
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Tyler's POV

We both slide into the kitchen dressed in only the lounge pants we wore the night before. The dreaded walk of shame in my in laws house no less. I can't help myself, I have to touch him. My hands coming around his waist as he opens the back door. I love the feel of his tight skin over his well built muscles there. His skin is soft and hot against my palms. My eyes meet first Jerry's less than impressed scowl then flit over to both of my mothers. They stare between the two of us with a smile playing at their lips. As if we just walked in after they were discussing us, and they probably were. We never came home last night. Even if we were only in the treehouse.

"Morning" I mumble because it's polite to greet people, it's what I've been taught to do but it's far from what I want to do, I want to go upstairs and forget about the people sat here. I want to lose myself in Callum all over again. But I don't. I let my hands drop from Callum's body reluctantly sighing into his neck.

"Morning Tyler" Carla and my mother say at the same time as Callum walks away from me to sit opposite Jerry leaving the only chair available next to him. Of course he'd make me draw the short straw. And by the look on his face he's more than happy to be sat next to Carla.

I take my seat silently reaching for the already made toast. I slather a large dollop of butter on it as Carla starts peppering Callum with questions.

"Morning Callum, how are you this morning?".

"All good ma'am".

"So where did you get to last night?" I smile down at my toast. She knows exactly where and what we were doing and I'm pretty sure she knows it was his first time, I remember her questioning Zach and I similarly the night he first took me. Maybe it's mother intuition or maybe the house and surrounding building are laced with secret cameras, which I wouldn't put past her. Or it could just be they've heard something but it's uncanny how she knows when to do this.

"Treehouse ma'am" I smile that he's still so formal with them, it's been what? Eight months since he first met them?.

"Please I think we surpassed the formalities Callum".

"Carla" he says her name. Carla pats his arm with a warm smile and I scrutinise him as he tenses. Does he not like people touching him? I chew on a bit of toast as I think over this. He always jumped whenever I touched him but I thought that was because I'm a man and he opposed to it. Maybe I'm reading far to deeply into his behaviour here at the table whilst he's half naked and post first time sex with a man, but something tells me he has a problem with anyone touching him. Without permission of course because he didn't fucking jump at all last night.

Not that I'm going to investigate, if he wants me to know he will tell me eventually.

"Any news?" I ask Jerry to distract myself. Half fucking naked. It wouldn't take much to have him fully naked again. Maybe underneath me this time.

"Not much, his tracker was turned off remotely and there's a block or something on it. Marks trying to figure out the code to gaining access. His goal

is to turn it on just long enough to get their location without the people knowing he tampered with it" in the shower? Over the kitchen table. Fuck I need to stop thinking about it.

I nod to Jerry as if I were really listening. So someone did turn it off. That someone has to be Henry or someone he knows surely. It can't be a coincidence?.

"How was your night Tyler?" Carla asks as she pours me a cup of coffee adding creamer until it resembles the perfect fucking cup of coffee, as always. I never expect anything less from her.

"Interesting mom" she smiles up at me and Callum frowns.

"How so darling?" I laugh, does she seriously expect me to answer that question.

"It's good to see your smile" she says more forlorn. All this is a show. I know how she must be feeling, she hides it well but she's probably frantic inside. Zach has always been her baby even as we've grown into adults.

"He'll be home soon mom".

"I know" she looks up to Jerry then with misty eyes. Does she know something I don't? Did he just lie to me?.

"Kelsie's coming today. She'd love to see you".

"Sure mom" I turn to my mom at the head of the table. She looks like she hasn't slept a wink in days. Maybe this is affecting her just as badly as it is the rest of us. I reach out my hand to squeeze hers reassuringly.

I'm not used to being the pillar of strength, I've always left that for Zach to be. He's always so cool and calm and in control. It just always seemed fit he be our strength. That and I feel things differently, I'm to emotional according to him.

"Thank you for breakfast love" Jerry excuses himself from the table motioning for Callum to go with him.

"Come Callum, a word".

"Sir" I grind my teeth that Callum has so much respect for Jerry. I mean sure he looks the damn part but he really isn't the man he portrays himself to be.

"Well someone's going to get the talk" Carla says standing up from the table clearing away the used plates.

"So how was it?" My mother asks me as my mouth falls wide open at Carlas statement. The talk. He's nearly twenty nine, I'm sure he doesn't need the talk.


"What? A mother can't ask how your first time with someone is".

"What the fuck mom?".

"Language Tyler Mason, besides come on you never told me about Zach either".

"I'm not answering that questions, it's private mom. Jesus".

"Don't use the lords name in vein child".

"Mom, please just never. Ever ask that again. It's none of your business".

She holds her hands up looking over to Carla smiling. What the type of game are these two up too?.


"I'm gonna go save Callum's ass".

"Language" they both say in unison. I would stick around to apologise but I feel far to hot and flustered. To embarrassed to be in the same room as both of my mothers. So I exit the kitchen with the half eaten bit of toast that was in my hand. I bring it to my mouth as I hear Jerry talking to Callum.

"So you've decide to stick around for good then?".

"Sir. I plan to be but I can't predict the future. Anything could happen between us".

"I suppose I should be glad you waited it out to make sure you had feelings before jumping into bed with them" there's a long stretch of silence, so he warned Callum off of us. But he's been fucking Violet for ages. Is that why he thinks so badly of himself. Is it Jerry planting the seed of doubt in his mind?.

I wouldn't put it past him.

"My sons like you Callum. I won't pretend to agree with or understand their .... Weird and complicated love life. I can't say I'm pleased at all actually. I had only just gotten used to the fact my son was in a long term relationship with his only childhood friend. Did you know they've been together twenty years come February".

"I didn't".

"I'm sure Tyler's been in love with my son for much longer than that. He's always looked at him with love struck eyes".

"I could imagine that" I walk along behind them as they near Jerry's office. Making sure not to be heard, I shouldn't listen in on a conversation so private but I've also never heard my father in law talk so lovingly about either of us.

"You'll do well to remember not to break their hearts. I heard the news last night and how you took it. I'm not very happy with your less than frosty reception".

"I've never wanted a child sir".

"That may be but you dipped your wick and there is one so you need to get over that adversary before she's back. I'm very fond of my daughter in law and I would hate to see her hurt because one of her ..... boyfriends doesn't want her child" they enter his office so I stand outside planted to the wall beside the door. I find it ironic that I used to do this when I was a child too.

"I understand sir".

"Do you?. You don't sound very convincing son".

"I know I'll have to step up. I just need a few days to accept the fact I'm going to be a father. Well at least partly" I sigh silently. He really didn't want children. I wish we had spoken about this before.

"Well I'm sure you have long enough to sort your head out. Anyway we've started to search his properties overseas. I have three teams so we should know his hide out within days and they should be home soon after that. It's been far to long as it is".

"Will we be flying out to get them?".

"Yes, the authorities are involved so wherever they are is where they'll be taken to hospitals" I listen intently as one of them sits down, the leg chairs scraping slightly on the hard wood floor. They could be home within days. This nightmare is nearly over?.

Thank fuck for that!

Just the thought of having them home. Having Zach home has my chest squeezing and my gut churning. I hate to think of what Henry is subjecting them to. I have no doubt it's horrific for the both of them, especially Violet.

He's already shown what lengths he would go to just to have her.

He did it in our home no less. The place, at least I think, she felt safe in.

According to her shrink she hadn't spoken for a number of years prior to coming to us. A coping mechanism for the abuse she suffered apparently. Point blank refusing solely based on the fact that he was abusing her. Control I think. That was her control. And though Violet is adamant that he never touched her past ejaculating on her, her shrink believes she's just shut it out. She doesn't believe that Violet was a virgin when she came to us. Which I strongly disagree with. She bled when Zach fucked her but even with that information her shrink believes she has hidden the bad parts of her life in a compartmentalised box inside her head. Before all this shit though Violet was getting better. She still had anxiety and panic attacks of course but she was starting to build the confidence to leave our home alone. She even called off Callum as her body guard. She was moving forward creating a way, her own way, to live a normal life that she, up until coming to us, never had.

"May I ask you something Callum?".

"Of course sir".

"What made you want to be part of their relationship. What calls you to be part of such.... A thing".

"Violet Sir".

"Just her?".

"No of course I like Tyler and Zach but I wouldn't have even entertained the idea if I didn't fall head of heels in love with her when she was dead beneath my hands".

"I suppose such a life altering event would do that to someone" Jerry laughs to himself. He doesn't believe that and neither do I.

"I was in love with her long before that but I was ignoring it sir".

"Whats so special about her?".

"Her spirit, well for me at least".

"Yes. Yeah I can see that. She is very spirited".

"Will that be all sir?".

"Yes, yes go. Sorry I've kept you for so long" I scramble to move away from the wall not wanting to be caught eavesdropping on their conversation but I'm caught by strong hands on my shoulders before I get even halfway down the hall.

"How long have you been hidden out here?" Callum whispers into my ear. A chill goes down my spine. The good type of chill. The one that would normally surface when I knew I'd done something wrong and Zach was gonna punish me before I got my reward, before he fucked me. Can I have that with Callum to?.

"Long enough" I murmur hoping to anger Callum just a little. Hoping that he's the type of lover I expect he is and I'm not disappointed because he demands in a hushed whisper that I get my arse upstairs and that's exactly what I do. Leaping the steps two by two until we are on the third floor of the house entering Zach's room whilst simultaneously making out like a pair of teenagers unable to keep our hands off each other.