
Phantom Lord: First Throne of Horrors

Aeron, a young man who acquired a high affinity with curses and ghosts from childhood after a tragic car accident, is mystically summoned to a world reigned by the horrors of Haunts and Dark Ruins. People walking the Phantom Hunter path protect the only seven safe locations where humanity can survive fighting Haunts and exploring Dark Ruins with the use of Spirit and Curse power. But no one knew that a foreigner from a different world quietly arrived here at the machination of a certain will. Aeron didn't know who sent him here and how he arrived, but in this world reined by terror, he was liberated. Gods, Devils, Demons, Angels, and whatever cosmic and celestial entities out there....everyone will come to know the name of fear! Join this thrilling tale of the one who will rise to be known as the Harbinger of Dread throughout the reality and beyond. He is the Fear Ruler. He is Phantom Lord. He is Aeron, the First Throne of Horrors! _____ Discord: TE9TCQadbW

Eminent_Vellichor · Fantasy
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97 Chs

The Name of Fear (3/3)

Hearing Aeron's words, four people landed from the ceiling's hole by rope one by one, their expression somber as they looked at the littered blood and gore.

Anna, Cynthia, John, and Thomas. The Interpol 0X1 team tailing Aeron finally saw Aeron in action after tailing him for five days.

"You've been tailing me for several days, but since you seemed harmless, I didn't act," Aeron said as he walked the table and sofas of dead gangsters.

"Come and sit," Aeron smiled. "Let's talk. That's what you want, right?"

"This kid is fucking unnerving, I am scared," Cynthia whispered while Thomas and Anna wryly smiled.

"Indeed, let's talk," John walked towards Aeron and sat down on another sofa facing Aeron, his expression serious, but eyes holding curiosity. 

"You are not police," Aeron leaned back on the sofa and put his feet on his other leg's knee. "But you want to know why am I able to do that?"

Thomas, Cynthia, and Anna looked at the mess of the gangsters and then saw Aeron's calm with even a playful smile on his face.

"Indeed. If you can also turn over yourself to us, that would be great," John said with a nod. "But we should talk first."

Anna sat beside John while Cynthia and Thomas sat on the remaining two sofa chairs.

"You killed many people," Anna said, looking at Aeron with narrowed eyes. "Some didn't deserve to die. People can also receive punishment and atonement that can do good for others."

"Oh my, so it looks like the justice department found me," Aeron exclaimed and raised his arms. 

John and others frowned.

"Come on," Aeron then immediately rolled his eyes. Putting his arms down and pointing his index finger at Anna, he grinned and said, "Let's talk about something interesting…like, how you can't give birth despite trying so hard for the last five years."

Anna's expression drastically changed. 

"Y-You…how do you know that?" 

Cynthia and Thomas were surprised, but John's expression turned grim.

"Nobody, not even our close friends knows about this," John said as he held Anna's hand tightly.

"Yeah, I thought you guys wanted to wait for a few years. You said that, right?" Cynthia rubbed her chin.

Aeron chuckled. In his eyes, he could see not only Anna but also the cursed spirit of a big ghostly woman with long black hair and tens of babies with their heads hanging out of her giant stomach.

"You aborted your first baby at a hospital where a lot of abortion happens on a regular basis," Aeron said before snapping his finger, "But…a lot of abortions happened against the mothers' wills in that hospital, and it's a corrupt hospital. Investigate it later."

"What are you trying to say?" Thomas asked as he furrowed his brows. 

"Because of those forceful abortions, the wills of those mothers transformed into a curse," Aeron smiled with narrowed eyes. "You had your abortion there and received a curse from that ghost that haunts the hospitals and targets those who have abortions."

"No matter how much you try, you will not get a baby from the regular childbirth process."

All four were shocked.

"W-What do I do?" Anna asked with a stammer, her motherly feeling overtaking the top priority. "We f-failed so many times, John. I want my child."

"Calm down, Anna," John said before he turned to Aeron. "Our job is to simply tail you and collect information on how you kill people. We are not here for anything else."

"You saw it already," Aeron put his hands behind his head and leaned back on the sofa while smiling. "But I am innocent. I do not kill people."

"I can. But I don't."

"What bullshit?" Cynthia was tongue-tied. "We just saw you dismembering five people, and also have it captured in a video."

Aeron laughed.

"You do have it captured in your memory, but not video."

Cynthia quickly looked at her mobile phone and opened the file saved by the automatic cam-recorder on the ceiling.

"What is it?" Thomas asked, more curious than cautious.

However, her dumbfounded face answered the question. 

Cynthia could indeed see gangsters getting ripped apart, but from the beginning of the video ever since they entered this abandoned factory area to the end of the video…they couldn't see Aeron.

"You see, I have a few friends that can prevent me from getting captured digitally," Aeron said with a chuckle. "Those science people who say ghosts don't exist simply haven't envisioned science that can prove the existence and interaction of ghosts."

"But unfortunately or fortunately…I can see ghosts and interact with them," Aeron smiled. "I grew among ghosts, not people with flesh. I had multiple mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, and girlfriends. I mean, these ghosts were my relatives until I helped them pass on."

"Some are bad, so I can send them to hell."

"Some are good, so I help them pass on."

"Some want revenge and salvation for the injustice they went through, and I help them do that."

Aeron's grin widened. "This is what I do because I can."

"It's a great kick to kill bad people and when the ghosts take revenge with my help."

"It feels good."


The warehouse's door opened, and ten men with black rifles in suits and a man and woman arrived.

"Haily, send the guns out. We don't need them here," John said.

Haily and Luke paused and had a surprised expression.

"Are you sure, John?" Haily raised her eyebrows, her gaze on Aeron, who was also looking at them, more specifically, looking at the peer beside her.

"This brat's gaze feels like he is looking inside me," Luke murmured enough for Haily to hear it. 

"I'm sure, Haily." John looked at Haily and nodded.

"All units. Secure the premise and stand by."

In a minute, the warehouse only had Aeron, Anna, John, Cynthia, Thomas Haily, and Luke.

"What's the situation?" Haily asked as she and Luke stood behind the sofa that John and Anna occupied. "Why did you want the guns out?"

"I can help you remove the curse," Aeron said with a carefree expression. 

"What curse? What is he talking about?" Luke frowned.

"Apparently, Anna and John have been trying to get a child for five years, but couldn't," Cynthia said while looking at Aeron. "And according to this brat, Anna was cursed because of her first abortion at a particular hospital."

"Correct," Aeron nodded with a smile.

"Why did you bring a special squad for this, Haily? Weren't we only supposed to collect information?" Thomas asked with a frown. "Weird, why are you breaking protocols?"

Haily shook her head at Thomas and looked at Aeron.

"You killed many people, Aeron. Do you think all of that can go unpunished?" Haily snorted. "Sure, you killed many scums too, but not all of your victims deserved to die like that."

"If you roam free and continue, you'll bring a disaster at some point," Luke grunted. "You are just nineteen years old, Aeron. But you are already such a menace. If you believe you are not doing anything wrong, come with us."

Aeron boringly pricked his ears. "Spare me your bias crap. The way I view the world and act on it is different."

"Still, I can give you a chance," Aeron playfully smiled. "Tell me the name of someone that died undeservedly under me...supposedly, if you know how many went to hell under my hand."

"Why did you kill Chancellor Ahmed?" Haily asked coldly. "He donated billions from his company while serving people. After his sudden and brutal death, his wife and kids killed themselves."

Aeron was stunned. "You…"

He stood up and started walking.

Everyone saw him moving past the table and the second sofa before turning towards Haily and stopping several centimeters from her.

"Haily, right? You seem to be the boss here," Aeron looked slightly down as he was a few inches taller than Haily.

"Get back!" Luke made some distance before taking out his handgun and pointing at Aeron.

"Calm down," John said.

"I am," Haily narrowed her eyes and asked Aeron. "Why did you kill him?"

"The question is wrong, Haily. It should be—Why are you so incompetent," Aeron stretched his hand and poked his index finger on her forehead. 

"You wouldn't have asked me this question if you had used your brain to investigate why over a thousand little kids from age five to ten transformed into a curse and hovered over him…"Aeron narrowed. "Only for me to find and free them after giving them salvation by letting them chew that Ahmed guy into pieces."

"But you were incompetent, and your ability couldn't find the truth. Your eyes can't see it, but my eyes can."

Haily was startled and took a few steps back as she saw eyes that seemed to peer into her soul.

"Come on, tell me another name."

Luke sneered as he knew that what Haily told them about innocent murders was false.

"Death seeks death," Aeron smiled and raised his arms. "There's no god for the injustice that roams unpunished in this world"

"That's why there's me."

Aeron bowed gentlemanly with a bright, a sunny smile at Haily. "I am the peacemaker and such, I shall give peace to one more soul here."


"Haily, how about we kill this menace here?" Luke pointed his gun at Aeron. "You only started this case because you got tons of money to capture the person who killed Business Tycoon Jason's son."

"I traced the things, so I know," Luke said in a deadpan voice, shocking everyone with this revelation.

"What?! Are you serious, Haily?" Cynthia shouted. "You used Interpol and our team for that personal shit?"

"Yeah, I remember killing that guy and a few others at a club," Aeron nodded with a chuckle. "Truly scums."

"But she did a thorough job finding Aeron," Thomas wryly chuckled as he looked at Aeron.

"Can y-you please remove the curse, Aeron? We can help you in any way we can," Anna said as she stood up.

"Put the gun down, Luke," John said as he pointed his gun at Luke.

"What a mess," Cynthia muttered as she speechlessly looked at Thomas. "Each one with a reason. Only we two are the clowns."

"You two are good," Aeron lightly laughed as he walked towards Anna.

Anna's lips trembled as she asked, "Can you really do it? I regret it so much to have my first abortion because of a mission."

"I regret everything."

John clenched his teeth and felt anguish as he also felt self-blame for the decision that they took that year.

"I can fix it. It's fine," Aeron nonchalantly said as he bent down and put his palm over her stomach. 

After closing his eyes for two seconds, Aeron pushed his focus towards the mark of the curse and tried to erase it. 

'It's tough...It seems that the ghost who cursed her is getting stronger.'

After a second, Aeron stood up and smiled, "Done."

"W-what? So fast?" Cynthia was dumbfounded. "I thought It would take some voodoo stuff or something."

"I didn't kill the cursed ghost of that hospital. I can't do that," Aeron said with a laugh. "So, I just removed its curse from her so she can give birth."

"Haily, call the men inside," Luke said before turning to John. "And put your gun down, John. You got what you wanted."

John walked around the sofa and stood beside Aeron. "Our mission is to collect information. I am just sticking to the laws here. Drop your gun, Luke."

"Haily, end this farce," Anna said as she stood beside John, her voice firm. "Did you do this for money? If so, we can also help you."

Haily gritted her teeth and took out her gun before pointing at Aeron. "I need that money, and it's no small amount. You guys can't help me."

Aeron watched with amusement. 'She brought quite an amount of trash outside.'

"All units, move in," Haily uttered. 

"Haily!" John shouted, his eyes flared. "This is wrong!"

"How much money do you need that you had to take this step?" Anna shouted, feeling saddened by her long time friend's change.

"Shut up! I am a single mother! And my kid is held at gunpoint by that Jason!" Haily screamed with red eyes. "I know it's my fault that my gambling addiction caused me debt in one of Jason's gambling clubs, but there's no other choice! I have to get Aeron, or I won't get debt-free or my kid!"

"You..." John and Anna were shocked, while Cynthia and Thomas were speechless. John and Anna knew Haily for many years, unlike Cynthia and Thomas, who were recent new additions to their team.

"I can't believe you would do that...." Anna closed her mouth, her head moving as she wanted to convince her. "Haily-"

"Shut up!" Haily interrupted with a shout. "Don't force me."

Meanwhile, people in military-type uniforms also arrived with rifles, but the numbers were more than before.

"Alright, you two can stop," Aeron interrupted as he turned to John with a smile. "No need to support me. That's so dumb, lol. You're going to die if they shoot."

John and Anna flinched.

"Distance yourselves from me. Or you can stay nearby, become ghosts after dying, and help me."

The duo walked away from Aeron after hearing that with no other choice.

On the other hand, when Thomas looked at the uniforms carefully this time since they didn't have this many special squad members, he was shocked. "Haily, who the hell are these people? It's not our special squad."

"Hired mercenary or Jason's people?…" Cynthia muttered.

"So, Aeron Blake," Haily took a deep breath before asking, "Surely, your ghostly powers can't stop so many bullets from all directions at once, right?"

"Right," Aeron nodded with a laugh. "I personally don't have any crazy powers. The most I can do on my own is remove curse marks like I did just now."

"As expected," Haily narrowed her eyes. "You never lie, right?"

"I don't need to," Aeron yawned before saying, "But the price of killing me will be heavy."

Aeron grinned widely, his eyes glinting, "If I make people pay the price for what they've done to others, then why wouldn't I do that for myself?"

Aeron pointed his index finger at Haily.


But all people in black with rifles were ready to shoot Aeron.

However, Aeron's finger changed direction and turned to Luke. "Before that, I told you I need to give peace to one more soul, right?"

Luke's expression changes.

"Yep, buddy. I can see your wife," Aeron smiled. "Oh wait, your dead wife, I mean. You killed her."


"Die! Die!" Luke roared and started firing toward Aeron. 

However, all bullets stopped a meter away from Aeron before falling to the ground.

*click, click, click...*

"What the fuck?"


Everyone was shocked especially the armed mercenary group. Their comms' were filled by words of disbelief as they confirmed if what they saw was real.

"Why are you so dumb?" Aeron sighed. "I lied about dying. You can't really kill me with guns. I mean, you can, but not right now."

"This Luke here killed his wife out of suspicion and doubt that she was seeing another man, but she was not," Aeron rolled his eyes. "You paranoid idiot."

"And she just saved me from your bullets," Aeron smiled at the blond-haired lady's ghost and nodded. "Thanks, milady. This bastard didn't deserve you anyway."

Afterward, he turned to the terrified Luke who could see her wife's ghost thanks to Aeron.

"And now, she will kill you."

Luke stumbled backward with horrified eyes. 


The others were confused because they couldn't see what Luke was seeing.

However, they could see what was happening to Luke.


A blood-curdling scream echoed soon into the warehouse as everyone saw Luke rolling on the ground while blood sprayed out from his nether region.

His hands and legs were crushed one by one while flesh floating around. Ultimately, his body was torn into pieces.

"As for these goons. Come on, out of those forty-six people, forty-one have innocents' blood in their hands and are carrying ghosts."

Aeron glanced around at everyone, making all officers move a few steps back as most of them trembled out of fear at the scene they just witnessed. "The five young ones will sooner or later soak their hands in the blood of innocent people, right?"

"Sigh, I guess you can also die with others," Aeron smiled. "There are already so many ghosts around. I don't want to more."


"I a-am not doing this!"

Two people threw away their guns and left while removing their militant outfit, followed by the other three.

"Aye," Aeron put his hand above his eyes and looked at those five running out as he let out a chuckle. "A good decision indeed."


Someone shouted and started firing at Aeron, and that one spark triggered others as all of them started firing.

John, Anna, Cynthia, and Thomas grouped away, leaving Haily in her position as she watched Aeron with clenched fists, fumbling in fear.

Her brain fuse was rocked, and she was scared witless.

'Guns don't work?! They are rifles!'

Amidst the loud sound of gunfire, everyone's ears were ringing.

Aeron wryly smiled at Haily while poking his ears and moving his lips, but his voice mysteriously rang in Haily's ears.

'Thanks for bringing so many pieces of shit here. I couldn't have survived such a heavy firepower attack without the support of the ghosts they brought.'

A second after Haily finished hearing Aeron's words, screams started echoing.

All ghosts of people that these people killed used Aeron's power and enhanced themselves, gaining power to physically interact as they started slaughtering the people that killed them.

Aeron walked towards trembling Haily, who took a few steps back before her legs gave out.


She fell on her butt, her heart beating faster as Aeron approached her.

"You made my life less peaceful by creating this farce," Aeron sighed as he bent down. "But I can't kill you."

"Surprisingly, you don't have any ghosts behind nor any ghost's marks, so you haven't sinned yet," Aeron said. "And I don't kill innocents."

"R-Really?" Haily dragged herself back a bit while asking. 

"Yes," Aeron nodded while smiling. "So, you can do another attempt to catch me and get your money, right?"

Haily was stunned. "I…No, I will not do that."

"Why you will not do that?" Aeron asked, adopting a confused expression. "You know how my power works and how to kill me after today."

"So why wouldn't you try to capture and kill me?" 

Haily opened her mouth, but fear was filling her up, and she couldn't speak anything.

Aeron smiled and patted her head.

"No…No…" Haily shook her head, despair filling her up. "I will not go after you again. Please…"

"You are a strong and determined woman, "Aeron looked into her eyes and sighed, "So, allow me to guess your future."

"After I spare you, you will obey your promise and stay silent. You might leave your job as well. But not forever," Aeron's grin widened. "After a few years or several years, you will want the deal again or misdirected revenge for your kid?"

"After all, knowing my weakness and power gives you confidence to deal with me."

"So, you will come after me again...only to finally meet your death."

"I-I, No...I will not."

"What do you say, wanna gamble?" 

Haily nodded with hopeful eyes, "I will not come after you again. This c-case will vanish. Only me and my team know about this."

"You…will remain anonymous."

Aeron smiled, "Attagirl. Now, I am going to a nearby haunted spot. The fear coming from there is thrilling, so I am going to have some fun."

Standing up, Aeron looked at John and others before he bowed gentlemanly, "Nice to meet you, but make sure you do not meet me again if you are not clean."

"Because your sin is my weapon, and your fear is my name."

"Peace out."

Aeron did a two-finger farewell with a sunny smile before turning around and walking towards the exit amidst littered corpses.

However, the moment Aeron reached the exit, everyone saw a mysterious dark blue light pillar shooting at Aeron from the sky as it entirely enveloped him.

A second later, however, the pillar of light disappeared...as well as Aeron.


This is the journey of the one who seeks thrill in horrors. 

The one who is the most kind, yet cruel. The cursed child, abandoned by fate.

He reins fears in people's hearts, but eternally puts his name as the symbol of fear.

He is harbinger of dread. He is Phantom Lord. He is Aeron, the First Throne of Horrors.

This is my entry into WSA 2024. I hope you all enjoy this ride unlike any other ^_^

Eminent_Vellichorcreators' thoughts