
Phantom Dreams

Driven by a dream to become an artist and pursue a dream-literally. She paints every night only to have her wondrous drawings disappear in the morning. It leads her to sort out the truth. Is she really dreaming about painting or is she really someone to admire for her work? Will she ever find her artistic phantom dreams paintings?

Sandy_Ramnarine · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prayers and Pressure

As lunch came close, I have been silently hoping they forgot about me. Although I was not one for prayers, I think I prayed a little too hard. I know it was bad to think like that, but I was sure they had better things to do. I also cared less about making friends, if I had not said so enough. My class ended and of all the things I can do, the teacher forced me to go outside so I could begin lunch. I don't think I ever dreaded lunch so much. Defeated, I shoved the smaller books in my bags and held the textbooks before making my way out. I made a mental note to take them all to my lockers and just grab the newer books for my later classes.

"Hello Lucy," said a voice behind me. Knowing very well by its softness and its tone, it was Mika. I didn't think to notice how she looked until now.

She had a pixie cut and had shiny black hair. Her brown eyes were wide and her face round. She had pursed lips, and it tinged pink, and she was fairer than anyone I ever saw before. The way she looked really made all the other girls around the school looked at us. We contrasted so much with one another. It must be a wonder to them, and me too.

"Hello Mika," I greeted her back with a tight smile. She looked as though she was struggling on with textbooks as well.

"Juno will be along shortly. Do you mind if we wait for him? How did your class go?"

Mika was a little shorter than I am. Her little voice made me not acknowledge her for a little. She sure knew how to make you lost in her soft voice. I had to snap myself out of it right away.

"It was fine. Not a lot of work missed, but so far, so good. How did your class go?" I said, walking a little as I pointed to my locker. She took the initiative, finding hers and rested her books down.

"It was also great. New things are something I always appreciate. I am a quick learner." I could tell she finished since she braced against the wall, looking at me.

"I believe we are complete opposites. I dislike anything new. It is a change and I need to adapt." I said, more to myself, but she stood straight now.

"I figured you would have said so. This morning, I noticed your pain. I tried to ignore it, but you're not very good at hiding your emotions." As blunt as this may sound, I sighed, knowing it was hardly a mile away from the lie.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean for you to feel that way." I said while closing my locker and turning the lock.

"Not a problem. You are like that for a reason. We all have our little quirks."

There she goes with her little comforting thought, my subconscious said.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, girls. I had trouble." He said out of breath and holding on to his chest.

"Oh my, are you okay? What happened?" Said Mika is a high-pitched voice.

"Are you alright? Was someone bullying you?" I asked, genuinely interested in knowing why he looked red in the face.

"No, it's the girls. They all kept asking me questions and touching my hair and one even wanted to touch my face," he said, looking horrified.

As much as we disliked laughing at people in turmoil, the look on Mika's face was the last straw for me to burst out laughing. We laughed so much until it really got loud, and as he hurried us along, we noticed the girls were coming our way. It was unbearable to not laugh even more.

It was a classic tale of a handsome guy being chased after girls. It really slipped my mind to tell him that even though he was a classic tale, he must know that he was in charge of his own life and a woman in it would only cause more trouble. For the sake of a good laugh, though, it can wait.

They finally found a table after three pairs of eyes scanned the cafeteria. It was a table right under the air conditioner. What luck! The place was getting unreasonably hot, too. Sitting down, I took out my cooling container from the cover and placed it on the table.

"I should have just given this to you this morning, but it is still warm. You can enjoy most of what it is supposed to be."

They both took one each and Mika bit into hers first. Next came Juno and then I took a bite of my own. Looking at the reaction to their faces, it really made me smile, knowing exactly what they are thinking.

"Oh my, did you bake this?" Mika exclaimed first. She was using the squeaky voice again. She must be really excited.

"My mother. She told me to bring a long a few so I could share. I forgot about it till now."

"This is very good. I must compliment her. I am sure you will relate to her, won't you?" Juno said, with a wave of his hands over his mouth. If he was drooling, I could not blame him. It was something magical my mother makes, and even I would think so.

"Of course. She is going to flip, but you know, she is going to know about it sooner rather than later."

"She is a talented woman. In each bite, I feel her love radiating off it."

We both laughed, looking at Juno reeling over the pastries, and I made a metal note he has a sweet tooth.

"So, Mika, why did you decide to come here? Or you know what, both of you. What brought you here?" I said, finishing my cake and dusting my hands. I patted my legs and waited for them to respond.

"I wanted something better. We were excelling at our school and I have been thinking of a change. So, I opted for it and here I am," she said, proud of herself, smiling widely. Who wouldn't be when you're at the top of the school?

"I too have been excelling, but you must wonder why we keep on doing the same things, aren't you?"

As much as Juno was right, he clasped his hands in front of his lap and looked at me with eyes that I find to be laughing at me. Then I remember Mika saying my emotions are bare on my face. They must have seen all of me and my thinking, and I felt embarrassed. To top it off, they both had the same look on their face. Their eyes were dancing the wave, just laughing at me.

"We grew up together. We were neighbors, and my parents really liked our bond. So, we both moved out here." Mika said, bumping his shoulders playfully.

"So, where were you guys originally from?" I said, picking on my food casually. I was interested in knowing about them now.

"I am from the north side of Ensure. We are from Flora Valley." They said together, and I couldn't help but shake my head and chuckle.

"So, what is your family like, any brothers or sisters?" My legs were closed, and I was shaking them a little. My nervousness did not want to leave so easily.

"Unfortunately, no. Mine died when he was a baby. My parents say it was their first. After me, they decided to not have more kids." Mika said sadly.

She really was a little hurt. She had no other siblings, and it made me upset too. Guess who could read emotions on faces too? Yeah, me, I can see it too! Sometimes.

"It is alright, we could kick it with each other. What would you rather do? Have a bunch of siblings, or just have some fun with people our age?" I said, hoping to cheer her up.

"That is rather wicked of you to suggest such a thing. But since you seem to have warmed up to us so much, it feels very welcoming." Juno exclaimed rather calmly, yet his voice held excitement.

"Do you know one of the best things we have right now? Free time, so what do you say we get the balls rolling?" This time, it was Mika who pushed past her sadness and asked us.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you guys are troublemakers. That would just be too bad. I don't hang with pranksters. We might have to end this friendship right now."

"Are you kidding me? We are not troublemakers. Though we get into trouble only because we know how to have fun." Juno, at this time, looked as though he took offense to what I said only to plaster his handsome face with a big complimenting smile.

"So, the hair comes down, hmm? What do you have in mind? I am sure that we will have lots of fun." I did not even know what I was saying.

"What do you say we ditch school for the rest of the day? Of course, we would still be in school, but no classes?"

"Why would I do that when we already have so much work to get done?"

"We need a lab partner for a new experiment. I noticed we have some bullies, and it is time to make them have a taste of their own medicine." Mika said, as though she were talking about schoolwork.

"Look, I don't think I should do that and I advise the same for you too. Bullies can be terrible, especially when they are your bullies." I tried my best to stop this terrible plan they clearly did not think about.

I said this to really scare them, but the looks they gave me really said it all. There was nothing I could do or say to change their minds, and that was it. They were going to do it, and I would only compliment them more if I joined in. Or something of that sort. From what I gathered about being friends with someone, they like doing things together, and if they do it with friends, they enjoy it more. Boy, was I going to be in trouble.

Knowing all too well they were going to be adamant about this topic unless I gave in and complete their elaborate bully cooler, as they call it, they were going to refuse my rejection of this plan. So, I join them. With a racing heart and their delightful laughter and claps, I knew I was going to have a heart attack. I just knew it.

Looking around, I saw some of the other students vacated their seats and were so caught up in saving my butt from trouble; we didn't see how many students already left. Looking at the others seated with their friends and some looking over as they saw me looking at them, I can tell they are wondering how on earth I was sitting with somebody. Most of the time, I was by myself or nowhere to be seen all together. I also knew that no one would miss me if I was missing, too. Thinking about it like this made me sad, and although it shouldn't bother me, it does. I have been so afraid of what friendship might take from me. I became the lonely freak of the school and now I realized that.

Mika looked at me and asked, "Hey, why the frown?"

"Why are you sad suddenly?" Juno said, equally interested and leaning forward now.

"Is it because we pressured you into coming? You don't really have to. I know it is good to get out of your comfort zone, but you don't have to do it."

I shook my head and answered, "No, it's not that. I just realized how much I have been missing out on not having friends."

"That is a good question. How come you don't have any friends?" Like a serpent rising, Juno looked at my hands, shaking at first, then simply glance at my face.

"I can't believe that passed me till now. How did that happen?" Juno said hysterically, holding onto his forehead.

I shook my head at him and smiled at Mika.

"My parents always pushed me into the scene but just gave up when I showed no interest. I am just thinking how ballistic they would be when I tell me I have two friends."

"Look, it is good when you don't have friends, but good friends are the ones you should have. It would be better to have no friends than friends who bully, right?"

"Yes, thank you for cheering me up. I feel better about not having friends now," I said, looking at Juno, who was looking around and playing with his empty plate.

"I feel like there is something more you're not telling us, but we only know each other for a couple of hours, and look how many walls we have broken down."

"I know. I would not normally open up, but your duo is quite a tactful pair."

"Well, thank you for the compliment. I did not know we were, but that does not mean you're getting out of our little plan." Finally, Mika said, and we all stopped for a moment.

My hands slammed the table, I sighed and groaned, "Oh, come on, I really thought I gave a good fight. Why can't you grant me a day off?"

"Day off? My, you really are a lazy girl. There will be no days off until I say so," Mika said, waving her hand and fanning her face with the other. She was playing quite a sassy character.

I guess we were going to do something bad. What I was really hoping for was we would not get caught and certainly, the bullies will not know it was us who are trying to pull one over on them.