
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

13《kill a man》

The smell of the delicious food spreading on the street made me even more hungry. Not wanting to waste any more time with the man, I tried to knock his head out against the wall.


The man was conscious, even though I slammed his head against the wall like a nail.

"Weird, why doesn't she faint?" I banged my head against the wall again.


He was still conscious.


Whoa. The man is not fainting!

It is important to remember that I can be stubborn from time to time, too. When I hit the man's head against the wall with all my strength, the man's head literally exploded in my hand like a watermelon.

"Yav it's disgusting, I'm sick to my stomach. I can't eat now"

"Ugh, their clothes were new. Besides, I had just washed them. Oh, that's why I didn't want to bleed!"

I threw away the brain particles in my hand with a shrug.

"Brother, what a misfortune!"

When I came out of that street, some of the people in the shop had seen me bloodied because they were curious about my fate and came here. They literally forgot to breathe for a while from shock.

Alas, killing was forbidden in the city. Come and tell this to the cops now!

When the fox said, "You're strangely comfortable, huh. Being the devil had a strange effect on you," I replied with a shrug, "Napim, I'm like that too. I wonder what my parents would do if they found me?"

I shuddered for a moment. I didn't want a sheltered life stuck at home again!

I walked into a random weird shop where dresses were sold. When the man saw the blood on me, he had not dared to look down or say anything.

Actually, I had quite a reputation when I was the devil, I was a very feared person, but still they were not afraid of me at all times.

Why ?

That's why I was living a thumbs up life that didn't touch me.

But the reason I was afraid was that I was worse than killing those who stepped on my veins.

You can call me a calm human-looking devil.

Of course, it wasn't that I did evil deeds from time to time.

Those were simple demons.

But once, someone cursed me the main avrat. I tempted that person and had his entire family killed. The man went crazy when he realized that he had killed his loved ones with his own hands.

Oh what a day!

There was also the teasing of children. The brats were crying until their snot flowed. I liked to make people cry.

Sometimes I would dress up as a human and seduce girls. Then the girls would present all their goods to me. I used to live the rich life too. Free money would come, oh well.

Wait, why didn't I do that thing now?

Ehuehuehu wait for me, coins, your sister is coming to get you.

"You're grinning so much right now that the shopkeeper did it to your gold Shi La! Wake up!" The fox's voice pulled me out of my dreams.

When I looked at the owner of the shop, I couldn't help but laugh, "Pfft bro, what cowards are you people?"

Okay, I may have experienced being human, but even when I was human, I was not this cowardly.

Death did not scare me. After all, it was the law.

Because I was human, I had human habits from that time. But even these habits were not weak or harmful.

I may have been the devil, but I was a proud being.

Well, a little lazy too.

"You're weird Shi La. Even though you're the devil, you like to wear white"

I smiled when I heard the fox's voice. Yes, I like to wear white. Maybe this was one of my habits when I was human.

After buying the clothes as soon as possible, I decided to go to an Inn. I was going to rent the inn for a short time and wash and clean.

Who said demons like dirt?

I may be a messy person, but I was someone who didn't enjoy having my body dirty. Rest assured, I am clean of people.

I take a bath with a nice warm water and relax my body. I guess he was used to living in hell, I loved the heat.

I couldn't stand the cold at all.

Oh whatever. As I was leaving the inn, I noticed that two men dressed in the same clothes were talking to the owner of the inn.

I guess they were protectors and they were wearing their uniforms.

One looked 23 and the other 28. They had an average appearance.

The owner of the inn pointed at me and said, "That was the boy."

Lan*, take the trouble.


The men were surprised when they looked at me for a moment. When they said "I need to take you to the center", I waved my hands and said "I'm not going anywhere".

When the man grabbed me, I started to get on my nerves.

I'm up! Let me eat, don't make me open my mouth!

"Go to the center, Shi La, you can get yourself a free meal there"

Evil thoughts would pop up in my head from time to time. They were all great ideas, none of them let me down.

My little devils in my head would officially form a committee and present wonderful devil ideas for me. Most of my fame came from these little devils anyway.

I grinned.

Good idea, why not?

"Of course I'll come, uncles police"

Even though I tried to smile and laugh like an innocent child, the Fox discouraged me by saying, "You didn't do it, you know?"

"Shut up, don't get discouraged"

One of the men said, "Is it the police?" he said with confusion.

Ups, slip of the tongue.

"I was going to say protector ha ha ha"

They nodded. They didn't deny that they were protectors, so they were indeed protectors.

Surprisingly well, I accompanied them to the center. Everyone was surprised when I was a kid.

Of course, what good boy would kill a man?

Yet this world was not innocent, and neither were there those like me.

Anyway, when they took me to the interrogation room, I started crying.

Don't say you were proud, I would act as it suits me. I'd rather get away with using my mind and pretending, than go to jail and rot my years here.

These people are unscrupulous from me, it would give a human consolation!

No matter how much I cried, my face twitched when I saw that these guards, who were staring at me blankly, did not move. Dude, don't hold me back, I have a prank on their faces, I swear!

Anyway, continue playing the innocent child for now.

"Mom uwaaaa, dad they're going to kill me aaaah"

"I admire your imagination, brat, but I say stop acting." A 47-year-old, gray-haired, tough and energetic man for his age entered the room.

Brother, they can't eat, I'm seriously going to cry. This is the biggest blow to my pride since I became the devil!

No, I do not accept!


As I started to cry even louder, the man's face took on a mocking expression and he shook his head negatively.

I swear I was crying when I saw her mocking eyes. Ever since I stopped being the devil, my acting skills have been atrophied!

"Veled stop crying, you must be hungry. What would you like to eat?"

"Meat, meat, meat!"

The man laughed mockingly as I shouted excitedly and stood up.

Damn I was tricked!

And how did they know I was hungry? Wait, were they following my stuff all along?

"Oh, tell me you followed everything from the very beginning. I wasted my energy for nothing," and the man laughed when I sat down.

The man introduced himself to me when asking his men to bring meat to eat.

"I'm Caniya Rovbert. Head of the guardian center."

"Oww, why would a high-ranking paternity like you come to see a simple prisoner like me, then?"

The man raised an eyebrow, "Simple?" After saying that, he smiled.

"There is a 10-year prison sentence for a single man killed in the city. Which you killed 2 men, you can guess your sentence"

Damn, I'd go nuts in 20 years in prison without anyone to tease me!

"Well, since you called me here instead of throwing me in jail, you have other plans"   the man's eyes gleamed and he smiled even more when I said "Get it out" by banging my hand on the table.

"In lieu of punishment, I've come to make you an offer. How about serving us for 20 years as guardians?"

I couldn't suppress my laughter when I heard the man's words "Pfft, paternity. As long as I flee from this kingdom to another kingdom, the laws of this kingdom will be void"

The man sighed, "Well, do you have the ability to escape?" I replied sarcastically.

"Do you think? If not, why would I say it?"

When I touched the man's shoulder, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

He couldn't move because I had stopped his spiritual power from flowing through his veins.

Of course, displaying a talent or two should have prevented him from using me as a child and using me. I didn't want to be treated like a child when I was talking.

I leaned in and whispered in the man's ear, "There's no one in the room. I can escape right now," I said, then removed my hand from his shoulder.

I released the pressure on him by pulling my hand away. He took a deep breath and sighed, saying, "I confess I underestimated you, kid."

"But daddy, it's not that I'm not interested in my offer. Avoid my sentence in exchange for serving you for 2 years. Besides, I have a few more conditions. The food is on you, you'd better give me my salary, huh. Otherwise, I'll destroy this place on your head and rebel by freeing all the prisoners. Anyway, "Then, yes, arrange a twin sword for me. I heard that "Ghost Screams" is yours? I want it. Other than that, I have free working hours. I'm a sleeper. I can't get to work and stuff."

Rovbert "Another order? Tea, coffee?" When he said that, I couldn't stop myself from laughing and saying "Ayran goes well with meat".

"But your skills are top notch, I have no doubt that I will bring you a good reputation. I will turn this Outpost center into the best prisoner hunting center"

After thinking for a while, the man said, "I don't agree, we're at a loss."

I got up, pissed off, "What the hell are you doing? You guys are stealing my hours, stealing my time, taking advantage of my skills, and two swords and a salary are in your ass?"

I calmed down a bit when my master warned me "ahem, ahem".

Taking a deep breath, I sat down and continued to eat my meat.

Meat was good too, huh.

After thinking for a moment, the man said, "I will accept your terms, but I have one condition too. I will put a group of 10 at your disposal, I want you to train them."

I raise an eyebrow with interest. "Oh dad, have you decided to use my talents to the last drop? So be it. I forgot to mention, by the way. Your uniforms are black. Customize me with white. I like to wear white." , the man nodded and said, "Okay."

"Fine," I said, extending my hand to the man. After waving our hands and saying "deal" I lay down and continued to enjoy the meat.

-To be continued-