
Perverted Daddy System

“What the fuck? What is going on? Have I completely lost it?” As I stare panicky at the dot unable to decide what to do, the white dot disappears and a line of text appears in its place. [Installing files. 1% done…] As I watch the text in shock, the percentage gradually increases. […2%...3%...4%...] I move to the living room in a zombie-like manner, too shocked to think clearly and lie down on the couch. “Something is wrong with me; I think I finally lost my sanity…” […12%...13%...14%...] Unable to affect the situation in the least, I stare dejectedly at the percentage increase, while my mind starts exploring the possible explanations. In the end, as the percentage hits 90%, I narrow it down to three possibilities. The first possibility is that I am in fact still unconscious and this is all a product of my mind. I pinch myself and whimper at the pain, as in my nervousness I used almost all my strength. Nope, the first is out. The second possibility is that I have completely lost my mind and am suffering from delusions. Hmm, I cannot exclude this, but while possible, I don’t think that this is it. The only thing out of the ordinary is that fucking line of text. The third possibility … [Installation successful!] The text disappears and a new message appears in my eyes… The third possibility … is that I gained a system. I read the message with my mouth agape at the implications. [Welcome user, to the Perverted Daddy System!] Fuck… TAGS: Mind control, manipulation, corruption, sleep sex, rape, blackmail, oyakodon

PinkCulture · Realistic
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111 Chs

PDS – Chapter 30 – Mommy needs a man

"I… I don't know what you are talking about, Ben."

"Come on, now, Katie. We are all adults here, there is no need to be so reserved. I consider you my friend, and I truly believe that is best to have such things out in the open so we can deal with them without destroying our friendship. Or are you saying that it is all in my mind?"

"I… indeed, it is all in your mind, Ben. I never had such thoughts about you!"

I stand up from the armchair and seat myself on the sofa next to her. I look her in the eyes and reply softly.

"Really, Katie? Is this really only in my mind? Then look me in the eyes and tell me that you were not excited last time and that it is not the real reason you kicked me out."

With great effort, Katie raises her gaze and looks at me. I can see that she is slightly trembling.

"I… I was not…"

I move closer and bend forward slowly, my head nearing hers until my mouth is next to her ear, then I whisper to her.