
Chapter 3

The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed and determined to continue my preparations for facing Voldemort. I needed access to some perks left to me by my ancestors at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. As I got dressed, I made a mental note to visit the bank later that day. I headed to Diagon Alley, where I picked up some essential supplies, including a new wand, a cloak of invisibility, and a few hair-growth potions. Once I was satisfied with my purchases, I made my way to Gringotts. As I approached the bank, I altered my appearance with a Polyjuice potion and used a hoody to hide my face, we are never too careful. If it was known too soon that the Peverell had an Heir or a Lord then many people would try to gain guardianship of him.

Once inside I was met by a stern-looking goblin and without even speaking handed him a letter, before the time ritual Harry had asked for a letter allowing him to possess a title named 'goblins friends' as compensation for destroying a Horcrux in their Bank allowing him access to certain services and benefits within the goblin community, such as discounts on goblin-made items, preferential treatment in goblin-owned businesses, and the ability to conduct certain transactions that were normally restricted to goblins. For example, if this title was used in the right way then they would excavate the Basilisk for free but Harry was too stupid to consider its value. But for this letter to take effect then I should meet with the king.

As the goblin read the letter, I could sense his stern expression softening. After a few moments, he nodded his head and beckoned me to follow him. We walked through a maze of corridors, tunnels, and chambers until we reached a large door measuring 10 feet tall, made entirely of gold, with the Gringotts seal in the center.

The goblin accompanying me opened the door and gestured for me to enter. As I stepped inside, I was struck by the opulence of the room. Golden ornaments and precious jewels adorned every surface, and the air was filled with the scent of wealth and power.

Before me stood a massive desk, behind which sat a goblin. He was larger than most, with piercing eyes and a regal bearing that commanded respect. This was Lord Ragnok, the leader of the goblin nation.

"Lord Ragnok, someone is here to obtain the title of 'goblins friends' " the goblin accompanying me announced before bowing and leaving the room.

Lord Ragnok regarded me with a cool gaze before speaking. "I understand that you have been granted the title of 'Goblin's Friend' at such a young age. It is a rare honor, one that is not granted lightly."

I nodded, feeling apathetic toward such a display, in the future the name of Harry Potter was powerful enough to have them skip these pleasantries but I was unknown here.

"However, with this honor comes great responsibility," Lord Ragnok continued. "You must remember that you represent not only yourself but also the wizarding world as a whole. Any disrespect or dishonor towards the goblin nation will not be taken lightly."

"I understand," I replied knowing that it was just a display of his power to scare me.

Lord Ragnok leaned forward, fixing me with a piercing stare. "Good. Now, to the matter at hand. " eyes fixed on me. "And what brings you here now?" he asked.

"I am here to check on the titles that I have left and claim them. Also, I need Gringotts to provide me with false documents for a new identity, for a fee," I replied without any hint of hesitation.

Lord Ragnok leaned back in his chair, satisfied with my response. "Very well. I can help you with that. As for your titles, we can check our records and see what is available to you. And for the false identity, that can be arranged for a fee, of course."

He then reached under his desk and pulled out a blank parchment and a dagger. "From what you said, you have already undergone a blood preparation ritual. Take the dagger and swipe it across your palm, and let 20 drops fall onto the parchment. Once that is done, the injuries will heal, and your titles will be displayed."

I nodded my head, understanding the procedure. It was similar to the one I had undergone before, but this time, I needed to give more blood. I took the dagger and did as Lord Ragnok instructed, letting the drops of blood fall onto the parchment. After a few moments, the parchment glowed, and my titles were revealed using my blood :

Hadrian Peverell - Hary James Potter

Mother: Death

Father: Death

Bettrothals/ Contracts/ Bonds :

Bellatrix Black - Magical/Soulbond

????(unknown for the time being)

????(unknown for the time being)

After seeing this, I stopped reading and put the document aside. Why did I have a Bond with Bellatrix Black of all people, was it because of the Horcrux? Although Harry had done extensive research on the subject of Horcrux to see if there was an easy way to locate them he didn't discover other uses besides immortality by anchoring his soul on earth. Anyways after this, I needed to claim my inheritance, so I went back to the parchment to review its contents :

Lord/Heir secondary to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Lord/Heir secondary to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black Potter

Lord to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin

Lord to the Noble and Ancient House of Peverell

Lord to Hogwart(Partial claim Gryffindor-Slytherin) by magic

Blood abilities :


As I gazed upon the parchment, my smile grew wider upon the realization that death had given me a golden opportunity. However, my musings were abruptly interrupted by the Goblin King, who appeared to be quite angry. "How can you be a lord and an heir! Blasphemy!" he exclaimed. Sensing his anger, I quickly reached into my pocket and flashed the Potter and Black family rings that Sirius had gifted me a long time ago, showing it to him as proof of my rightful inheritance. The Goblin King's eyes widened as he looked at the Potter family ring and suddenly seemed to come to a realization. "You-you are a time traveler!" he exclaimed in astonishment and fear. I nodded, confirming his suspicion. "Yes, I am," I replied calmly, waiting for him to process the information. The Goblin King stared at me in amazement, his earlier fear and anger replaced by curiosity. "Fascinating," he muttered under his breath. "I've heard of such magic, but I never thought I'd meet someone from the future." He paused for a moment, then continued, "Very well, since you can prove your identity and inheritance, I will assist you in claiming what is left." With that, he gestured for me to follow him deeper into the goblin bank until we reached a large vault. The Goblin King opened it with a wave of his hand, revealing an impressive collection of treasures. He motioned for me to step inside and began searching through the piles of gold and jewels.

"Here it is," he said triumphantly, holding up the Peverell lordship ring. He then continued his search until he found the Slytherin lordship ring. I could hardly contain my excitement as I gazed at the two rings, symbols of my heritage and power. I proceeded to prick my finger and place a drop of my blood on each ring as Harry had done for the Potter and Black ring. The rings glowed briefly, confirming my lineage. "These belong to you, Lord Peverell-Slytherin," he said with a respectful bow. "May they serve you well."

"Thank you," I said, slipping the Peverell and Slytherin lordship rings onto my fingers. As I did, a rush of power surged through me, and I could feel the weight of my newfound responsibilities. Suddenly, information flooded my mind about each family's properties, including the location of the grimoire.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you. May your treasures multiply and your fortunes never wane" the Goblin King said as I turned to leave.

"And it was a pleasure working with you. May your blades stay sharp and your enemies fall swiftly" I replied, offering him a small smile before disappearing back into the winding tunnels of the goblin bank.

Upon leaving the goblin bank, I felt a sense of excitement and determination. I will change the future but for now, I needed to expand my knowledge and skills if I was going to successfully navigate the world of wizarding politics and claim my place as Lord Peverell-Slytherin. And so, I made my way to Flourish and Blotts, determined to find the books that would help me do just that.

As I entered the bookstore, I headed straight for the section on ancient runes and arithmancy. I knew that these subjects were essential to understanding the intricacies of magic and unlocking the full potential of the Slytherin line thanks to the ring. I decided to start with books for beginners, no need to learn a new language if I don't know the letter. I didn't want to make the same mistake that Harry had made, wasting years of his life studying Divination. As I browsed through the shelves, I couldn't help but think about how Harry's knowledge in other subjects would allow me to progress at a much faster rate allowing me to have more time to become a master of other branches of magic. The Dark Arts and Alchemy were two subjects that immediately came to mind. While these were often considered taboo, I knew that the knowledge they held could be incredibly powerful.

I left Flourish and Blotts with my arms full of books on various subjects like ancient runes, arithmancy, pureblood politics, manner, and Alchemy, determined to immerse myself in the world of magic and learn everything I could to further my goals.

My next stop was the Leaky Cauldron. It was time for me to take a break from my adventure and grab some lunch. As I entered the pub, the familiar smells of delicious food and the chatter of patrons filled the air. I found a table in a corner and settled in, pulling out my books and starting to read while I waited for my meal.

As I flipped through the pages of the Pureblood Politics book, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration at the state of the wizarding world. In Harry's time, the world was discovered by the muggle because the purebloods had so much power and influence, yet many of them were blind to the realities of the world around them. It was clear that if I wanted to make a difference, I would need to change their mentalities.

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