally severed, ragged edges of bone and sinew exposed. Flies, drawn by the stench of death, circled him. His pallid face, smeared with blood and grime, stared blankly at the heavens, eyes devoid of emotion, almost as if the soul within had been extinguished.

Memories surged, disjointed and sharp like shards of glass. The sterile environment of the lab, the numbing cold of metal tables, the invasive glare of overhead lights.

*"How did it come to this?"* Rin's inner voice echoed, hollow and haunting. *"What twisted paths led me to this desolation?"*

Gathering every ounce of strength left in his frail body, Rin pushed himself up. Pain seared through him, every movement a stark reminder of his mutilated state. The horizon was a grim tapestry of destruction, skeletal remains of buildings jutting out like gravestones.

**Flashback: Three Years Earlier**

The lab was pristine, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Rin, younger and whole, was strapped to an examination table, wires snaking across his body, feeding information to humming machines. Around him, scientists moved with purpose, their white coats stark against the metallic sheen of the room.

Dr. Elric, a prominent figure in the lab, observed Rin intently. "Remarkable," he murmured, "his body's adaptability is unlike anything we've seen. He's perfectly attuned to 'the core'."

The core: a mysterious entity, rumored to be the heart of all human enhancement experiments.

Following the tests, Rin was escorted to what resembled a playground but felt more like a cage. Here, other child subjects, "guinea pigs" of the lab's cruel experiments, were kept. They played, but their games were different – devoid of joy, mechanical, conditioned.

Rin's arrival didn't go unnoticed. The children stopped, their gazes fixating on him. Whispers filled the air.

"It's him, the monster."

Rin's reputation, it seemed, preceded him. The results of his experiments had made him an anomaly, an object of both fear and curiosity.

Among the children, a girl stood out. Kamae, her silver hair cascading down like a shimmering waterfall. Like Rin, she was a subject, but her scars – both physical and emotional – hinted at experiments even more sinister than his.

Their eyes met. Two souls, equally broken, equally strong.

"Why are they afraid of you?" Kamae asked, her voice barely audible, yet carrying an undercurrent of defiance.

Rin sighed, "The same reason they fear you. We're different."

The bond between them was immediate, forged in the crucible of shared pain and a burning desire to break free. But freedom, in a world where their very existence was a testament to humanity's overreach, was a distant dream.

As the days turned to weeks, the experiments grew more brutal. Bones were broken and reset to test healing capabilities. Drugs were administered to induce pain, just to measure endurance levels. Every waking moment was a nightmare.

Rin and Kamae, however, clung to each other. Their mutual support was the only thing that kept them sane amidst the relentless torture.
