
Personal Trainer


Axon_Valentine · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

I took a moment to consider the prospect, but I was feeling more and more hypnotized by her beauty, her prowess, and her apparent power. So I said yes, ready, or so I believed, for whatever would happen next.

"Good," she said again.

She walked across the room to the edge of the mat and turned back to face me, crossing her arms and tapping her foot again. "Well?" she said impatiently, looking me up and down. "You think we're gonna do this with you dressed like that?"

"No, I… I mean I'll go change."

"No you won't," she replied. "You'll strip."

"S… strip?" I repeated.

"Down to your underwear. Maybe next time you'll come prepared."

I sat down my things and nervously undid my belt and shirt, my heart pounding and thinking in my head that, yes, this certainly was unusual. I didn't protest though, my compliance driven by some mixture of curiosity, intimidation, a deeply misguided optimism, and the desire to please, and I followed her, nearly naked, onto the mats.

She was about my size, both in height and nearly so in mass, though naturally we were constructed a bit differently. I weighed things out and felt I had a pretty good shot, but the way she moved and seemed to prepare herself had me wondering. She did a few stretches and indicated for me to do the same, and then she clapped her hands and instructed me to get down on the mat.

"We'll start off light," she said, sticking her elbow into the mat and holding out her hand. "This much ought to be fairly simple," she said as I mirrored her and grasped her hand. "We're gonna arm wrestle, and if you win you get to keep wearing those briefs of yours for the rest of our session."

My stomach lurched and I almost did a double take. What had she said? She was unflinching as I looked into her eyes.

"If I win, you lose 'em, and you get a kick to the balls. Understand?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I realized I was nodding, and she gripped her fingertips against my hand. "Ready? Go!"

Immediately I was astonished by her strength. I flinched, keeping her from winning outright, and then I gasped and strained as I struggled to get our hands back to the middle. She didn't look at me, didn't look at our hands. In fact, she didn't seem to be looking anywhere, any more than she seemed troubled or put off by her efforts. She just cocked her head, and listened almost, as she put everything into her arm.

"Twenty-three! Twenty-four! … Twenty-five!" She dropped down and panted too, but she was obviously pleased with how well it had gone for her. A moment passed quickly, and then she sprang up and stepped across the room to the exercise ball.

"Come on," she said, still catching her breath, calling back at me. "Pay up."

I got to my feet and walked over to her, still abundantly conscious of my nudity, and when I reached her she pointed to her knees and with another stiff measure of humiliation I laid across them and waited. She shifted suddenly, bouncing on the ball, and my penis fell between her thighs, but she pinched them back together and bounced on the ball a little bit before beginning her work on my ass.

The sting of her palm hit my left cheek, and then my right, and she counted them off again as she went. I lurched and jerked with the first few smacks, my face probably turning as red as my rear, and I winced and let out a small grunt or two as she went on, going faster and faster as if sprinting to the end. When she was done she grabbed my ass firmly and squeezed before opening her legs and pushing me back to the floor.

"Wow," she laughed. "You're having a hard time, huh? We're just getting warmed up you know."

She got up and went to the side of the room, and I heard her unclip my water bottle from the strap of my duffel bag before coming back with it and her own. I had stood back up by the time she reached me, and when she handed me mine I raised it to her in a gesture of thanks. The cool, clean liquid splashed into my mouth, and I swallowed it down and breathed.

"Okay," she said, returning her bottle to a spot on the wall and checking the time on her phone before waving me over to join her. "Time for another challenge." She took me over to the pull-up bar and demonstrated the proper technique and where to put my hands, and then she quickly knocked out a set of 15, counting them off as she went. I couldn't help but marvel at her, at her physique but also her stamina and her energy. I watched her chest and the cascade of the muscles in her arms, and the way she held her legs.

As she dropped back to the floor she caught her breath and said, "If you can do the same you'll get to put your clothes back on. If not it's 25 sit-ups. Agreed?"

The punishment seemed simple enough, and certainly less embarrassing than the last two, so I agreed and got in position under the bar. I reached up and felt exposed again in my nudity, but in a way I was actually getting used to it. Somehow her strength and ability, and of course the intimate privacy of her space, gave me a security that made me feel enrobed by my nakedness.

I reached for the bar and hoisted myself up, and as I lowered down again she crossed her arms and started counting. "One!" she said loudly as I raised my chin to the bar, and as she went on I felt the strain become greater and greater. "Eleven! Come on! Twelve! Come on! Three more! Thir… Come on! Do it!"

I grunted as I dropped, unable to go on. I took a knee and squinted, my arms burning and feeling spent. I opened them again and she had her arms crossed triumphantly, and she smirked at me again and shook her head. "Twelve," she said. "Okay then, come on. 25 sit-ups."

She instructed me to lie down and coached me on the proper technique and telling me to keep my hands at my sides, but then to my surprise she swung her leg over my body and looked down at me. "Oh, and I forgot." She leaned down closer to my face. "I'm gonna squat over you while you do them, and on every one you're gonna come up and kiss my ass."

I was shocked as she turned around, and she stepped back a little and squatted about halfway down, placing her hands on her hips and cocking back her elbows. I looked up at her thick, muscular, and perfectly shaped ass as it descended towards me, and she barked, "Come on, I want my 25! Go!"

I sat up and kissed, the sweaty grey of her ass swinging into my face, and as it mashed against me she counted again. Again and again I raised my shoulders and strained to reach her, and she even taunted me by pulling away a few times, flexing her back ever so slightly at just the last moment.