
Peter is fucking dead.

A soft whisper grew louder and louder. This was familiar. That tone of voice those blue eyes. That smile, that I so desperately hated. That's right. It's tomorrow. The first day of setting up Peter Penbrooke with Laura Sounders.

I woke up that morning to a familiar alarm.

"Alexa," I called. I opened my eyes waiting for the outline to turn blue, "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled. I rolled back over to my side. I heard loud footsteps on the carpet floor and then a hand on my leg.

"Wake up! Harley!" Hazel yelled. If she wasn't murdered on her first day of high school, I am so killing her when she gets back. I shoved her off me and sat up.

"Get out of my room!" I said. Even I was taken away from my voice. It sounded demonic. I coughed and sang a note to test out if it had worked.

"Did I stutter?" I said condescendingly. She stomped out my room and walked up the hallway. I got out of bed, longing for the sweet embrace of my blanket. I looked into my mirror. I put on my leggings from some brand Hazel's jealous of and a navy hoodie. I put on my slippers and grabbed my backpack. I checked the time. I screamed. It was 5:45. I jumped back in my bed and went back to sleep, waiting for my real alarm to go off.

I woke up around 7:15. I rolled out of bed onto the carpeted floor and looked at my hair. It was in a braid. I just took it out and put it in a ponytail. I walked down the stairs to a familiar face, a hated face. Peter Penbrooke.

"Morning Sweetie, Peter from next door said he would give you a ride, how sweet!" My mother said in her, 'you better not say no!' voice. I crossed my arms as I slipped into my vans.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. He looked at me with that smug el diablo smile.

"Taking my girlfriend to school." He said. I widened my eyes. He seemed to emphasize the word girlfriend. I looked at him and walked to the cupboard to get the cereal.

"Darling, we are getting breakfast." He said. I glanced over to his smirk. Should I give context? I have been BFFs with Petey since we were 3. We grew up together. So when I heard my other best friend say she's in love with Peter, I had to help. I have been trying to set them up since Monday, and it's Tuesday.

"Fine," I said. I shut the cupboard door and grabbed my bag."Let's go, loverboy." We stepped outside to see his Toyota. I rolled my eyes as we stepped into the next door driveway.

"Let me get your door." He said. I crossed my arms, waiting for that slowpoke to open my friggin door. I sat down and waited.

"Okay, What the hell is going on?" I yelled as he was pulling out of the driveway.

"We are getting breakfast. As I said." He smirked.

"Lauren's gonna kill me!" I said under my breath. He heard and looked puzzled.

"Why would Lauren kill you?" He asked. He was genuinely confused. I slammed my head on the dashboard, with a loud smack. I slid my hands under for protection.

"She is in love with you Peter! End these shenanigans!" I yelled. He stopped the car. He turned his head swiftly so he was facing me.

"She...She's in love with me?" He asked. I nodded furiously. He squinted at me and laughed.

"Oh, sucks I love you. Can we go now?" He said with a smile. I looked at him shocked. I was quiet all the way to Starbucks. We walked in and waited in line.

"What do you mean you "You love me?" I asked. He looked at me with those stupid blue eyes.

"Would you like a demonstration?" He asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I sarcastically. This is what started the whole entire problem. He kissed me. I was so confused. Demonstration. I nearly jumped off a table there. After that whole mess, I looked behind him to see Laura Sounders. My best friend. She was glaring at me and ran off.

"Laura! Shit!" I chased after her. She was fast, she did cross country so I was pretty much screwed. After calling her for the 7th time, she stopped.

"What the hell Harley!" She yelled. I looked at her with solemn eyes.

"He kissed me, I swear!" I yelled. She glared at me.

"Then why were you here with him? Give me one good reason!" She shouted. I looked at her like she was stupid.

"I have been friends since we were three! You cannot expect me to not hang out with him!" I said. I used my hands with my argument. She just didn't understand.

"Whatever Harley, you can be a bitch if you want. I'm not putting up with your bullshit today!" She said. She walked back to her car and drove off. Peter was standing in shock outside of the Starbucks.

"Harley-I'm sorry." He said softly.

"Fuck you, you're so fucking lucky we're friends motherfucker," I said, taking my drink from his hand. I walked back to his car and sat down. He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Look...I really like you. Like a lot." He said. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. Sure I was pissed at him and sure I wanted to kill him, but he was my best friend.

"Ok, can't reciprocate them, but you can make me," I said. His eyes lit up.

"How?" He asked.

"Swoon me over, make me fall in love with you. But you must help me get Laura back as a friend." I said, smiling. He nodded, pulling out of the parking lot. We started our way to school. I sat there sipping this pink drink that tastes like starbursts. I checked Instagram to see I was tagged in a post. It was me kissing Peter.

"Shit shit shit" I sang. Peter looked at me laughing.

"What happened this time?" He asked.

"Someone got a photo of us kissing, and they posted it," I said, pushing my hair back. I should probably explain this. Peter is a popular fuckboy at my school and he is like a Lancelot to a king. Me on the other hand, I was a weirdo. I was pretty, but labeled standoffish and cusses too much. We don't really hang out with each other at school.

"Well, fuck." He said absentmindedly. I started scrolling through the comment section to see comments about me. 'Slut' They said or 'sleaze' and my all-time favorite 'lady Bounce-a-lot'.

"Your friends are just bitches, I bet if I actually tried to fight them, they would be too scared to do it. Oh, and their manwhores!" I said. He started laughing and then agreed with me.

"Yeah, I know." He said chuckling here to there.