
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


I went straight from school. I was suddenly bored, bored. I was going to finish this exam as soon as possible and complete my school enrollment.

Yes, when the school is private, you cannot enter with money or bribes. Assuming that the only solution is the test and the fate of evil is in the hands of this school, I would either enter this school or die. There was no other choice.

I have no idea what the exam was, they had abnormal minded exams that changed all the time.

I went straight in and told the principal without further ado that I wanted to enroll in the school. The principal, on the other hand, called another student and asked him to take me to the examination area.

As I walked out the door, I could feel the headmaster strangely looking after me. Did he discover my identity?

Impossible, cases of demons are extremely rare in this world. Let me put it this way, demons are spiritual beings and humans cannot see demons. As such, this human race should not have any intersection with demons.

So, what is this man looking at me, who is poor for this city?

There is no power, no talent, no money, my family background and ancestry are lower than those of these men, so why did this man look at me for so long?

Maybe he just dived and I was giving it a lot of meaning?

Anyway, if there was something, it was revealed later. For now, I was going to worry about the exam.


"Hello, you can join the school as long as you win in the sword fight against this guy," the boy said calmly, pointing to the man standing arrogantly on the high ground.

"You are Person 17, 16 people before you also came to this school to enroll today. Person 6 is now being tested. Is there a problem?"

I shook my head and it was gone.

Where are you going?

You said is there a problem, I nodded yes and you just ignored and left?

Come on, anyway...

I sat down and looked at the man fighting on the field.

Li Shi next to me spoke to me with a sigh, "sister- so bro you can't win against him. He's 10 times stronger than you statistically"

I stood silently and analyzed the man.

He was arrogant, beating every opponent by a few hits.

Hey man!

Where I am, no one could be more arrogant than me!

Squinting my eyes, I carefully analyzed the man.

Your every move.

It took 3 breaths when swinging it to the left, and 4 breaths when swinging it to the right.

Each of his actions was planned and step-by-step like a master. However, he left a lot of openings to belittle his opponent and make fun of him.

He spent a long time with the weakest, while the strong were defeated quickly.

He had a rhythm without realizing it, 7 hits from the left, 3 from the bottom, 2 from the top, then 1 time from the right, and when he completed this cycle, he would go one step further.

Li Shi sighed and muttered, "Are you using your terrible observation skill again? Nothing escapes your eyes," I continued to observe the man, ignoring his insane glances.

For a moment there was a slight twitch in his facial expression, his brows slightly furrowed, and he tilted his body forward imperceptibly.

His stomach or intestines must be hurting.

As time progressed slowly, his opponents always changed.

12. When he came to the opponent, the man's face was like earth and his lips were pale.

His stomach doesn't hurt, he wouldn't have a sluggish and colorless face if he did.


He must be hungry.

With a sly grin, I made a few requests to Li Shi and told him to hurry up.

I grinned when Li Shi left, I will do anything to win.

When Li Shi arrived, he came with food in his hand.

I grinned at the man's reaction as the smell of all sorts of food quickly permeated the room.

He couldn't take his eyes off the tray.

Just as I anticipated.

But wait, he frowned and a slight expression of disgust appeared on his face?

Foods he doesn't like?

I looked at the food, fish and seafood.

Anyway, it would be useful for me to dislike it, because it would be uncomfortable, it would be distracting. I would still reach my goal.

13. My guess was confirmed when the contestant entered.

The man was hastily defeated.

Was this meal that uncomfortable?

Anyway, that's not enough observation.


Shi La was staring at the man intently, as if she wanted to explore everything.

Without missing any of your moves.

When it was his turn, he stood up with a slight smile on his face.

In that short time, he had mastered all of the man's behavior.

In short, he memorized all the unconscious habits of the man.

Li Shi said worriedly, "His opponents were weak and not tired, you still can't beat him with your current strength"

He grinned slyly and looked at the man with arrogance on the field as if he was hunting.

Shi La turned to Li Shi and smiled as his man gave a sudden chill.

Li Shi couldn't help but say "He's going to make a scene again" as he stared into her sly eyes and mischievous smile.

It was just as he said, Shi La spoke loudly.

He chuckled and said confidently, "Who said I couldn't win? Besides, who said it was just a power struggle? I may be weaker than him in power, but I'm more sneaky than him"

He grinned at his opponent on the field.

He looked like a snake now, a snake that had bared its teeth and slowly released its venom from its sharp teeth...

She's smarter and more patient than him.

He didn't believe he could beat her.

Not understanding what he meant, he turned to Li Shi, noticing that he was looking at her with eyes that wanted him to explain, he sighed and muttered quietly, "Why can't my brother be as smart as his older sister?"

He smiled and said loudly, "Watch and see, I'm going to knock this garbage down in one move," and just moved on to the field.

He didn't want to waste time explaining, he didn't believe he would win. It was useless to say, so what could be more believable than showing?

Clenching his fist, he walked onto the field with a grin step by step.

Everyone in the hall had heard his word. He looked at the man. The arrogant man frowned even more. He grinned at the movement of his foot stamping on the ground.

It worked.

He had gotten what he wanted, now the man was even more impatient.

When he stepped onto the field, he took his twin swords in both hands.

Although he tried to manipulate the man psychologically, the power gap was too great. He still couldn't be comfortable.

They started to fight.

The man's movements were more aggressive, faster and more agile than before, but he was more impatient and left more gaping than before.

Pride, arrogance and contempt in his eyes...

He was reading all of them, Shi La in his eyes.

He deliberately pretended to be weak and acted as if he could hardly bear it, in fact, from the outside, it was obvious that he was the strongest warrior that had ever come before the man, but the man was almost blinded by his slight provocation.

He was not in a calm mind and in no condition to analyze his situation, so he obviously did not notice it.

Shi La grinned even more, as if provoking the man.

While the man's movements became more hasty, he started to practice the habits that Shi La had detected before.

After all, how could he be in his head to think that his own movements were always in the same cycle, slowly?

He clearly showed himself at a disadvantage, yet even though he seemed to be losing, Shi La was also arrogant.

He belittled the other, openly humiliated. As his opponent became more and more unbalanced with these ways of him, he was getting more brazen.

With a quick attack, he swept behind the man, whispering softly in his ear as he went behind him "trash"

The man's pupils constricted as he had a pair of sharp swords resting against his neck.

"you lost"

He came down from the stage, sheathing his swords.

Ignoring the collapsed man behind him.

With this power in the man, he was unlikely to win.

It was not possible.

It was as funny as the ant's challenge to the mountain.

He couldn't, he shouldn't have won.

However, while observing the man, he noticed something during his observation.

Your fake arrogance...

Behind his arrogant and superior behavior, he hid his low self-sacrifice.

It was fake...

Every time he came one step closer to being defeated, his arrogant eyes were replaced by fearful ones.

He was someone with low self-esteem, low self, and inferiority complex.

In short, he must be someone who always compares himself to others and sees himself low.

But he was pretending to be arrogant because he was afraid of being humiliated and being seen.

The killing tactic to avoid being killed...

His arrogance was nothing more than a wall he had erected for the sake of ostensibly closing this inferiority complex.

And he was hiding behind the wall.

And he broke down that wall step by step.

In short, a victory that should have been "impossible" was achieved.

-To be continued-