
Phantom King [PT.1]

DoofusWhite · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

As George lifts his foot to crush Alice's head, ready to be a squashed pancake. Alice then remembers the two people that she has always loved, her father and West.

"Thank you dad… for always loving me and taking care of me. And thank you West for being lovely towards me." Alice says to herself.

When George is about to stomp on her head, West comes right behind him and hits him with a metal shovel, in the head. George notices this and has no time to react, he then falls to the ground, spilling out blood from his head. By this time Alice has already been knocked out. She luckily still has a pulse and is still alive, but barely. As George lays there, losing conscious slowly, he transforms back into a human. West drops the shovel and immediately goes and checks on Alice.


After yelling this out, West pulls out his phone and calls the paramedics.

15 minutes later -

As the paramedics arrive at the place, they start to ask West some questions on what had happened.

One of the paramedics walk up to West and asks him,

"Sir, do you have any information on what happened in the situation?"

West with a wide face looks at the paramedic with a depressing tone,

"Well I heard screaming outside my dorm window and I heard Alice getting attacked by someone. So I quickly rushed out my window with a metal shovel and knocked that guy out. It looked like he was a demon for a second, but I couldn't fully tell. But that last thing I remember is me and my girlfriend going to sleep."

"Do you recall anything that she might have said that led to this incident?"

West thinks for a moment and remembers something that Alice had said to her before they went to sleep.

"She did tell me that she kept on hearing knocks around our room. So maybe that had something to do with it."

The paramedic looks at him, confused.

"What do you mean by 'she heard knocking around our room?'"

"She said, she could hear knocks and strange noises around the room. But I didn't hear a thing!"

The paramedic gets confused by this, nods his head, and walks away from West. But as he walks away West quickly grabs his shoulder. This catches the paramedic's attention and looks around to look at West.

West looks at him, desperately.

"Before you go sir please tell me, is Alice going to be alright"

The paramedic grins.

"Yes. The good news is that she will be fine. But the bad news is that she is probably going to be in a coma for a pretty long time and she might have a little bit of memory loss."

West starts to tear up a little from this and says miserably,

"Can I see her?! Where is she right now?! Please Doctor, I need to check on Alice!"

"Sorry, sir, but, you must wait for her to fully heal from her coma for you to see her."

"I don't care about that! I want to see her now!"

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down."

"I can't calm down! My girlfriend just got into a coma! The only one that has ever cared about me!"

"Sir, I advise you just to get back to your dorm and get some rest."

West wants to protest more, but he is too tired to keep on going.

"Don't worry, this whole incident will be hidden from the public, but I will need to tell your main drill sergeant about this." The paramedic says in an encouraging tone.

So he nods his head and heads back up to his dorm. As he lays down on his bed, he softly cries himself to sleep, blaming himself for Alice's coma.