
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
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234 Chs

85《For What Is Mine...》

I didn't even have to look to see who the owner of the sarcastic voice was.

"Fuck you Anastasia!"

The madness of the reporter and the media filming me while I was making my way to the school pissed me off even more.

After I turned to them and gave them a middle finger, I left again.

"Shura, you seem to be in a relationship with Ye Qin?" "What's wrong with you," I said without turning my back as Anastasia grinned even more sarcastically.

Today I was really bored.

But it wasn't because I was bored, it was because I couldn't find Qin in bed as soon as I opened my eyes.

Even though it was a simple thing, it got on my nerves. It's like I've been abandoned!

Who! Me ?



I will leave but I will not be abandoned!

I rushed to the school and opened the door of the classroom. "Sit down," I hissed as all eyes turned to me.

But there was no clue.


I looked at the shock of the whole class.

"Yes girl what happened?" Oh girl, boy. What was the difference huh?

They weren't so surprised that I was the devil!

While the girls were throwing themselves to the ground in sadness, the boys said, "Laylaylaylalaylaylaylalay!" they were dancing.

Shura "..."

They're maniacs.

Just then, I was grabbed by the shoulder and a voice came from behind me saying, "He has an owner."

I looked behind me. Ye Qin glanced back at me as he looked at the classroom with a possessive look. When she smiled happily, all the anger that was burning inside of me instantly disappeared, she.

"Hmf," grunting, and looking back at the classroom, that look of disappointment on the boys' faces was so clearly captured.

The real joy of men was that I was a girl. So the girls wouldn't look at me anymore.

But why are they sad now?!

Would I deal with them?

As I turned my gaze towards Ye Qin, I could feel the presence of that thing moving in my chest.

My heart was fluttering like a canary trying to escape from the cage.

At that time, I also noticed the obsessive looks of Jehin and Gehan.

My lips curled slowly. I chuckled slightly as I smirked.

to mine...

-To be continued-