
A tense confrontation

Manel and Lara found solace in each other's company as they whiled away the time in Zurich Farben Pub. The atmosphere was cozy, the dimmed lights lending a warm ambiance to their conversation. Manel couldn't help but steal a glance at Lara, his cheeks flushing slightly as she met his gaze.

They had entered a world of tranquility amidst the cacophony of Zurich, and for a while, they lost themselves in the moment. The dining patrons around them, engaged in their own conversations, seemed oblivious to the unfolding drama in Manel's life. The stresses of their recent adventures had temporarily faded into the background, replaced by a comforting sense of camaraderie.

However, their respite was short-lived. Abruptly, the air in the pub turned glacial as the door swung open, and three hooded figures burst in. Amidst the sudden chaos, they strode purposefully towards Manel and Lara, their menacing presence sending shivers down the spines of the patrons who now turned to watch the unsettling scene.

One of the figures, positioned directly in front of Manel and Lara, demanded, "Where is the package?"

Lara, never one to back down, met the figure's menacing tone with her own unwavering response. "What package are you talking about?"

The figure leaned in closer, his voice dripping with menace. "Answer my question, and don't test my patience. If you provoke me..."

"We don't know anything about the package you're referring to," Lara asserted firmly.

Manel, bolstered by Lara's courage, joined in. "Release us. We've already told you that we have no knowledge of any cursed package."

As the tense standoff continued, the figure unleashed his anger. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm the one who does the shouting here."

In the midst of this confrontation, a voice from an adjacent room called out, "Come on, Grizzly Growl, let's leave them here for a while until the boss arrives; he'll make them talk."

Agreeing, the figure, now named "Eagle Beak," said, "Alright, 'Bec d'Àliga,' this is about to get interesting."

Manel seized a moment of distraction to discreetly free himself from the ropes binding him. With nimble fingers, he then liberated Lara from her restraints. Waiting for an opportune moment, they slipped away from their captors and into the shadows.

As they made their hasty escape, Manel couldn't help but wonder if it had been too easy. He leaned towards Lara and whispered, "Lara, don't you think it was too simple to break free?"

Lara responded in hushed tones, "Don't worry, Manel. They're probably so inept that they can't even tie a proper knot."

Manel nodded, appreciating the reassurance. "Well, you're right, Lara; at this point, it doesn't matter."

With the echoes of their daring escape still resonating in their minds, they knew that their perilous journey was far from over, and the mysteries surrounding the package had only deepened.