
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

Bonus Episode: 13# Now

"Haah!" She jumped out of bed, breathing heavily.

The items in the dark room were vaguely selected.

She had a dream, perhaps a brief summary of his entire life...

Shura patted her forehead and hugged her son Min Lin, looking at Yifan, who was lying down. Eyes softened, he reached out and grabbed Yifan's hair.


But wow!

Yifan is just as experienced and long-lived. How can he fall for such simple things? Shura's fingers were successfully caught and bitten by Yifan.

Shura "!!!"

"Are you a dog?!" He suppressed his voice, if the child wakes up, he will have a bad headache.

"Heh" Yifan narrowed his eyes, smiling charmingly at her with those seductive eyes.

Shura "..."

He averted his eyes and said, "I want to see my sister, let's go look."

"Your sister? Do you have a sister?"

Yifan messed up her hair as she got out of bed.

"Yeah, didn't we even go with you to rescue him from an icy coffin?" Shura looked at him strangely.

"Icy coffin? What?" He felt speechless when he saw Yifan staring at him in confusion.

He looked at his hands thoughtfully.

"I think it's hallucination again..." he muttered and sat back in disappointment.

"The person I call my mother, as you know, is someone who adopted me even though it is not mentioned. My real blood ties..."

"They're dead" caressed his forehead.

Right, what was she saying?

They're all dead already.

Why did he suddenly go crazy like that...

Yifan patted his shoulder.

"Don't console me," he grumbled.

She remembered that Yifan was one of those few children who had been tested with her.

But he couldn't decide whether this was also a false memory or whether it was real.

Intertwined with lies for a long time, arm in arm. It's really hard to distinguish from reality now. The devil's lie has become his truth.

Maybe even his whole life was a lie, he thought about it without being sure.

Feeling that he was doing some stupid, sloppy philosophy, he buried his head in the pillow again and closed his eyes.

-To be continued-