
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 7

Danny had retired to his room after dinner. It was amazing to see how everything was automated from food preparation to dish washing. Arianna had arranged for a single bunk bed for him. The mattress was soft enough that he felt like sinking in it. Looking around at his barren room. He was already making plans to decorate it. Maybe a poster there, he could ask about a printing facility or something like that.

The PDA that Tucker had given him could be charged by his ecto-energy but he still needed to find a way to transfer files or find out if the data types were even compatible. Maybe, he could find some program or workaround on the extranet in order to transfer data and work. His mind started to move towards the threat that he was supposed to deal with. A threat that clockwork had warned him about. Such thoughts plagued Danny's mind, fee-ling restless. He decided that sleeping yet was maybe not in the cards for him.

A night fly will do him good, he also intended to find a place where he could set up his parents lab. He was not yet sure on the principles of its working so he just could not press the button on top of it. He would need to find a spacious place that is potentially hidden as well in order to experiment. His parents were brilliant but always missed the most obvious things. He has found his own dinner numerous times. A green glowing turkey with a knife was part of the more memorable thanksgiving dinner.

Danny decided that some night air would do him good. Making sure that the house's lights was turned off.

"Going Ghost", Two white rings formed around the midsection of Danny, moving up and down respectively. A giant P on his chest, white hair, glowing Toxic Green eyes. His transformation complete, Danny went intangible and began to fly. Going up, he began to survey his location.

This planet looked so much like Earth and yet not. The trees, grass and the buildings. Everything was different. The most common tree that he found looking around had amusingly colorless leaves and blue bark. Where buildings on Earth were Blocky, here the residential houses were more rounded, the skyscrapers had pyramid like structures lacking any sharp edges. It was serene and beautiful. Skycars had dedicated air lanes or paths moving among the skyscrapers

Going tangible, Danny felt the air in his hair. Danny gave himself a moment to relax.

He began to scout his position. Looking around, he could not see any place where he could safely hide a lab. No alleyways, no abandoned buildings, no derelict warehouses as far as the eyes can see. Going even higher. 'There must be some industrial district or some hollowed out cliff, something where I can set up a temporary retreat.' Danny thought. To the north. the sea. That coastline had occupied beach houses and restaurants.

'Maybe, I can go down.' Going intangible, Danny began to go down. Some distance north of the house, he found a small underground cavity. Pressing the button and throwing it down. Step by step from the small box a lab started to be assembled. It took some time but it was assembled. Entering it, he found a list of analysis and fabrication devices. Danny tried to use them but he was unable to.

A warning popped up on the screen.

[Cannot use equipment. Power source required.]

'I will need a power source as well. Maybe, some type of generator will work.' Danny made a mental check list.


[Next day]

Danny was carrying a variety of bags, he should have really expected that. Danny was being stared at a lot, whenever he looked at any of the other Asaris. They giggled at him. This was not something he really expected. However, whenever someone approached him. Nessandra glared at them. Looking at her, they backed down. Looking at her, she was quite an intimidating sight. Dressed in all black leather with spikes on the corner of her clothes. A permanent scowl on her face. They finally reached a clothing outlet.

Leading them inside. "This is one of the most exclusive clothing store this side of Thessia.", Arianna said while going through the dresses on display. " This would suit you perfectly, try this on." Danny looked at the feminine nature of the dress and said, "Isn't there something more for men."

"How may I help you." A store clerk approached them.

"Do you have some more masculine clothes." The clerk began to think for a little bit. Just a moment, I think that I may have exactly what you need.

"These clothes were launched last summer, however they were not very popular." The clerk said as she began to show Danny some clothes. "So we have a bunch left in stock. These were just about to be sent back to coorportate."

"These are perfect", Danny said. The clothes were a wide range of T-shirts and pants that he was used to wearing. "Some of these may be too large though."

"Not to worry, we do alterations as well. Just need a few measurements."

The clerk said, taking out a measuring tape. While measuring, Danny more then once felt her hand creeping to his butt. Was he being groped? Well that was new.

A loud cough was heard. The clerk finished the last measurements quickly.

Nessandra approached him, "Let's go." She took him by the hand and began to lead him away. It did not help that Danny looked like an averaged sized child. Danny flushed and looked at her, but she expressionlessly led him to hardware store.

"We're here to get you an omni tool. We'll open your bank account on it. It would also act as your identification" Nessandra choose one for him and helped him put it on. Waving at the store clerk, she paid for it.

Pretty soon, they were joined by Arianna. "The clothes will be delivered after a few alterations are made."

"Come on kids, lets go eat something. All his shopping has made me hungry."

At a cafe, Arianna was just about to order When a news report came on.

"This is Athena News Reports and this just in. A shuttle coming in is going down. The cause of the failure is unknown. The pilot is attempting to crash land the ship off the coast to prevent any damage. A freight ship used to transport ..."

That was all Danny needed to hear. Excusing himself, he inquired where the washroom was from the staff. Going inside and locking the door.

"Going Ghost." Two rings formed around him and with a flash of light, he once more was Danny Phantom. Going intangible, he went up. The coast was towards the north. He could see the ship, falling down in the form of a meteor. Danny put himself into an intercept course with the ship. Going through the ship, he could sense 3 people on the ship. Making clones of himself, he found the three life signals.

All three of them had fainted, the pilot had a nasty gash on her head. Grabbing them and going intangible. Danny flew out of the ship. Going invisible, he went to the coast and placed the three people in front of a crowd. As soon as he stopped touching them, they became visible . Seeing the three asari, paramedics had been called. Danny seeing that his job was done returned to the café. Powering down inside the bathroom, he came out.

"Sorry, still not used to the food over here.", Danny said with an apologetic face.

"No worries, I took the liberty of ordering some food for you as well."

Danny looked at the more foreign dishes in front of him. While, he enjoyed the food. It was too sweet for his palate. Danny began thinking about opening a restaurant for some spending money.

"There's just one more place to go now. The Temple of Athame." Arianna said.

Nessandra further explained, "The Temple of Athame is central to our culture and belief system. You will further learn about it inside your holo class. She is believed to have gifted us knowledge with the help of her followers Janiri and Lucen."

"Our tour will start in an hour." She said slurping down a smoothie. "So chop-chop."

Nessandra sighed, embarrassed of the actions of her mother.


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