
House of Cards

The Golden Dragon Casino loomed before Tony, its gaudy neon dragons writhing against the night sky. He adjusted his bow tie, smoothing down the lapels of his expertly tailored tuxedo. Tonight, he wasn't Tony "The Ghost" Marino. He was Antonio Rossi, high-roller and potential investor.

"Comms check," Rosa's voice crackled in his hidden earpiece.

"Loud and clear," Tony murmured, nodding to the valet as he handed over the keys to a borrowed Ferrari.

As he strode through the opulent lobby, Tony took in every detail. Security cameras. Armed guards trying to look inconspicuous in ill-fitting suits. The slight bulges of concealed weapons beneath jacket lapels.

At the high-stakes room, a mountain of a man blocked his path. "Invitation?"

Tony flashed a golden card that Rosa had forged. The guard's eyes widened, and he stepped aside. "Enjoy your evening, Mr. Rossi."

The private room was a haze of cigar smoke and tension. Tony recognized faces from police briefings and whispered underworld legends. Vito Calabrese, the snake-eyed patriarch of the Calabrese family. Yuri Volkov, the Russian Bratva's ice-cold enforcer. And Wei Shen, the ageless matriarch of the Triad.

As Tony took his place at the poker table, Wei Shen's calculating gaze fell upon him. "A new face," she mused. "To what do we owe the pleasure, Mr...?"

"Rossi," Tony smiled disarmingly. "Antonio Rossi. I'm here to... raise the stakes."

For the next hour, Tony played the role of the brash, lucky newcomer. He won big, lost bigger, all while keeping his ears open. Snippets of conversation confirmed Don Ricci's fears. The alliance was real, and their plans were ambitious.

Finally, Calabrese cleared his throat. "If you'll excuse us, Mr. Rossi. We have some private business to discuss."

Tony's eyes hardened. "I'm afraid your business is why I'm here." In one fluid motion, he flipped the heavy oak table, sending chips and cards flying. Before anyone could react, he had disarmed the nearest guards, their weapons clattering uselessly to the floor.

Chaos erupted. Gunshots rang out, but Tony moved like smoke, impossible to hit. He dispatched gunmen with brutal efficiency, always careful not to cause lethal damage. This was a demonstration, not a massacre.

Within minutes, the room was silent save for groans of pain. Tony stood untouched in the center, his tuxedo somehow still immaculate.

"Impossible," Yuri Volkov whispered, nursing a dislocated shoulder.

Tony turned to the stunned leaders. "This is a message from Don Ricci. Reconsider your alliance. The consequences of continuing down this path will be... severe."

Wei Shen's eyes narrowed. "What are you?"

Tony allowed himself a small, dangerous smile. "I'm the Ghost. Remember that when you think about moving against the Ricci family."

As police sirens wailed in the distance, Tony made his exit, melting into the panicked crowd flooding out of the casino.

Back in the getaway car, Rosa was waiting, her face pale. "My God, Tony. I saw it all through the security feeds. Are you even human?"

Tony stared out the window, watching the casino recede in the mirror. "Sometimes I wonder that myself, Rosa. Sometimes I wonder."

As they sped through the neon-lit streets, Tony knew the game had changed. He'd stepped out of the shadows, and now all eyes would be on him. The real war was just beginning.