
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

29《Past and Future》

It was a lion.

Shura "..."

"Son, what are you doing, what are you going to look at?" The lion roared softly.

"Look how many times I've told you boy, you're a lion, we both have no future together. I can know that without even looking at the cards"

The lion snorted and got down from his seat.

"Next?" While playing with the cards in her hand, Shura spoke.

"I will come"

Shura didn't think her brother was coming, although she was slightly surprised, but soon her surprise faded and she became serious.

He shuffled 2 decks of cards and laid them on the table.

Everyone looked at the table in silence, or rather, at the cards.

"Shall I read your history?" Shura decided to ask ahead of time. If he had any embarrassing memory, he considered giving his older brother a face, telling him ahead of time.

Helian who will cry in a corner "..."

Aunt you are so unfair! You didn't treat me so special!

"Read" Ye Qin did not remember much of his past. That's why he asked her to read it.

This time he turned the cards over, not one by one, but all at once. All 10 of the past cards stood with a city flipped on the table.

"You are not the real child of this family"

Even though Kija and Sarian knew this beforehand, she couldn't help being surprised. Shura was seriously not making it up, her talent was real.

"You're older than your mom and dad"

Everyone's eyes landed on Ye Qin's face.

She obviously looks so young, where is she old?!

Kija and Sarian frowned. They didn't know about it.

"In fact, the person you call mother and father is not a descendant of your brother"

Shock after shock...

"Your life was very turbulent. You grew up orphaned and orphaned as you never found peace. Your past and childhood are painful"

"But you don't remember" He lightly looked at Ye Qin. Then he continued looking at the cards.

"You're Virgin"

"For a long time you spent your life working. On technology"

"You've had so many identities, you can't remember how many years you've lived"

"The reason for living long is because of childhood"

He wouldn't stop here.

"I've lived as long as you, what a coincidence," he continued with a slight laugh.

"You are so strong and talented, reckless and quiet"

He paused when he reached the last card of the past. He removed the card. All the cards were transparent and no one could understand anything except Shura.

He held up that card and said, "Here it says you like someone and you're overly attached to that person."

Ye Qin's pupils shrank and said, "Is there anything else written?" ' he asked with slight concern in his tone. Does it say who loves you?

She doesn't want him to find out.

If he finds out...

No, he shouldn't.

Shura stared at him for a while, then said "No".

Ye Qin slightly relaxed.

"I'm moving forward"

Ye Qin nodded.

He started by straightening all the cards at once.

"First of all, your past may be very problematic, but your future will be calm and peaceful"

"Secondly, you will have a healthy and trouble-free life"

"From the woman you married-"

Ye Qin interrupted, "Woman?" Shura shook her head.

"Continue," Ye Qin said, deep in thought with disappointment.

"You will have 1 child with the woman you married."

"You will lead a happy family life. You and the person you are married to are very close to each other. There will be no problems in your life."

"Not that..."

Ye Qin looked at him.

Shura showed the last card, "You even have death, but something is missing."

He removed the previous one from the last card and said, "Your wife's life is uncertain here."

Ye Qin nodded and returned to his seat.

While Ye Qin was thinking about fortune telling, this time Ayuan came across him.

"Wait, bro I didn't read the message of your destiny," he said, and burned the papers with a long strand of hair he got from Qin.

The text that remained on the table from the ashes was "Never Give Up!"

As soon as Ye Qin saw this, his pupils narrowed and he looked at Shura.

Maybe they could have a future with Shura since even fate said so? Could the future be changed?

While Ye Qin was thinking about this, Shura had already begun.

"You lived so long, like my brother"

"Ayuan has suffered a lot in the past, but she became a girl to whom you hold tight. You grew up sharing your pain with this person. You became blood sisters."

"...like this"

"...your past is over. I'm moving on to the future"

Ayuan nodded.

"Ayuan is destined to have no one. You will not marry and lead a single life. Even though your life may be carefree and comfortable, don't let your past hold you back"

"...This much"

The writing appeared when Shura blew to the ashes again for the advice of fate.

"Forget Your Past"

Ayuan looked at him intently and said, "And your past?" he said curiously.

Ye Qin's attention was also immediately drawn this way.

"Is it mine?" Shura never looked back. "Okay" shuffled them out as he rolled out new decks of cards.

Ye Qin and Ayuan's full attention was on the deck of cards.

Shura said that Ayuan will be single while Ye Qin will marry a woman.

Shura was a man.

Both were curious.

What if Shura couldn't be with either of them?

The cards of the past suddenly burned.

A child is on the screen. She cries and cries. There are obvious signs of torture on his body. This person is Shura.

Shura watched with interest her past, which she had forgotten because she had lived for a long time. With no expression, as if he wasn't on the screen.

The boy was taken prisoner in the room with several children.

Then the scene changed.

The silhouette of a woman appeared in the smoke, laughing. Everyone looked at Shura as they saw it.

Woman, Shura.

He set fire to all sides and said, "I will be your grim reaper!" she cried.

The smoke mingled and the scene changed again.

Ordinary lazy days of Shura summed up.

In one of the scenes, two or three gigolos, complete around the neck, were approaching the woman.

"Wrong thing ahaha," Shura said sarcastically, scattering the smoke in embarrassment.

Still, he couldn't hide the embarrassment on his face.

Because the woman on the stage is holding the men by the leash and, well...

He was beating.

Yes, this is another hobby.

Anyway, he's a 'man' right now and he's not embarrassed.

A sadistic person does not deny it.

There's even a bit of masochism.

"Ehem" drew attention to the future cards.

This time, as soon as he touched the cards, there was smoke.

Frankly, he wanted to read, whenever the mother came to him, the cards showed the scene directly.

Dirty talent!

That's why he couldn't hide the embarrassing memories and got disgraced!

Then [20. He will ask the guard of Kat Fal] about the day!

The scene has changed, times have changed.

The smoke split in two directions. The one on the left was the scary one and the one on the right was the happy ending.

The one on the left is seen to be insane and depressed, while the one on the right is seen to be happy.

Shura knows.

Even her brother knows.

Those around him also vaguely know.

Shura is weird.

Another version of the devil. He has transcended pure evil.

He has mental disorders.

Like crazy sometimes.

Although he is sane most of the time, he has emotional instability. Then the will spreads a complete terror.

"Shura" Shura raised her head. "You're still not taking drugs like drugs, are you?" ' Ye Qin asked.

"No bro, I didn't" Shura answered honestly. Qin relaxed a little.

The fortune is over.

For a while there was silence.

"Do you know why?" It was Shura who broke the silence. "I remember now and then I will forget again. That's why I want to tell you before I forget," said Shura resolutely.

"My drug, weed, substance use"

"Do you know what's causing my behavior and imbalances?"

He smiled slightly and said, "Now I remember. Brother, Ayuan, the three of us crossed in the past. Our past. Our past we forgot..."

-To be continued-