
Perverted Daddy System

“What the fuck? What is going on? Have I completely lost it?” As I stare panicky at the dot unable to decide what to do, the white dot disappears and a line of text appears in its place. [Installing files. 1% done…] As I watch the text in shock, the percentage gradually increases. […2%...3%...4%...] I move to the living room in a zombie-like manner, too shocked to think clearly and lie down on the couch. “Something is wrong with me; I think I finally lost my sanity…” […12%...13%...14%...] Unable to affect the situation in the least, I stare dejectedly at the percentage increase, while my mind starts exploring the possible explanations. In the end, as the percentage hits 90%, I narrow it down to three possibilities. The first possibility is that I am in fact still unconscious and this is all a product of my mind. I pinch myself and whimper at the pain, as in my nervousness I used almost all my strength. Nope, the first is out. The second possibility is that I have completely lost my mind and am suffering from delusions. Hmm, I cannot exclude this, but while possible, I don’t think that this is it. The only thing out of the ordinary is that fucking line of text. The third possibility … [Installation successful!] The text disappears and a new message appears in my eyes… The third possibility … is that I gained a system. I read the message with my mouth agape at the implications. [Welcome user, to the Perverted Daddy System!] Fuck… TAGS: Mind control, manipulation, corruption, sleep sex, rape, blackmail, oyakodon

PinkCulture · Realistic
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111 Chs

PDS - Chapter 5 - The horny babysitter

Life returns to her face as she picks up from where she stopped.

"Yes, Ben?"

"You seem a bit distracted today, is everything alright?" Hehe, a perfect opening.

Katie sighs as she replies.

"I am fine, thank you. It's just that I have to go out today until tomorrow at noon and Hope will have to stay alone, something I am not comfortable with."

I nod at her words, showing that I understand her worries.

"Well, Hope is what? 18 now? She seems to be a sensible young lady, so I think it will be fine. I understand your worries though."

"Thank you, Ben, and yes, you are right. It's just that I never left her alone before at night so it is uncomfortable for me."

I nod again without replying. Time to see if the spray worked as intended. As the elevator doors open on the ground floor and we walk outside, Katie opens her mouth again.

"Uhm… Ben, can I ask you for a really big favor?"

I smile at her,

"Of course, Mrs. Lawrence. How can I help you?"

"Uhm… I know it is a lot to ask, but could you perhaps babysit my daughter for today?"

I deliberately show a look of shock on my face, before answering.

"Are you sure about this, Mrs. Lawrence? I mean, I don't mind helping you, but having a man babysit your daughter is a bit…"

"Please, Ben. I trust you. We have been living in your apartment for more than two years and you have been always polite and proper both with me and with my daughter. I know that my request is over the top, but of all those available now, you are the only person that I trust enough with this. Hope is a sensible girl and will not inconvenience too much. She can come to your house and spend the night on the couch. You don't have to babysit her in my apartment."

I sigh theatrically.

"Very well, Mrs. Lawrence, since you trust me and I can see how desperate you are, I will agree. There is no need for Hope to sleep on the couch, though, I have two extra bedrooms in the house, both with a private bath, she can just choose one. But will Hope agree?"

"Thank you! And don't worry about it, I will talk to her. Also, stop calling me Mrs. Lawrence, it makes me feel old. Just call me Katie."

This spray is AWESOME!

"All right Katie. Thank you for your trust."

We chat for a little bit while walking then we go our separate ways, with Katie promising that Hope will be coming to my house around four in the afternoon. As I walk around the block and make my way home again, I can not help the skip my steps…

I spend the time until Hope comes back from school cleaning up the house. I need to make a good impression here. When the time for Hope to return grows near, I move to my den and turn on the feeds in her house.

As expected, at 14:00 Hope comes home. Katie calls her to the living room and starts explaining the situation. I move the feed of the living room on the main screen and crank up the volume, then sit back and watch.

"Honey, Jack is sick and Lucy must go out of town today, so I will go and stay with him."

"Really? Is he ok? Can I come too?"

"He has got a very bad flu, honey. He will be all right, but it is best not to leave him alone tonight. Lucy will come back tomorrow at noon. And no, you cannot come with me, honey. I don't want you to get sick as well."

"Oh… all right mom, I understand. I will stay at home."

"Actually honey, I am not comfortable with leaving you alone as well, so I have arranged for a babysitter."

Hope throws a small tantrum, how cute…

"Come on, mom. I am eighteen! I am not a little kid. It's not like I will burn the house down!"

"Ahaha, you will always be a little kid to me, honey, and this is not up to discussion."

"Sigh, okay mom, at what time the babysitter will be here?"

"He is not coming here, you will go to his house, honey."

"Wait… he? Mom? Is the babysitter a man?"

Katie laughs at her reaction.

"Yes, honey, he is a man. You know him as well. I am talking about our landlord, Ben."

"What the hell mom? Ben might be a nice guy, but spending the night at his house? Hell, no."

Katie's tone turns to stern.

"Watch your language, young lady. Ben has helped us a lot. We pay less rent than the others, he doesn't mind if we skip paying a month, he didn't ask for a deposit, and he is always polite with us. Tell me honestly, did he ever make you feel uncomfortable? Did he ever tell you or did something to make you react this way?"

"…well… no… he didn't. he is always polite and never stares. But to spend the night in his house…"

"You know, Ben had the same doubts when I asked him to babysit you, and in the end agreed only on the condition that you are ok with it. Also, he has an extra bedroom with a private bathroom, so you will be comfortable. Just pack what you will need for school tomorrow, along with your clothes in a bag. I told him you will go up at four."

Hope can see that her mother is firm in her decision, so she meekly replies.

"Okay, mom…"

Afterward, she moves to her room to prepare.

Great! Phase one is completed. Katie will leave today and I have time until tomorrow morning to play with Hope. Hope is not really happy with the situation, but I am sure that things will improve with the help of the system.

I watch with interest as Hope packs a bag with her PJs and tomorrow's clothes and heads for the door.

C'mon, guys. I need your comments on the story so far!

Pretty please, with a nipple on top...

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