

After rescuing Sophia, Tony swiftly returned to the safehouse, his inhuman agility allowing them to leap across rooftops effortlessly. Rosa and Don Ricci rushed to meet them as they entered.

"What happened?" Don Ricci asked, concern etched on his face.

Sophia, still shaken, held up a USB drive. "I found something big. The Augment Initiative isn't just experimenting – they're planning something massive."

Rosa quickly decrypted the files, her eyes widening as she scanned the information. "They're building an army of enhanced individuals," she whispered in disbelief.

"For what purpose?" Tony's jaw clenched.

"World domination," Sophia answered grimly. "They aim to overthrow governments and reshape the world."

Don Ricci shook his head. "This is beyond anything we've faced. We need a plan—"

But Tony had already made his decision. Without a word, he strode to the window and flung it open.

"Tony, wait!" Rosa called out, but he was gone, launching himself into the night sky with a single powerful leap.

The others watched in awe as Tony's figure arced through the air, covering impossible distances with each bound. Within minutes, he cleared the city limits, his trajectory aimed unerringly at the Augment Initiative's upstate facility.

Tony landed at the heart of the compound, the impact cratering the ground. He didn't hesitate, tearing through the facility like a force of nature. Reinforced walls crumbled, security doors were ripped from hinges, and guards were tossed aside effortlessly.

In the central control room, banks of computers and strange machinery filled the space. Tony didn't bother to understand their purpose. With methodical efficiency, he began to destroy everything in sight.

As chaos erupted around him, Tony felt a grim satisfaction. The Augment Initiative had made a crucial mistake by threatening his family and city. Now, they were learning the hard way that some forces can't be controlled or contained.

The Ghost had evolved beyond Little Italy's protector. He had become a one-man army, ready to take on anyone who dared threaten the world he swore to protect.