
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


I had to get up early because of school today.


I miss the old days. Those days when I could sleep comfortably and wake up as much as I wanted...

By the way, what are those 3 students in my family?

Is there any way I can contact them?


This is the world of fighting.

There is no trace of technology.

I grinned.

It was time to open a company.

I would name my company 'King' as it suited me. The shortened logo would be KL.

However, first of all, I needed a large amount of money to open this company.

Besides, I needed people to support the company.

I was going to be the undercover boss, so I needed a word. Someone whose company will symbolize for me...

I leave the management of the company directly to Su Zifu.

Did I take him as a slave for nothing?

Painful use.

Anyway, these are the issues of the future. Now I have to deal with this school problem. Come on, I wouldn't be wasting my precious time by going to school!

I will become a billionaire in this passing time!

So I had to find a way to get out of school.

If it worked, I could choose to graduate early. I couldn't afford to be expelled from school. Especially with my mom and her slippers...

So I didn't have a heart.

Besides, I had to bring my teacher's spirit to his body.

I needed crystals.


Surprisingly, neither my grandfather nor my family has brought up the issue of my being a man since I came to this house. When they didn't open it, I didn't bother to mention it either.

But they asked why I kept my eyes closed.

That day, they were speechless with shock when I removed the patch and showed my golden eyes. After that, they constantly warned me not to open my eyes.

There are even maniacs in this world who will try to decorate my eyes.

As such, I couldn't show my eyes until I had the strength to protect myself.

The weather was fine for me.

I was going to school soon.

That's why I spruced myself up one last time.

I had to be the most handsome person there. Otherwise, this evil would have weighed heavily on my pride.

The creature that loved the most attention was undoubtedly the devil. That's why we devils wore red.

But I always liked to wear white more.

I was wearing a long white dress. My eyes were covered with a cloth decorated with white and gold patterns, and my black hair reaching to my waist was gathered in a long white cloth.

I fixed my hair.

My twin ghost swords were hanging from my right belt as usual.

I still hadn't tamed those swords.

I think it would be better if I disciplined today. These stubborn pests did not listen to my words.

I hugged my mother.

Then I set off.

My hug to my mother wasn't for sentimental purposes. Although the mothers looked tough, they were soft-hearted. Maybe this hug could reduce my reasons for getting beaten up in the future.

You couldn't expect a demon to be emotional, who does everything for a purpose, every step of the way with a plan.

When I got to school, it was obvious that I got a lot of attention. I've even heard someone say, "Hah, they even take those blind people to school! The quality of the school has dropped a lot, huh". I looked at that person.

Then I smirked and carved it into my mind. I would definitely get my revenge in the future.

But not now.

What fun would it be if it happened now?

As I was stepping to enter the school, a teacher stopped me and took the ring from my finger, showing me my red ring and saying, "You cannot enter the school with valuables."

My body trembled and if I hadn't been wearing an eye patch, the teacher would have witnessed my eyes turn red.

"Calm down Shi La" The fox must have sensed that I was going to do something again when he tried to calm me down.

Take a deep breath...

Calm down Shi La...


I will kill this teacher!

Give me back my money!


Keep Calm.

Even rebelling against the teacher in a school and causing trouble is the reason for being expelled from the school...

That's why you can't kick and slap your teacher...



But I wrote you in a corner of my mind, teacher!

You itch!

I walked in and entered one of the random classrooms in a broken mood.


I looked at the man in front of me. This old man was black as coal and had deep, mysterious eyes. He had long white hair and a white beard.


That was his name.

And he was the 2nd strongest man on this continent.

What's so strong about this, he's a great grandfather.

Anyway, this guy's level was 64. Now there will be people asking, didn't the level go as "bronze, silver, gold..."? saying.

Let me explain.

Bronze<Silver<Gold<Diamond<Black Diamond<Crystal

Crystal was the last level. If the crystal was passed, it would be leveled starting from level "0", which was more difficult than the others.

My grandfather was level 34.

I ?

I am silver. Even though I said I was at the "Diamond" level before, it was a lie.

What is that ? Do we have to tell the truth!

But how did I manage to become a student of this man whom everyone fears and respects?

A week ago, my grandfather, who heard that I was sleeping in class instead of listening to the lessons at school, punished me by appointing me a teacher on top of the school.

They were good friends with my grandfather, and when my grandfather asked, he accepted.

So I had to train with this old man at school every weekday and on weekends.

Now, this annoying old man spilled so much rice on the ground that it was over my wrist and said, "Start collecting these. Your training has started now. Remember, patience always comes first." After the old man came out, I couldn't help but wave.

I straightened myself and whistled as the man turned around as I pulled the middle finger. I don't pretend like I didn't do anything, he looked at my innocent demeanor and left with a sigh.

I grimaced as soon as he left.

He was patient!

As you know, this is getting rid of me!

I grinned slyly and muttered, "You'll see," as I set off for the market.


"Oh! It's over at last!"

I looked down at the ground, grinning. There was not a single grain of rice left. It didn't even take 10 minutes.

So how did I do it?

With a broom of course!


I'm not going to collect it with my first hand!

Do you think I'm the type to have that much trouble?

I'm the devil, what can I do with patience!

Heiji stopped after passing by that room. As if he had noticed something, he went back to the room.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw the immaculate place, and he muttered, "I didn't think it would end so soon."

"Oh, ahem. Now, if so, my student, we can move on to secondary education"

I didn't want it, I didn't want an education or anything!

But I was sweating when I thought about that mother's slipper I'm going to eat.

"Your second task is to prepare food"

I'm hungry, he doesn't want to use that sucker, he says "education", I'm crazy!

I started to cook with a grimace. I was going to make it from simple things. I guess it would be enough if I made an omelet?



Where are those modern times? It's all someone else doing it for you...

I was going to the market and I was buying it ready, how nice.

Let me hide that vacuum cleaner in a corner so that old man doesn't run it.

As soon as I prepared the meal, I ran away from the house with the excuse of 'I'm going to get some air'.

I was afraid that this man would now have me clean the house from start to finish under the pretext of 'education'.

When I got outside, my body temperature dropped instantly. It was still snowing and it was cold.

I thought of my students.

Man, let me invent the phone as soon as possible and give it to them. Otherwise, we will not be able to communicate.

After walking for a long time, lost in thought, I felt a sigh of relief.

I took my precautions.

Someone must have been nearby.

But judging by the shallowness of his breathing, he must have been unconscious.

Or what maniac sleeps in this cold?

I looked around and saw it.


There was a man leaning against a tree.

Black short hair, tall and slender.

He was thin but not muscular.

He was dressed in black.

His face was covered with a black mask.

He was holding the side of the intestine with his hand.

The surrounding snow was painted red.

He probably passed out from blood loss.


Shall I save this man?

Shall I save?

Let me save the best. Although he looks like a normal person, he exudes a noble air. Even if he had no money, I would have made him a slave and benefited somehow.

I approached the man and touched his body.

It was like ice.

It was like he was dead, like a corpse.

I took it on my shoulder.

I was a little off balance, I almost fell.

"I was too weak..."

I put the man down again because unlike the man's body, I had a petite body.

"Best to hold her with a princely bear"

I took it in my arms and hugged it like a man hugs a girl.

I guess I was going to tell him this in order to make fun of him and deal with him when he woke up.

-To be continued-