
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


The white light slowly shrunk the dragon's body. Finally, a nude female figure appeared.

She had a well-built body with full breasts. His soft skin was pale.

He had jet black hair and neon blue eyes. It was a deadly beauty!

Aran turned his red face straight away. Although he is now a 12-year-old boy, he was a healthy male.

On the other hand, the girl immediately draped the long jacket over Aurum.

Aurum sneered, holding the dress with two fingers, thumb and forefinger, "This thing is uncomfortable, can I not wear it?" it was said.

Hearing the Aurum, both people quickly shouted "NO!" he said sternly.

"Okay, whatever. We'll deal with Li Shi later. Come and take care of both of you. After all, I need to get to know you in order to give a good education to my students. By the way, you're pretty lucky, I have quite a few techniques on hand. Although it's all for dragons... "



"I guess you won't die"

Aran "..."

Girl "..."

"The weird thing is, I have zero knowledge as I have no relation to the human world"

"Your teacher is entrusted to you children"

Looking at Aurum, which was grinning large and charmingly, the two somehow felt that they would be ripped off a lot.

Even though the long jacket was tightly wrapped around her, the upper part of her breasts was visible. The jacket reached up to the knees and luckily, its body was not very visible due to the molded structure of the jacket.

Apart from that, her slender and smooth legs looked extremely sexy. Aran swallowed and averted his gaze.

Even the girl averted her gaze after realizing that she had been fascinated for a moment.

"Well guys, come and talk about yourself." Aurum looked at them solemnly.

"I-I'm Sora," said the girl.

Aran said, "Aran Barn."

Aurum nodded and walked, saying, "Show me the way home."


{next to Shi La}

Instead of saying 'hello' to another day at sunrise, 'fuck you!' I woke up. By the way, the pig-tailed black fox I accidentally stepped on yesterday is stuck like a leech and won't let me go.

"Anyway, where were we? Hah, I was talking about those stupid wolves chasing me! This wolf turned out to be blind! He wasn't blind, his vision was blurred! While he was chasing me, he sunk into the mud and the mud turned black! Then his white fur turned black, he thought it was me and started chasing his own tail. started. Stupid ha ha ha!"

"Shut up! Enough! I've lost my patience!" I shouted, throwing the broom at the fox.

"Aa~ Shi La, you're the only one who can hear me and see me even if it's blurry. I've been alone all this time, are you going to fire me?"

Even though my vision was blurry, I could feel that fox taking on an innocent expression.

Suddenly my coin dropped and I said, "Stop! What did you say? Am I the only one who saw you?!" I shouted.

The fox began to explain, "I told you, I'm a demon spirit"

"What is a demon spirit?" When I asked curiously, the fox replied with a sigh.

"The souls of dead creatures go to the afterlife, right? But the souls that are really strong in the world and hold on to the world with a lot of grudges do not go to the afterlife, and these creatures are called 'devil spirits'."

I asked curiously, "Do you stay on earth because you hold grudges and are you called 'evil spirit' because of your grudge?"

The fox confirmed "Yes but he must be strong enough to stay on earth"

"Exactly how strong should it be?"

I asked again.

"Hehehe, those who are 'diamond' and higher in rank are strong enough to stay in the world," he said arrogantly, raising his pointed nose.

I took a deep, cold breath.

What was the diamond level?

Isn't this a level in the legends?

I'm not even bronze yet, in short, I'm low, the person in front of me says 'I'm at the diamond level'. If this was a joke to me, I would attain the mercy of God!

"Well, why can I see you?"

After I got myself together, I asked the question I was most curious about.

Our ancestors said in a contemptuous voice, "Man, you have no talent for anything! Forget your dream of becoming a warrior or a wizard! I've been with you for a long time, and I'll tell you the truth as far as I can tell. A friend tells pain. But God did not create anything without talent and nothing. Even if it is a lot, every living thing has a talent in at least one job. Your talent is to feel the spiritual energy"

"Is that all?" I said.

Normal people cannot feel spiritual energy. It's a useless talent, even if I feel it. What if I feel, what if I don't? It is of no use to me!

"Don't say that, human, only you have such a developed spiritual sense of all people!"

"What am I doing with this thing! What good is it to me!" I walked away from the fox in anger.

"Leave me alone." I leaned against the trunk of the tree and crouched on the ground. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head in my knees.

The sudden collapse of my dreams had turned my world upside down.

In this world of strength, weakness meant death.

Maybe I should give up?

Should I go out to call my family? They are strong and yet they protect me.

But one day they too will die, they cannot protect me forever.

I realized that I was crying after seeing these drops of water constantly pouring on the floor.

I was crying out of anger, not sadness.


"Damn it!"

I screamed and punched the ground hard.

What I hated most was this greed for powerlessness. I was a slave because I was weak, I starved because I was weak...

Suddenly someone grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground.

my body hurts...

As I angrily got up from the ground to see who it was, someone put their foot on my head and spat at me.

"You idiot! I paid you to sit idly by!" The man who kicked my body was also insulting.

I can not move.


Who are you, dog!

Damn, I have to kill this man, damn it!

Enough, I got beat up by this man!

Damn, my eyes are starting to go black, I can't lose consciousness...



Seeing that the nervous Shi La remained motionless, Ostim stopped. "Ugly and this skinny kid, I hope he dies and the world gets rid of a mess" he said in disgust as he turned and walked away.

However, he didn't know that when he turned around, Shi La had opened his eyes again. Shakingly he rose from the ground and came to a sitting position.

His jet-black eyes had turned a bright golden hue. His eyes radiated a cold feeling as sharp as a sword.

While he supported the ground with his right hand, he slowly raised his left hand into the air on his side and when he stood straight, the hand pointing at the man stopped as if he were holding something.

There was a sudden movement in his left hand. He was moving in a way as if he had a heart in his hand and it was beating.

He smiled grimly, and it sounded like a grim reaper's whisper, "die!"

Then he shook her hand.

When he shook her hand, it was as if he really had something in his hand, his hands felt as if they were grabbing something and squeezing instead of forming into fists.


Ostim's stout old body fell hard to the ground.


Shi La, on the other hand, vomited blood and collapsed to the ground.

-To be continued-