
Persona's Chat Group

Some wounds never heal. That was the case with Kyo Ryuusuke as ever since he was a child, his parents had abused him both physically and mentally due to their twisted beliefs within the religious cults that they reside within. Years passed as he had been adopted by a new family and was now transferring into a highschool, though can he push away his past and live a normal life? That will certainly be a difficult challenge, especially as he now finds his life intertwined with the events of not only the Persona but also the existence of a Chat Group that expands across different existences.

EternalFreeze · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Phenomena






Kyo had just introduced himself to the class as he had calmly walked on over to the seat that he had just been assigned to, which was near the back and off to the side. He had already gotten everything finished with his transfer papers when he went to the principal's office, and it was there that he had been introduced to his new homeroom teacher.

Speaking of which, his homeroom teacher was a man who appeared to be around his early fifties or so, having faded black short black hair and wearing a rather professional suit. His name was Mr. Yamagura. He was, at this moment, standing at his desk and sorting out a few papers while he allowed them all to relax for the remainder of this period before classes officially start.

Kyo was honestly a bit uncomfortable as numerous students had instantly rushed on over to his desk and began asking him all kinds of questions, some that honestly made him question if they were right in the head, and some that were just outright creepy. Though, he didn't react much and answered a few in his monotone voice.

"Alright, that's enough. Stop making Ryuusuke uncomfortable!"

A small light scolding from Mr. Yamagura was enough to get the students that were surrounding him to stop their questions as they gave small nervous laughs. They then gave Kyo apologetic looks before heading back to their own areas and began conversing with others, allowing Kyo to get some breathing space.

"E-Excuse me...!" Kyo blinked as he turned his head to his right to see who had just called out to him. When he turned to see, he saw that the person that called out was the very same girl that he had helped out with the books in the hallway. She was seated at the desk beside him and gave him a smile. "Nice to see you again, I didn't expect to be in the same class."

"Yeah, nice to see you again..."

"Mm. So, your name is Ryuusuke Kyo, right?"

"Yeah. I guess I should introduce myself properly." Kyo voiced. His tone staying constantly emotionless as he stopped messing around with his bag as he turned to face his body towards her. "My name is Ryuusuke Kyo, nice to meet you. You can just call me Kyo if you want, I really don't mind at all."

"Ok then, Kyo!" The girl smiled brightly as she nodded her head. "My name is Dojima Nanako! Since I'm just calling you Kyo, then you can also just call me Nanako."

Kyo just responded with a simple nod of his head as both of them shook hands. They then proceeded to just talk about some simple things, mainly with Nanako deciding to fill Kyo in with a few simple details about the school. Basic rules as well as what the school has to offer, along with there being different clubs.

Though, Kyo wasn't really interested in clubs.


School continued on without anything special, Kyo had just gone through his classes with ease. The material that they were learning honestly wasn't as difficult as he had first thought it would be, though it wasn't like he was going to complain. If he could get through the classes without difficulty, then why would he complain?

It didn't take long at all as the school day soon came to an end, all of the students in the class had quickly packed away all of their belongings as well as taken whatever they needed from their lockers out and began making their way out. He had spoken to a number of people, though they were small conversations, so he couldn't really consider them friends.

More like acquaintances.

The only person he could really consider a friend right now was Nanako, she had taken the liberty to show him around the school after they had a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria. As well as that, she was now offering to walk home together after school. Apparently, she lived pretty close by to where he lived.

"You live on your own?"

"Yeah, my dad is back in Inaba. He said he'll be able to visit at some point, though I'm not exactly sure when that will be." Nanako responded to Kyo's question as they walked along the streets. "I-It's not difficult though! I can take care of myself just fine, though he was pretty worried about me living in the city by myself..."

"I see, that's good..."

"You know, you remind me of someone, Kyo." Nanako stated suddenly. Kyo blinked in confusion at this as he glanced at Nanako. "You act quite a bit like my big bro, he acts pretty quiet and has the same tone of voice that you do. I haven't seen him for a few years now, though we have spoken from time to time on the phone."

"You have an older brother?"

"W-Well, he isn't actually my brother, he's my cousin... I just ended up getting used to calling him big bro." Nanako gave a small giggle as she had a flushed look on her face. "He came to live with us for a bit in Inaba quite a few years ago..."

"I see..." Kyo just blinked as he listened to her. As they continued walking, Kyo blinked once again in confusion as he suddenly stopped and looked ahead. From what he could see, there appeared to be a rather large crowd that was staring at something. "What's going on?"

"I don't know... let's go see!"

Kyo blinked when Nanako began running over towards the crowd, though he soon began chasing after her. The closer they got, Kyo could see that the crowd was looking at what looked to be just a simple empty block that had yet to have anything built onto it. Nothing really out of the ordinary, though the crowd seemed to disagree.

"Isn't this where..."

"People are going missing around here and now this?"

"How is this possible... an entire building vanishing?"

"What do they mean?" Kyo wondered as he heard the conversations that were going on. From what he heard, it seemed that there have been some kind of disappearances with people. Though, the last one seemed to confuse him, how in the world would a building just up and vanish like that? It made no sense. "Missing people?"

"Yeah... there have been reports of people around here that have been missing for a while now." Nanako voiced with worry as Kyo looked at her in confusion. Seeing this, she further explained. "No one knows how, but eight people so far have been missing. They were all last seen here, but now a building is gone too..."

"How long?"

"Uh... I guess maybe since three days ago."

"Hmm..." Kyo muttered as he narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew for a fact that people don't just disappear for no reason, there had to be some kind of cause. If what they were saying about a building disappearing was true, then that just made it weirder. "It could be a kidnapping... though, that doesn't explain the building..."

"I agree, it's strange..."

Kyo continued to stare at the empty block, though he widened his eyes slightly when he saw something suddenly appear at the centre of the block. Narrowing his eyes, he could see that it looked like some kind of tear in space. It didn't seem to suck in anything and just stayed there suspended in the air.

"D-Do you see that, Kyo?" Nanako stuttered as she unconsciously stepped behind Kyo. He just responded with a nod, it seemed that he wasn't the only one that noticed the strange phenomenon. Kyo then looked around at the crowd and noticed something rather bizarre...

"It doesn't seem that anyone else can..."

"What's going on...?" Nanako muttered in a concerned tone as she looked around at the crowd. They were all still talking as if nothing was happening, to which they all soon began walking away to do their own business, leaving only Nanako and Kyo at the scene. Kyo then proceeded to walk towards the rift. "K-Kyo!"

Kyo didn't respond as he stopped in front of it and tried to look inside, but nothing could be seen. It was just a still array of different colours. This was something that he could only imagine seeing in things like games, but this was real life. Kyo continued to examine the tear from all side as Nanako came over and began doing the same.

"I wonder what it is..."

"It looks like some kind of tear in space, though how that's possible, I don't know..." Kyo responded to Nanako as he tried different things. He blew into it to see if anything would happen, but nothing. He then picked up a rock before tossing it in, to which it completely disappeared. "Gone... no sign of it anymore..."

"M-Maybe we should lea-!"

Nanako was going to say something, but the two were caught off guard when the tear started to shift and began to suck in air at an incredible force. They both tried to keep themselves planted on the ground, but were losing ground as they began sliding forwards. It didn't take long before the two were lifted off their feet and sucked in.
