
Persona's Chat Group

Some wounds never heal. That was the case with Kyo Ryuusuke as ever since he was a child, his parents had abused him both physically and mentally due to their twisted beliefs within the religious cults that they reside within. Years passed as he had been adopted by a new family and was now transferring into a highschool, though can he push away his past and live a normal life? That will certainly be a difficult challenge, especially as he now finds his life intertwined with the events of not only the Persona but also the existence of a Chat Group that expands across different existences.

EternalFreeze · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Kyo Ryuusuke

Just a quick introductory chapter to get the story kicking off.






"Big brother, are you going to school now?"

"Yeah, I left you breakfast on the table. Make sure to clean up afterwards, mom and dad should be back in an hour or so to drive you to school."

A rather monotone and emotionless voice responded to a more energetic one inside what appeared to be a decently large modern house. The one that had responded appeared to be a male around the age of sixteen while the other was a boy who appeared to be around the age of seven, the older one having a constant neutral expression on his face.

The older male was none other than Kyo Shojama, well, now known as Kyo Ryuusuke. He had been adopted into this new family for around two years now, the reasons for doing so being rather personal. Though, the family that had adopted him were incredibly nice and treated him as if he was their own son.

Kyo was a decently tall male with a lean yet defined figure, he trained quite a bit so he had quite the bit of muscle, though not huge muscles. His were more compact and strong, not large and strong. At the current time, he had just finished his own breakfast and was now wearing his uniform for the new school he was going to be attending.

His uniform was pretty simple, it consisted of a simple white dress shirt underneath a fancy royal blue jacket that had the zipper undone, he also had on a pair of sleek black long pants and black leather shoes. Around his right bicep was also what appeared to be a silver band that was strapped securely to him.

Finally, he had a black satchel that was hanging from his right shoulder.


[Appearance: Kyo Image]


Kento Ryuusuke was his younger brother, the younger brother that he got upon having been adopted into the family. Kento wore a very simple set of clothes right now, just consisting of a decently tight white t-shirt along with a simple pair of black shorts. Kento was an elementary student, and his school didn't make him wear a uniform, so the students could wear what they wanted.

Both Kento and Kyo had fair skin, along with Kento also being pretty lean like Kyo, though just without the muscles that Kyo had. Unlike Kyo, Kento had black straight hair along with a pair of yellow eyes, which was pretty interesting. Though, people being born with unusual hair and eye colours were not uncommon nowadays.

"Okay! But, why are you going to school so early?"

"Transfer papers. I need to sign them myself before school starts." Kyo responded with his emotionless tone as he began walking towards the door. He then opened it before turning to look back at Kento, who had just taken a seat at the dining table. "Remember what I told you before, make sure to clean up. See you after school."

"Okay, have a fun time!"

Kento waved farewell to Kyo as the boy closed the door.

With that, Kyo began making his way to school. It wasn't far away, so walking was really no issue to him at all. Plus, that would mean that he didn't need to pay for things like public transport every single day and he didn't need to get his parents to drive him every day either. If he were to estimate, the walk would only take like twenty or so minutes. If he ran, he could get it down to five if he wanted.


It didn't take long before Kyo had finally made it to his new school, which he was now looking up at it with his emotionless look as the other students walked by him. It seemed that a number of other students got to school early on the daily basis, probably to either get something done regarding school work. Maybe some clubs started early in the morning or something too.

The school itself was quite large, which wasn't surprising since the school had quite the reputation. While it wasn't as crazy prestigious as a number of other schools, the school was still on the high-end due to its great education and opportunities. Not like Kyo really came mainly for those reasons, he just got into the school since it was the closest to the house.

Kyo then began walking in after readjusting his bag as he had his left hand in his pocket as the other held onto the strap of his satchel. He glanced his eyes around at the school grounds without much interest at all as he passed by a few students that were walking, he noticed a few giving him looks, especially females, though he ignored them as he continued walking.

'I wasn't even told where the principal's office was...' Kyo frowned slightly as he thought this, he had just entered the main building. How were they expecting him to find the place without giving him directions? The only thing he could do was ask someone... Kyo never found himself to be the most social person, he only talked more around his family, and even that wasn't as much as it should be.

Kyo looked around before blinking when he saw a girl on the ground picking up a number of books that were scattered all over the ground, which he assumed must have been hers, who else could they have been? He doubted a student would just leave their books on the ground and run off somewhere else without them.

Kyo walked on over silently before crouching down and helping the girl pick up the books, the girl was surprised by his sudden appearance as she stared at him in surprise. She just watched as Kyo picked up the books gently before standing up, to which she did the same. Kyo the looked at her before handing the books over to her.

"Th-Thank you...!" The girl stuttered a bit at the start as she took hold of the books. Kyo just gave a small nod in response as she then gave a small nervous and embarrassed giggle. "I accidentally dropped them when I was getting them out of my locker... thank you for helping me. I have seen you before though, are you new?"

"Yeah, transferring in today."

"Oh, I see! Welcome to Yushouen High School!"

Now that they stood in front of one another, Kyo could get a good look at her. She had fair skin along with a lean build, her chest was a bit on the small side but was probably developing. She had long neat light brown hair that reached down to her waist along with having a small high ponytail tied on either side of her head.

The girl's attire consisted of the standard school uniform. She had on the same white dress shirt and jacket as he did but was wearing a black short skirt along with black leather uwabaki shoes, and she had on white long socks as well. The girl also had on the same silver band that he had on as well, meaning she was a second-year as well.

"I actually moved here to the city not too long ago, I've actually only been here for a year since I was going to attend school here." The girl stated as Kyo just listened with his neutral expression the entire time. "I suppose we'll be seeing each other quite a bit now. You're transferring into the second year, right? With the silver band and all."


"Where are you heading now then?"

"I was going to ask if you could tell me where the principal's office was."

"Hm? Oh, don't worry. You just need to walk down the hallway then go to the right and head straight to the end. It'll be the last door." The girl explained as she pointed towards the hallway that Kyo could see had a number of doors leading to different classrooms. Kyo nodded his head before walking down the hall.


"H-Hope you enjoy your stay here!" The girl quickly said as she watched Kyo walk away. Her expression holding curiosity as she stared at him, and she had to admit that he was pretty good-looking as well. He was better looking than many of the models she had seen on TV. She blushed when she realised what she was thinking as she shook her head. "I didn't get his name..."
