
Character Sheet with OCs

Ryuzen Kenjo

Ryuzen Kenjo learned the skills of a blacksmith from his father at a young age. Since then, he has always been fascinated by the effect heat has on metal and thus became a passionate blacksmith. Being a quiet fellow he only talks when necessary and rather through words he speaks through his actions. If you tell him a secret, he will carry it to his grave. The only one who can make him submit is his wife whom he loves dearly.

Yoko Kenjo

Yoko Kenjo is the head of the Kenjo household: What she says is the law but rather through brute force she uses her social skills and persistence to reach her goals. She and her husband complement each other and because of that, they are a perfect fit for each other. What worries her is her son's wish to become a Ninja: She has seen plenty of families crying over loved ones during the First Ninja War. But she still tries to be her family's supporting pillar.

Takumi Kenjo

Takumi Kenjo is the main character of this story. Many of his friends find him to be quite the mature child but unknown to them, he possesses the memories of a past life. These memories led to his decision of wanting to change the Naruto world for the better and the first step to this is to become a strong Ninja - A goal which he will try to reach through hard work, out-of-the-box thinking and technical skills from his past life. While he heavily frowns upon unnecessary violence due to his past life's memories, he admits that violence is the best temporary solution to an urgent problem in the world of Ninjas.

Gin Uzumaki

Gin Uzumaki is an experienced Uzushiogakure Jonin who has often seen the ugly side of human nature over his career. Nonetheless, he's still a friendly fellow who is willing to help his teammates and students because he trusts them. His recent life got a bit busy after the Uzumaki Clan Head ordered him to teach a newly established Genin Team with a foreign Genin from Konoha.

Haruto Uzumaki

Haruto Uzumaki is a cheerful extrovert who likes to share his happiness with others. His charismatic nature leads to him having many acquaintances but only a handful are considered to be his true friends. The most recent addition to this very exclusive group would be Takumi Kenjo after they had together finished their Jonin teacher's test.

Miyuki Minowa

Miyuki Minowa is the definition of a prim and proper lady: Her childhood friend Haruto Uzumaki jokingly calls her the reason someone invented the expression Yamato Nadeshiko. While she is strict, she also has a kind and caring side to her only a few know of. Contrarily to her strong and unshakable appearance she, like all children, has many insecurities, especially regarding her biological parents who sadly passed away after her birth. Due to this unfortunate circumstance, she since has lived with her unmarried maternal aunt who tries her best to provide her niece the necessary love of a parent.