
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

15《first mission》

Today was the first day of my job and I had to do my job properly!

I would use these helpers to the fullest!

In fact, who cares, even if it's given to his orders so that I can train them? Come on, where has a demon ever been seen to be completely honest?

While I was studying those apprentices, they were studying me too. With contempt on their faces, of course. Be careful so that your little brat doesn't kill you!

Anyway, yaw, I was just going to do my duties.

"Tell me, how many criminals in how long does a normal worker deal with?"

With this question, my anger increased for a moment when I again drew the contemptuous gaze on me. I wanted to shout, "Höst man! I can only look with disdain," but I kept it inside.

"A normal person deals with 4 crimes in 1 week."

I understand.

"And the best ones?"

The man paused for a moment with my question and began to think.

"I think they're dealing with, like, 20 cases a week."

Good. If I dealt with ten cases every day, I guess I would be one of the best.

"Wait, so what really is the best in the center, even the best from this station, even from the same center?"

That's what I forgot!

"Those people are really workaholics. They deal with around 250 multifaceted cases per day"


What, do I have to pass this job to be the best at my job?

Of ooff!*.


I'm the closest and funniest person at work. Even when I was the devil, I was famous. Even though I was an angel, I was committed to my job, now I have been given this job. could i give up?

However, it is this product group that has been well grown for me by this group. I wouldn't have gotten very far if I couldn't cope alone!


"So, will we be assigned a task, or will we choose a special task?"

Someone else I referred to answered.

"Clearly we are governed by the leveling system. This group is the group of the 'unranked'.

"What's your start?" I asked this out of serious curiosity.

When he started to puff up his chest saying "I'm bronze medium swell," I picked up a stick from the ground and hit the man in anger.

"Is it mocking you?"

My yelling in anger caused everyone there to tremble.



When someone said, "Look at me! Our levels may be bad compared to others, but at least we don't take shelter in guns like you cowards", I was seriously upset!

Another immediately gathered his courage and said, "He's right! I wonder what they were thinking when they brought a brat like you to us."

"You jerks, this brat you're making fun of has diamond-level agility, diamond-level speed, and diamond-level flexibility!" After a moment of uncontrollable roaring, there was a long silence around.

Oh, silence!

"So what, the power is zero," he put one on the head of the man who said, "You idiots! I guess I'll have to teach you from the beginning!" I massaged my forehead.

Oops, these seem like they're going to tire me out a lot!

"Now answer me, let's see who is the first to be respected in this world"

While all the men were sarcastically answering my question by saying "they are strong", they were putting pressure on me by saying "weak" with contempt in their eyes, these legless people in their minds!

"Now really, answer me honestly. If I threw you all into a jungle full of predators, would you survive?" The men froze for a moment, honestly saying "No" even though they had planned to lie at first, fearing I'd go on a spree to really test it.

The men's faces darkened when I said with a sarcastic grin, "But I can survive, without difficulty."

That's how they put the man in the ground, know your place!

"Strength is not bodily strength, fools. Every person has his own talent. If he puts effort into his own talent in winter, he becomes a genius of his talent. But if he keeps striving in work that has no talent and destiny, he will be incompetent and inept. Do you understand?"

Assuming they gave me credit for their silence, I continued, "And if it's not folly for a man to strive persistently at something for which he has no talent, what is?"

"For example, you think I don't want to be strong, frankly? But no matter how hard I tried, there was a limit to the strength I could be. I was clearly going to always be more mediocre than others. That's why I made the decision to focus on my own abilities."

"This is why I can survive, but you are doomed"

I smiled as the men stood silently with their heads bowed. It's nice to know that these people are not idiots. If they still stubbornly continued their ignorance with the "I know" attitude, I would have been seriously disappointed and given up hope on them.

I guess these people belittle me because I'm small? I had to get a handle on this first! Because as long as they belittled me, they couldn't learn anything from me!

I could have accidentally (!) shot and killed him. Then it would get on my face. Then I would have to serve more as a Protector!

"Oops, don't look at me being petite! I'm close to 3000 years old. As for why I look like that, I'm cursed" lie was my best salvation!

I smiled at the men who were staring at me in surprise.

I nodded "well done" when someone said, "It might actually be true, which could be proof of why a child has happened to us and why this child isn't acting like a child."

"Well, now that everything is settled, we can begin," I said, as a blonde wondered, "On duty?" he had asked.

"No, you can't accomplish any mission. Of course, training too!" When I said that, everyone looked at me in surprise. What to say, I had a habit of surprising people, what am I doing? I liked it.

"Well, let me tell you from the beginning, the door is already there for those who want to leave. Those who don't, can't get out again!"

Everyone thought for a moment. What are we thinking, idiots? You found the free trainer, are you going to squint?

After 5 minutes, all but 3 had left. Oh, are you serious?

7 people are taking me for a lot of children!

Well done! I was ambitious, if I don't get these 3 people to crush you with their fingers, I'm dishonest!

Surrounded, he was in the group. Well, I caught this jaundice.

Anyway, less people, less work! It's my job too! Otherwise, I was not offended at all because I was put in the place of a brat (!)

I'm so greedy!

While saying, "You three of us, you won't regret it," I was looking at those who didn't choose me with a deep desire to kill.

"Walk, we're leaving" I said and left.


"Maybe we should have joined? Did we make a mistake?" When someone asked, another one refused, saying, "No, how much can we learn from a brat? It would be a waste of time."

While another nodded in agreement, a person next to them said, "I don't know, my gut tells me we made a big mistake."

Others waved and ignored him.

But no one seriously expected that he would regret it so badly in a few months!


Shi La's mother Laina and father Raizack had finally arrived in the Kantian kingdom, meeting with his father.

"Why did you come ?" said an old man with a cold face.

When Laina said, "Daddy, you know the news that the sub-clan is gone", her father drank a glass of Vain wine and said, "So what?" said.

"Father, Shi La is missing. We haven't been able to reach her even though we've been looking for her for a long time," Raizack said desperately.

"Daddy, please help," Laina said.

Vain looked at his daughter and raised an eyebrow with interest, then said, "Are you talking about that snotty brat? Laina, you know I care more about the strong, what should I do with that coward?" Hearing her father's calm tone, Laina grit her teeth.

"Daddy please." Laina was looking at her father with genuine hatred. Vain squinted her eyes and said, "Laina, if you'd listened to my words first before you married this man, none of this would have happened today." yell.

"What's wrong with me?" Vain said, squinting, pointing to the door, "Get out."

Laika quickly and furiously exited the room, while Raizack stared at Vain for two seconds before leaving with a smile. Raizack stopped Laina before she left and said, "Hide and listen!" said.

Although Laina did not want to stay in this place where her father was for a second, she listened to her husband and waited. He also wondered why Raizeck was smiling.

Confident that Laina was out, Vain roared angrily, "Asim! Find my granddaughter now!"

"I hope that snotty brat is okay," Vain muttered nervously as the man in the black shadows vanished, shaking his head.

He still couldn't forget this little girl. Hugging him by calling him "grandfather" literally melted his heart.

"I swear, if your grandson gets hurt, I'll clean up," he muttered angrily.

On the other hand, hearing her father, Laina, after a moment of shock, her heart warmed and smiled. "How did you know that?" When he looked at his wife, Raizack replied with a smile, "I noticed the worry particles in his eyes."

"There is no need to worry now that you left the job to Asim. I believe he will find it because Asim is his most talented assistant," said Raizack. Laina nodded, too.

-To be continued-