
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


It was a nice night. I had already prepared and ate the food.

He hasn't even appeared since I fired Yifan.

Anyway, let me enjoy the peace of this quiet moment.

I came out of the dormitory and into a secluded but grassy area. I felt the wind caressing my face as I lay on the grass and watched the sky.

Thinking about that trap thing that happened today...

Just the usual stuff.

I slowly got up from the ground and lit my cigarette.

I smoked a cigarette and proceeded to my dormitory.

When I got to my room, I found a lot of gift boxes on the bed.

I grinned.

What gift did they send this year?

They were the last to send missiles.

When I opened one of the packages, its nasty root spread throughout the room.

It was shit.

While I was throwing this box directly from the balcony, I moved on to the other box.


I jumped onto the balcony and kicked the box into the sky.

It exploded in the night sky in such a way that it illuminated everything.

I squinted at the other boxes on the bed.


I guess I was really just being liked a little too much by the demon folk.

I carefully selected the boxes from the people and threw them from the balcony and destroyed them with special treatment!

Well, they thought about it and prepared it...

I looked at the gift wrapping that came out of my people.

I moved on to the biggest one first.

What could be inside?

I hit the box a couple of times.

There was no sound.

I slowly opened the box.

Shura "..."

I immediately closed the box back and walked over to the balcony and threw it straight.

Inside was a seriously handsome man tied with ribbons.


That bastard Li Shi had prepared this with the intention of making fun of you!


A large box and an almost naked male with a ribbon fell right next to Yifan who was about to enter the dormitory building!

Yifan "..."

On the end of the ribbon ending on the man's head, "To Shi La" was ornately written.

As soon as he saw this article, his eyes darkened, he advanced to the man and brought it to the area where no one would see it and destroyed it directly!

Then he shook the dust off his hands and proceeded back to the dormitory as if nothing had happened.

This time, he paused as a package fell from upstairs to his arms.

When the cover of the package fell to the ground, the contents of the package came to light.

Nude photos of men and women!

His face quickly darkened, he destroyed the photos in one fell swoop!

Especially when he saw the message written on the paper between the pictures, "Many relationship friends half price on behalf of your birthday! Shura special for you!"

The sky lit up as he slammed the box into a corner in anger, and a loud explosion engulfed him.

The missile was launched, this time too...

Yifan couldn't take it anymore and entered the dormitory.

When he opened the door, he was faced with many more unopened gift packages in the room.

Just when Shi La opened one, another shot out of the box.

Yifan looked at all the gift packages as if he wanted to destroy them.

At that time, Shi La also threw the person who had jumped out of the box from the balcony.


a family outside

The little boy pointed to the sky and said, "Daddy, it's raining people!" said. While the man did not believe his child and said "ya he he", a naked woman fell from the sky on the man.

When his wife suddenly turns around and notices this scene, seeing the man like that, she rushes to the man with the bag and says, "Damn you bastard!" cried the boy, advancing to the grenade falling from the sky.

When he thought it was a ball and kicked it, the pin of the grenade came out, and the grenade rolled elsewhere.

The rolling bomb stopped in a corner, the moment of Li Shi slumbering in this corner was shaken by an explosion.

Eden found it.

Li Shi, who planned this as a joke from the very beginning...

The pumpkin had burst on his head.

-To be continued-