
Chapter 6

Alex's POV

" Good news doctor Lee, " I exclaimed as I entered his office after knocking.

Doctor Lee chuckled seeing me so happy, " and what might that be" he said.

" Regan has agreed to come with me!" I informed him with a beaming smile on my face but his smile faded.

He sighed, " Ah child, I know you wish to help him but I think after the incident of this morning we should not leave him alone with you for safety matters." He said with concerns in his voice.

" Don't worry, he is not going to hurt me, I know this." I said still with a small smile.

" And how can you say that dear." He asked again while rubbing his temples.

' because his eyes say so ' I thought to say this but I can't.

" I don't know anything, you said I can take him home, now you can't retreat." I said using a regression for the first time ever while pouting.

He started laughing seeing me like that, " Seems like I can't win from you, *sigh* alright but make sure to be cautious and don't let him out of your sight ever."

" He is in safe hands Doctor" I said in a serious voice.

" Aish such a bipolar " Dr. Lee said while I just exited his office laughing at his comment.

The day then went by peacefully to my surprise, Regan didn't wished to leave me so he kept following, not that I mind, because he seems to be evaluating my behavior while staring at me.

It was 5:30 in the evening when I decided to call it a day, " Ahh! Such a long day " I said stretching my arms on my office chair while Regan is still looking at me, " so are you ready to come to my house?" I asked him to be sure because when he agreed to me he was under a lot of cognitive stress.

He didn't say anything just looked down as if thinking about what I just said.

" Look I am not forcing you if you feel like staying he-" I said after sighing but was cut off by his deep voice.

" No, I want to go with you. " He said with firm determination looking into my eyes, I was silent and lost in his eyes.

Realising that I just dazed off I came out of my stance and said,

" alright then I will just pack my things, while you can go and get your stuffs like clothes and all." I stood up , he nodded and was about to leave when I thought I must not leave him alone so I stopped and told him we will go together to which he just nodded.

We reached his room and he took his important things and came out to me.

" Ready to go? " I said and he again nodded. I sighed and said, " you know Regan, " he looked at my face, " you have a beautiful voice, I think you must use it more often. " I continued and I swear I saw him blush and smile.

" Okay " he said and I smiled too. When I reached my car he put his bag in the car's trunk. I was about to sit but I saw doctor Lee coming towards us.

" Alex child take care of him " he said and I assured him everything is going to be okay. He talked with Regan to but he just nodded or shook his head as if he was being asked some retorical questions.

He then got into the passenger seat and Doctor Lee turned to me, " Alex, I wish that we can solve Regan's case so I am giving you work offs, it's gonna be paid you have to just focus on Regan and make sure he is recovering, in case of any emergency we will call you."

" Alright, I will do my best, fighting!" I said with a thumbs up and took the driver seat and left with Regan.

The ride was silent so I decided to play some music maybe we can have Regan react in some way, put a vague song which my cousin saved in my pen drive, it was a rock song so I changed it, the process continued cause there were only rap or rock songs.

I sighed , " Regan can you please take out another pen drive from that safe ?"

" Do you really wish to hear a song?" He questioned.

" Yes, but as you see these all are just rock ones, not like I hate them but I feel like hearing a slow and sweet song right now. " I said focusing on the road.

" I.........I can......" He stuttered.

" You can what? " I asked him looking at him briefly.

" I can .....sing, if you want to listen." He said being all shy.

" Really, then I am all ears." I said a bit excited.

" Hmm okay " he said looking down, " but it's been a while so.."

" Don't worry, one number priority of a psychologist is to be non-judgemental. " I said making him assure that I won't judge him.

" Everytime the same....

Nothing seems to be changing since I left that place, I use to call home....

world was on one side and me alone on the other side.....

maybe waiting for you to come and see me, embrace me and love me in my heart you reside ......but I never knew how you look but seeing you now I realize, what heaven looks like in front of you.....''

He ended the song and looked at me because I stopped the car. I smiled at him and said, " that was beautiful and so pure. " He smiled too, " what's the name of this song?"

" I didn't name it.....

..........I wrote it few days back." He said looking down.

" Wow I am amazed you can sing so well and write too. " I was shocked but still people as such exist so, why can't he be.

" Why did you stop the car? " He said looking at me.

" Oh well that's because we are here. I live in that house. " I said pointing to my house.

" You are rich." I laughed at his statement.

" Actually it's not me who is rich. It my father he is actually an ambassador in Japan. He bought me this house when I moved to USA." I said and get out of the car so did Regan.

" Then why do you work?" He asked me.

" Hmm I have a reason for it. " I said while opening the trunk of car.

" What reason?" He asked me.

" I will tell you when you tell me some things I wanna know. " I said looking at him and he stiffened hearing me.

" Don't worry I won't force you to tell me, it's up to you whenever you feel like telling me I am here to hear you. " I said took out his stuff and headed towards my house with him following behind me.

He was looking down at the ground .

' seems like whatever it is , is quite extreme and intense to make him go all dull '