
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


In a few days we set out to see Fox's friend Anka. Of course, sir, he was in his purple ring, resting for a short time in his own place and recuperating. Su Zifu was behind me as the fox sat on my shoulder as usual.

"Is this here?"

Frankly, we were in an ordinary forest. Thinking that the fox was his friend, I thought for a moment that it would be a mythical creature. After all, the fox was a diamond-level creature.

I stopped when the fox said "Stop". He lifted his tiny, pointed nose and sniffed the air a few times. His nose was moving in a cute way as he sniffed.

"What are you doing here, human?"

I turned around when I heard an unusual sound. In front of me was a bird the size of a crow, decorated with red feathers. It was as if there was fire in his eyes and he was on fire. It was small, but the pressure it gave was extraordinary.

She was graceful and had sharp eyes.

"I am the fox's friend"

As his sharp eyes roamed my body, everywhere he went seemed to leave a sharpness on my skin.

"Human, do you realize what you're saying?"

Her voice was eerie and her body seemed to attack and tear me apart at any moment. Seeing the tapering nails on his claws, I felt like the grim reaper was on my neck.

"The fox is with us now."

I swallowed as he spread his wings in anger. "His spirit is here now, and I can prove it."

The fox quickly touched my mind. I felt like I was losing control of my body.

The fox had taken over my body.


"Hey Anka, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. What do you think?"

The fox controlling Shi La's body smiled quite arrogantly.

Phoenix couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes, "Impossible...that can't be...you...dead!" she cried.

The fox grinned.

Seeing the fox's grin, Phoenix tensed. His whole body was shaking. "T-Fox, b-look at me..."

"What are you?" The fox frowned. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Phoenix and kicked him.

The swaying body of the phoenix crashed into 4 trees, destroying their trunks. 5. If it is in the tree, it has stopped.

The seriously injured phoenix could not move.

The fox took off the bandage from his eye. Her golden yellow eyes had turned to silver as she moved into Shi La's body.

"Anka, what will you say? Will you confess that you betrayed me? However, I saved your life"

He laughed mockingly and said contemptuously, "Well, what did you do? Anyway, I'm out of business right now. If you don't want to die, rip it off. I want the Royal Feather and the Lake of Consciousness. If you give me these two things, I'll forget what you did."

Anka nodded in agreement. "Lake of Consciousness, where we used to go often with you. On Horyat hill. As for the Royal Feather... I'm afraid I can't give it to you."

The fox quickly smashed Phoenix's stomach without stomping. His eyes radiated death and arrogantly "I didn't ask you if you could give it garbage"

"You have to give."

After grinning psychopathically, "Or? Anka, he he seriously did you think you had a choice?"


The angry voice of the fox echoed in the sky.

Phoenix's body trembled and she vomited blood under the pressure of the fox.

"She-In my room, in my jewelry box" Phoenix's voice sounded weak and difficult.

"Hah, that's how good I am. Dogs must be loyal," he said, giving the Phoenix a smack on his head, and then went out into the room and took the Royal Feather.

"The bastard thinks he can escape after his two-hundred-bite, idiot." The fox murmured as he began to move towards the Lake of Consciousness.

Su Zifu, on the other hand, was following behind, swallowing his small tongue.

As soon as the fox left Shi La's body, a thin drop of blood leaked from Shi La's mouth. The fox's mighty spirit could not bear it, its weak body.


"Fox Phoenix was your friend?"

When I asked angrily, the fox smiled stupidly and said, "Would you come if I said you were my enemy?" I refused, shaking my head.

"This is why I lied. Anyway, let's go to the lake of consciousness. I also got the Royal Feather for you"

Hearing what the fox said, I hugged him and said, "Oops fox, are you thinking of me? You're so sweet." While the fox was struggling in my arms saying "Let go, you're suffocating," Su Zifu, who followed behind me, was getting used to our maniacal state.


"This is the lake of consciousness, here you can find the answer to any question you seek. Enter the lake"

Confirming what the fox said, I entered the lake. Suddenly, arms coming out of the lake were hugging my body and pulling me to the bottom.

When I lost consciousness, I found myself in a pitch black void.

"What do you want to learn ?" A delicate woman's voice came from nowhere.


What did I really want to learn?

"All About Myself"

"Are you sure?" the woman hesitated. I said "yes" without hesitation.

A sudden beam of light lit up in my dark consciousness.

Information from my previous life was filling my brain.

I was an orphan in my previous life.

I was poor.

That explains why I have a weakness for money. Poverty and lack of money were deeply engraved in my soul.

I was living in a world where technology existed and I had a very prescriptive nature. Now that I had purged my soul of that normative structure, it was as if I had been freed from my chains.


I had a sister named Li Shi, whom I loved deeply.

I had a nature that loved research.

I didn't exactly have a regular job. I used to do temporary jobs.

I was interested in electronics for a while, I learned information about it.

I was interested in a middleware, I worked on this issue.

I had an interest in medicine for a while, I tried it.

For a while, my interest shifted to mangaka and I was engaged in digital and normal drawing.

I like making puppets as a hobby. I even made realistic people out of silicone at one point and used that as my source of income.

He tried everything but did not become an expert, I just laid the groundwork.

I was an indecisive person.

And when I turned 59...

Actually, my death was tragicomic. I was a person who loved to do adrenaline sports, naturally I would do exciting sports such as skydiving from an airplane.

I would cover my ears to those who said, "Grandma, you sit where you are, knit your knitting".

And I jumped out of the plane without a parachute with the forgetfulness of old age ha ha ha...

I was single. I was alone except for my brother, I had no one around me.

More memories, even more, were flooding my brain.

After I died, my soul reached the body of this child, but my memory was erased. My family, who was lost in my previous life, was given to me here.

I was given a second chance.

The watery hands surrounding my body carried my body even deeper into the water.

The delicate woman's voice was heard again after a while.

I was drowning. Don't pull me! I can't hold my breath any longer!

"You stop being a warrior, you don't have the skills for it"

"You said you wanted to know yourself. Even if you optimize your body, you cannot absorb spiritual power. In short, you cannot become a Warrior."

"You can't be a mage at all. You'll get stronger in the air element, but that won't do you any good on its own"

"As for the mysterious powers you're wondering about. Actually, as you guessed, you can see and fully feel the spiritual energy, so you create small pressures on your opponent's body, using the only element you have, namely air. This is your biggest trump card."

"Other than that, God does not create any creature without talent"

"Your real talent is not your ability to see spiritual power, but your intelligence. You have a tendency to be successful in every profession I learn except spiritual power. You are versatile"

"You are a genius at this time, Shi Li."

"God did not create any living thing in vain"

"If your destiny is to be famous for your intelligence, Shi La"

What I heard made me both happy and sad. In fact, I was someone who valued intelligence more than strength, but in this world, the weak were not even human.

I sighed.

To wait.

can i breathe

"This is a special place, it's okay to breathe," the woman replied, guessing my thoughts.

"Well, can I ever heal my body?"

Still, I asked hopefully.

"Oh Shi La, you're really ambitious. You don't know how to do with what you have."

"If you want to improve, you can develop speed and flexibility first. Don't even think about being strong. I recommend fighting with a weapon. For now, the sword seems to be the best weapon for you. With the ability to use two-handed you can be even more profitable. This is the best for you unfortunately scenario."

-To be continued-