
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
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234 Chs



Kicking the boy's foot, I glared at him and said, "You're not going anymore!!" I said. My voice came out so angry and wheezy that the fox sighed. Still, I was speaking in a low voice, because if my mother heard, I would still be on the wrong side.

Besides, I couldn't bear a second humiliation in front of this scumbag.

I regretted a thousand times that I brought this child to my house and saved him.

since 3 days!

It has been occupying my bed, my house, my family and my meals for exactly 3 days!

Luckily he doesn't touch my money. Otherwise by now...

What was it called?

My old next-door neighbor, in the words of the devil...


We were reading your greeting.

I looked at this mess again.

No matter how many questions my mother asked, she only answered with a nod of her head, never speaking.

His exact voice was like shit, he didn't speak because he was ashamed.


I went inside.

This kid was trying my patience hard!

I didn't even want to stay in the same place with him.

Anyway, I had work to do today.

Now it was time to return my teacher to his body.

So far I have gathered information. Now I knew what to do.


I should have gone to the Crystal clan.

The name of the country we are in now is 'Kant'

Level, Silver.

In short, mid-level.

This was considered a mid-level kingdom, I thought.

Until he started collecting information and found out that this place is only a tiny village power compared to the real world.


my money...

My coins are worthless *cries*

Actually, I was wrong. What I valued was not money. Whatever was most valuable to that planet would be my most valuable.

Because we devils like to be superior in every way.

I knew that money was the most valuable thing in the previous world, as well as in the world of technology. But there was a hidden power that was more valuable than money...


Yes, it was worth more than money to me. I wasn't talking nonsense. Even if you have money, if you don't have knowledge, that money was flying away.

But if you had knowledge, your money would also be folded.

Money was superior, valuable because we could buy those 'valuable' items that were formed as a result of knowledge.

In this world, those valuable things that were formed as a result of knowledge were bought by force instead of money.

Although the worlds changed, the law did not.

It was knowledge that gave power.

It was knowledge that brought power.

Would technology exist without knowledge?

Would there be empowerment techniques without knowledge?

Power was the child of knowledge.

Therefore, in order to be powerful, I had to hold the knowledge in my hands.

In short, I would use money to gain power, and power to gain knowledge.


The old man looked at me.

"Grandpa to me too," he said.

I sat down, panting and puffing and saying, "What's the difference?"

"I'm sure you know about the Grandpa Crystal clan"

True. He knows, my dear, especially my grandfather is not in a state of being ignorant, right?

"Continue!" said.

"I say..."

"Grandpa, I heard their eldest son is in a coma?"

He looked at me and said, "Well? Go on."

"So I'm saying, I know how to wake this guy..."

Our old man looked at me as his eyes widened in shock.

"So if I wake up, what will they give in return?"

I know, I'm not ashamed.

But being the devil requires it!

My grandfather laughed and muttered, "He's getting more and more shameless."

I ignored him and eagerly awaited the answer.

"I don't know" I said with a smile on my face. He kept me waiting for nothing, wow!

"Forget it, I'll ask myself" I said, getting up and walking out.


"Wow, how much profit would I make if I rob this place?"

I'm seriously thinking, what if I rob this place sometime?

Anyway, this is my teacher's clan. Since he is my teacher, I will go here for once.


A large and large structure was adorned with various jewels. The adornment was enough to catch the eyes of even the passers-by.

Ki Shi La's mouth was watering as he looked at it.

"Shit, teacher, why isn't he from a poorer clan..."

While he was cursing his fate, one of the guards at the gate noticed the boy.

He came up to him and looked back at him and said, "Veled, this is not a playground."

This guard was 39-40 years old and had a large body.

Shi La, who is tiny next to him...

Man up to 2 meters vs 1.42 m Shi La.

"I want to fuck..." he muttered.

He was staring straight at the man. If his gaze were to hurt, he would have buried the man in the ground.

"Dude..." he restrained himself and tried to remain calm, "I came to see the leader of the Crystal Clan. Tell him to come out"

"I'm not in the mood to go to your feet"

The guard frowned, then returned to his seat and stood upright, continuing his duty.


(Yo* (slang) Lan/ulan)

Shi La tried to swallow her anger again.


I approached the bodyguard and spoke arrogantly, "I can wake up your young master, Yousan."

But contrary to my expectation, the man did not even look at me.

Wait, now isn't this supposed to be at your feet or something?

Don't even look at my face!

But I am getting angry!

I approached the man nervously.


Today was the same as always in the Crystal clan. The head of the clan, Wases, wanted to go outside and get some fresh air.

Although clan affairs have been running smoothly lately, family affairs unfortunately were not.

His son, who fell asleep and never woke up, and his wife, who was devastated for his son...

This situation constricted him.

But as he went outside and inhaled the fresh air, he heard the voice of an arrogant youth.

"...I can wake Yousan"

Even as a young adult, the confidence in his voice drew people to him.

Her voice was neither female nor male. But he had a very beautiful voice.

The scene he saw as Wases curiously moved in that direction was Shi La throwing the 2m bodyguard to the ground on his back.

Wass "..."

Protection "..."

Protection: What the fuck?

"You provoked me," said the youth calmly. Then he waved his hand and entered.

Wases and the youth met at that moment.

"Look, can you really wake Yousan up?" Wases could not help but doubtfully.

He had the best doctors in the kingdom brought in with money. Yet they were helpless.

"Of course I can," said the youth with a smile.

"But there has to be some reward for that too, right?"

Wass "..."

Wases:  Why do I feel like I met a professional scammer?

"So you want something in return for waking him up?" said Wases.

"Sure, we're doing it for your father's sake, right?"

Then he muttered "All the scabies are finding me too yaw"

Wass "..."

Wases "Oh, ahem. Okay here."

Wases moved forward, showing the way.

If this young man had not said that he would save his son, he probably would have punched this boy instead of putting up with it.

As Wases progressed, he was trying to restrain himself and swallow his anger, and on the other hand, he was trying to learn his identity by asking questions to the boy.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

Shi La looked at the man and said briefly, "Shi La from the Aura clan."

As Wases finally approached the room where his son was, "Raizack's child? Wasn't she a girl?"

Wases squinted his eyes at Shi La.

Shi La grimaced and said, "Are you blind? Do I have a girly side?" he said, and then he entered without waiting for the man.

Wases outside punched the wall, smashed the wall and muttered as Shi La walked in, muttering, "Even the clan's servants get scabies in these times?"

"Be patient Wases, this may be your only chance. This brat might wake your son"

Wases looked at him with murderous intent and sighed, "This brat has something to take away from me, especially if he can't wake her."

Taking a deep breath, she gathered herself and went inside.

Then he froze at what he saw.

Wass "..."

Shi La was gone kissing her son!

Shi La wiped her lips from the man's arm and said, "He'll wake up now."

What Wases couldn't see was that Shi La had to kiss her teacher in order to first take the spirit of her teacher in the purple ring into her mouth and then put it on her teacher's body.

"Don't get hung up on mischief," he said in disgust as he turned around and looked at Wases' petrified expression.

He even did this because he had promised to wake up his teacher. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it again if he died!

Wases was even more surprised when he saw his son open his eyes and had the misconception, "What, has the boy been waiting for a kiss and not a cure all this time?"

Shi La looked at Wases again and said, "Go call the clan leader."

Wass "..."

"I am the clan leader"

ShiLa "..."

"Isn't that the maid?" ' he muttered, then spoke.

"Oh, ahem. So I've woken up our son and I'll have requests from you."

Wases looked gravely at Shi La.

"First of all, please don't tell anyone how I woke my Master"

"Master?" Wases wondered. said.

Shi La sighed and looked at the waking man and said, "We met your son when he was a spirit. There was no sinister reason why I kissed him, it was just to implant his soul into his body without any problems. And without asking, yes, I can see spirits."

"Anyway, my second request is don't tell anyone I woke you up."

"Third and last..."

"Give me the crystal," she said to the man, holding out her palm and pretending to be a creditor.

- To be continued-